Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 90621 to 90640 «452845294530453145324533453445354536Next ›Last » New code to ban consensual searches as children and vulnerable given special billing Police stop-and-search powers must be 'necessary, proportionate and lawful', according to a new code of practice published by the Scottish government. Police Professional 13/1/2017 News Draft Budget Settlement Report to Police and Crime Panel This paper informs the PCP on the draft budget and precept being considered Option A – To increase council tax by 1.9% Option B – To maintain council tax at the 2016-17 level Wiltshire OPCC 13/1/2017 Report Wiltshire’s Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2010-21 The MTFS assumes a 1.4% cash reduction in central funding in each of the years up to 2020. Wiltshire OPCC 13/1/2017 Report New crackdown on corporate economic crime A call for evidence seeks views on whether further reform is needed to combat corporate criminality, following fraudulent, dishonest activity by some banks and other commercial organisations. 13/1/2017 News What the papers say: When is a hate crime not a hate crime? Amber Rudd’s speech on foreign workers at the Tory party conference has been reported to police as a hate crime. The Oxford professor who made the complaint said he took issue with what he described as the Home Secretary’s discrimination against workers from overseas. The Spectator 13/1/2017 Analysis, Feature Hillsborough: CPS to consider whether to prosecute 23 ‘suspects’ Files of evidence on criminal allegations relating to 23 individuals involved in the Hillsborough disaster have been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Police Professional 13/1/2017 News Police should need warrants to search mobile phones, say campaigners Privacy group argues that increasingly routine practice is inadequately regulated given information on phones The Guardian 13/1/2017 News Hillsborough police could face charges The police match commander on the day of the Hillsborough disaster and a former chief constable have been referred to prosecutors over the deaths of 96 fans and an alleged cover-up. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News Clear vision for custody set out in first national strategy Chief Constable Nick Ephgrave said the document should ensure greater consistency. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News ‘Forensic toolbox’ for CBRN crime being developed Funded by the European Commission the group of 21 partners is exploring innovative wa sto make forensic investigation faster, safer and more efficient. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News Cumbria police are dealing with potentially hundreds of sexual abuse victims Cumbria's chief constable has revealed his force is dealing with potentially hundreds of victims of sexual abuse - and alleged offences going back 30 years. News & Star 13/1/2017 News Companies face criminal charges over staff fraud Company boards will become criminally liable if they fail to stop their staff from committing fraud under proposals to toughen the approach to white-collar crime to be outlined today. The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News Photos are a giveaway for fingerprint fraudsters Scientists have said that the quality of smartphone cameras had reached the level where fingerprints that can trick biometric security devices can be obtained from photographs The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News Police should need warrants to search mobile phones, say campaigners Privacy group argues that increasingly routine practice is inadequately regulated given information on phones The Guardian 13/1/2017 News Police need to drop ‘boss knows best’ leadership, says Met contender Modernisation requires debate over what forces should prioritise in face of changing crime, says Sara Thornton The Guardian 13/1/2017 News National Strategy for Police Custody Police Custody is a fundamental element of policing and it remains of significant national interest. Recent developments in the service’s approach to topics such as mental health and children in custody and the current Independent Review on Deaths and Serious Incidents in Police Custody have served to maintain the high profile nature of this essential activity. Custody practice is well regulated and legislated, however despite the national interest in its use and development, there has not hitherto been an overall vision for developing the national custody provision in light of the challenges and opportunities that policing will face over the next few years. The National Custody Strategy aims to fill this gap, and provide a simple vision for Police Custody based on six principles. [PDF] National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/1/2017 Report New national strategy for police custody Police chiefs have developed a set of nationally consistent principles to complement existing legislation and guidance and help forces ensure that they are using custody in a way that is legitimate, effective and efficient. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 13/1/2017 News Social media is an ‘avenue modern policing needs to continue to explore’ says Gloucestershire deputy chief, ahead of 24-hour ‘Twitterthon’ Stroud News & Journal 12/1/2017 News Commissioner’s Report on Police Funding Formula Review The attached report provides an update of the Police Funding Formula Review. Cumbria OPCC 12/1/2017 Report Cumbria’s Draft Capital Strategy 2017/18 and Beyond There are three main recurring elements to the Commissioner’s capital programme namely: Fleet Schemes, Estates Schemes and ICT Schemes. Cumbria OPCC 12/1/2017 Report «452845294530453145324533453445354536Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events