Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 90601 to 90620 «452745284529453045314532453345344535Next ›Last » Cheshire Police roll-out tablets to help keep bobbies on the beat POLICE officers in Cheshire have been armed with a new tool to help them stay in the field longer. Microsoft Surface 3 tablets have now been fully rolled out to 1,675 officers across the force, enabling them to work more flexibly. Crewe & Nantwich Guardian 16/1/2017 News Brexit border ‘would make sitting ducks of Northern Ireland police’ Head of Northern Irish police federation says border posts would be propaganda gifts and targets for dissident republicans The Guardian 16/1/2017 News Local Policing Programme – Progress Update This report outlines the progress made towards the implementation of the LPP, configuration of services, external stakeholder engagement and accountability of the Chief Constable for the delivery. Sussex OPCC 15/1/2017 Report Report on Sussex Police and Crime Plan 2017/21 The Plan is intended to cover the (second) four-year term of office of the PCC. Sussex OPCC 15/1/2017 Report Monthly review of Police and Crime Panel activity The third of a monthly series in which CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra looks at PCP websites, with a focus on the London approach, plus how North Yorkshire and Avon and Somerset are dealing with cybercrime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/1/2017 News You call that a hate crime? Oh, officer, I’ll give you hate crimes The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 15/1/2017 Feature, Opinion Police warn of rise in children bullied by sext Police are likely to see a rise in cases involving children bullying and threatening each other by posting naked images online, a chief constable has warned. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 15/1/2017 News Police and Crime Panel Budget Briefing Report To understand the overall financial situation and where the money comes from and to explore the financial risks and pressures and potential funding gap. Cumbria OPCC 14/1/2017 Report Commissioners Revenue Budget Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 2 The overspend on the Commissioner’s own budgets arises principally as a result of forecast increases in premises related costs (£26k), these are being largely offset by a forecast reduction in the costs of the OPCC (£20k) and reductions in insurances £4k. Cumbria OPCC 14/1/2017 Report Constabulary Revenue Budget Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 2 The current forecast of net expenditure amounts to £108.326m compared to a revised budget of £107.445m. Cumbria OPCC 14/1/2017 Report The police we need: Armed police officers and the use of lethal force In November, Prof. Maurice Punch wrote that authorised firearms officers were being left to 'carry the can' for the use of lethal force. Simon Chesterman, the National Police Chief's Council lead for armed policing, responds to Prof. Punch's article, and argues that command accountability is as robust as it can be under the current law. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/1/2017 Opinion Metropolitan Police accuses honour crimes whistleblower of gross misconduct The Telegraph 14/1/2017 News Raising council tax ‘won’t plug funding gap’ Many PCCs are using rules put in place by the former chancellor to raise extra policing funds through a rise in council tax. Police Oracle 14/1/2017 News Force receives award for body worn video compliance GMP demonstrated it follows the principles in the surveillance camera code. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/1/2017 News Revenue Budget and Medium Term Financial Forecast The report also provides additional information in respect of the more unusual aspects of the budget and explanations where the budgets have changed significantly between the years. Cumbria OPCC 13/1/2017 Report Cumbria Constabulary: 2016 Published Value for Money Profiles Analysis Cumbria is a demographic outlier when comparing it to its MSG and this will continue to be the case, regardless of any VfM comparators. Cumbria OPCC 13/1/2017 Report Government department to access DNA database in bid to close ‘fake dads’ paternity loophole DWP has asked police chiefs to agree to allow it access so they can stop fathers evading their responsibilities. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2017 News Draft Terms Of Reference: Supporting The PCC’s Wider Criminal Justice Remit This document sets out the draft terms of reference, to be discussed with the PCC at the meeting. West Midlands OPCC, West Midlands PCP 13/1/2017 Report Cheshire Police take tablets to fight crime Roll-out of Surface 3 tablets to force is now complete The Chester Chronicle 13/1/2017 News Preliminary Revenue Budget And Capital Programme Proposals 2017/18 This report sets out the details of the provisional Police Grant Settlement and the preliminary revenue budget, capital programme and precept proposals for 2017/18. West Midlands OPCC 13/1/2017 Report «452745284529453045314532453345344535Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events