Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 90721 to 90740 «453345344535453645374538453945404541Next ›Last » College axed chief officer role ‘in line with leadership review’ No replacement for the £140,000 packaged post. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/1/2017 News Chief of Police suggests freezing share of council tax Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe wants the portion of Council Tax bills spent on policing to remain unchanged for the coming year. Stratford Observer 10/1/2017 News Why can Police Scotland charge paedophiles over sex texts but officers in England can’t asks charity Police still cant charge people with sending sexual communications to children in England and Wales as government hasn't set start date for new law Third Force News 10/1/2017 News Union concern over police pay assessments The union which represents police officers has questioned a new pay assessment system. The Gazette (Blackpool) 10/1/2017 News X-rated emoji guide shared by police to warn parents of sexting youths Failing to recognise sexting codes could lead to parents missing clues their children are being groomed, a police force has warned. Metro 10/1/2017 News Violence in the name of ‘honour’ is a public health problem not a cultural one A tendency to label “honour” related violence – committed under the pretext of defending the supposed honour of a family or community – as a cultural issue rather than a crime can do more harm than good says Sadiq Bhanbhro, Researcher on Public Health and Gender-Based Violence, Sheffield Hallam University The Conversation 10/1/2017 Feature, Opinion Lecturer in Criminal Justice Salary: £34,956 to £51,260 per annum. Closes: 30th January, 2017 Queen's University Belfast 10/1/2017 Jobs Want to fix gun violence in America? Go local. Half of America's gun homicides in 2015 were clustered in just 127 cities and towns, according to a new geographic analysis by the Guardian, even though they contain less than a quarter of the nation’s population. The Guardian 10/1/2017 Analysis, Feature Remember policing and crime commissioners? Years on and they’re still failing The author, Alexander Shea, is training as a barrister in civil liberties and policing law. He also writes on planning law. 10/1/2017 Feature, Opinion Police force makes £1.5MILLION by flogging at knock down prices on EBAY designer goods they have seized from criminals Leicestershire Police selling off Rolexs, cars, handbags and designer shoes Mail Online 10/1/2017 News Keir Starmer gagged in Commons debate on victims’ law Parliamentary rules mean Labour MP and former DPP cannot take part despite leading role in strengthening policing and crime bill The Guardian 10/1/2017 News Police help parents crack the code of teenage sexting The acronyms glossary posted on Facebook by police attracted derision on social media The Times - Subscription at source 10/1/2017 News Campaigners launch legal challenge to ‘snoopers’ charter’ BBC 10/1/2017 News Greater Manchester Police awarded for use of camera technology Greater Manchester Police has become one of the first police forces to be awarded by the Government for its use of body worn cameras. Rochdale Online 9/1/2017 News Greater Manchester Mayor Tony Lloyd launches mental health review An independent review of how people with mental health issues are treated in the criminal justice system has been commissioned by Tony Lloyd, Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner. Rochdale Online 9/1/2017 News HMIC inspection of North Yorkshire Police North Yorkshire Police is a good force. HMIC has not identified any causes of concern and therefore has made no specific recommendations. North Yorkshire OPCC 9/1/2017 Report Different tack: PCC says it’s time to decriminalise drugs The sight of drug addicts huddled in the shadows or of streets littered with used syringes is hardly a vision of utopia. After 30 years as a police officer, rising through the ranks to inspector, Arfon Jones, now Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, has plenty of first-hand experience seeing the ravages of drug use on both individuals and local communities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/1/2017 Interview, Opinion Direct entry: Moving into policing as a leader and a learner What is it like to be a Direct Entry Superintendent? Maggie Blyth offers her thoughts on what the scheme can offer, and her experiences as a new entrant to policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/1/2017 Opinion UK national security in a digital world inquiry launched The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy launches inquiry into cyber security. 9/1/2017 Report Britain launches cybersecurity inquiry to look the threats facing the country The British government said on Monday it is launching a national inquiry into cyber security to assess the extent to which the UK is protected from an ever-increasing tide of attacks worldwide. Business Insider 9/1/2017 News «453345344535453645374538453945404541Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events