Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 90481 to 90500 «452145224523452445254526452745284529Next ›Last » Old Hat: Why promotion to sergeant should be based on merit, not memory "OSPRE Part 1 has done a disservice to a generation of officers by squandering a wealth of talent, and failing to capitalise on the unfulfilled potential that exists on the front line." Leadership coach and former ACC Brian Langston argues for the scrapping of OSPRE Part 1 as an outmoded memory test. Policing Insight 23/1/2017 Opinion The world of crime in 2017 – Part 1 Guest analysis by Tom Gash Russell Webster blog 23/1/2017 Analysis, Feature Police begin fresh operational push against mobile phone use by drivers following previous effort that caught thousands of offenders nationwide 36 forces took part in the campaign in November stopping 10,012 vehicles and detecting nearly 8,000 mobile phone offences, the highest ever total for a week of enforcement on distraction driving. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 23/1/2017 News Police catch 47 drivers an hour during mobile phone crackdown Almost 8,000 fixed penalty notices handed out in week-long campaign last year as punishments are set to get tougher The Guardian 23/1/2017 News Police force accused of spying on officers settles racism cases A police force accused of carrying out unlawful surveillance on its own officers has settled several claims for discrimination and victimisation. The Times - Subscription at source 23/1/2017 News Police catch 8,000 drivers using phone in one week A national police crackdown on drivers using mobile phones at the wheel resulted in almost 8,000 fixed penalty notices being handed out at a rate of more than 40 an hour. The Times 23/1/2017 News Banks told on fraud: Don’t bounce the checks A crimewave is sweeping the UK as thieves open accounts using fake ID — and then steal your money The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/1/2017 Analysis, Feature Manchester police used ‘dangerous’ CS gas without permission, court told Force used incapacitating grenades for five years without home secretary’s approval and despite warnings, inquiry hears The Guardian 22/1/2017 News Police to target city drug lords using child couriers for sales in the shires Police will be given new powers to cut off the mobile phone numbers used by inner-city drug gangs. They use the numbers to run vast networks, selling crack cocaine and heroin around the country wth the help of children as young as 12. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/1/2017 News North Wales Proposed Policing Precept Level To enable the chief constable to work effectively towards these objectives, I propose to increase council tax by 3.79% in 2017/18, an increase of £9.09 per annum, or 17p per week for a band D property. North Wales OPCC 22/1/2017 Report Police and Crime Panel – Allowance Scheme North Wales Police and Crime Panel considers whether to increase the cap on the Allowance Scheme, North Wales OPCC 22/1/2017 Report National Conference for Police and Crime Panels – Slides A series of slides exploring the role and development of PCPs. Lancashire OPCC 22/1/2017 Report Community Safety Partnerships Report Below is a table setting out the funding allocated to each of the Community Safety Partnerships from the £10,000 allocation and the funding still available to them in 2016/17. Lancashire OPCC 22/1/2017 Report Safer, Fairer, United Communities Strategy Update Report The whole system approach to making people and places safer continues to support the on-going achievement of the PCC’s ambition for a Safer Staffordshire. Staffordshire OPCC 22/1/2017 Report PCC For Staffordshire Draft Budget And Precept 2017/18 The report details the budget required for 2017/18 to support operational policing requirements, investment in renewal and transformation of technological capability. Staffordshire OPCC 22/1/2017 Report President Trump just signalled some dramatic changes for police and criminal justice President Trump wasted little time making clear that his administration will take a drastically different approach to criminal justice than his predecessor. 21/1/2017 News Chest mounted video cameras issued to EVERY frontline North Wales Police officer North Wales Live 21/1/2017 News PCC for Staffordshire – Managing Offenders Update Report The Staffordshire Strategic Framework for Reducing Offending 2015-18 developed by the OPCC in conjunction with key local partners. Staffordshire OPCC 21/1/2017 Report UK judges change court rules on child contact for violent fathers Reforms aim to end presumption that a father must have contact with a child when there is evidence of domestic abuse Policing Insight 21/1/2017 News Thorough investigation could have prevented abuse in care A “catalogue of failures” meant police in Northern Ireland were unable to prevent the abuse of boys at a Belfast care home run by a paedophile ring, a report has found. Police Professional 20/1/2017 News «452145224523452445254526452745284529Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events