Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 90441 to 90460 «451945204521452245234524452545264527Next ›Last » Estate Strategy Update Report – Hampshire Market searches and approaches to partner agencies have shown that there is now a dearth of suitable, easy to occupy space available to us. Hampshire OPCC 24/1/2017 Report Hampshire’s Police and Crime Plan Delivery Report The Delivery Plan sets out the detailed approach to delivering the Police and Crime Plan including the intended outcomes, associated benefits and measurements used to assess them. Hampshire OPCC 24/1/2017 Report Hampshire’s Precept and Budget 2017/18 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016/17 to 2020/21 Hampshire Constabulary has identified £10m of further efficiencies, leaving a shortfall of £13m in 2021. Hampshire OPCC 24/1/2017 Report PCC For Essex Revenue Budget Summary – 2017/18 Essex OPFCC 24/1/2017 Report Essex Proposed Precept for 2017-18 Table A: Provisional Government Grant 2017-18 compared with 2016-17 Essex OPFCC 24/1/2017 Report PCC accuses government of ‘abandoning’ communities Home Office figures published last week showed an increase in crime rates. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 News No timetable for funding formula change more than a year after error spotted Policing Minister claims everyone is happy with speed work is progressing – despite two saying they are not. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 News New sentencing guidelines to punish speeding and protect police animals Speeders and animal abusers could face tougher punishments under new sentencing guidelines published on Tuesday (January 24). Police Professional 24/1/2017 News Bolting stable doors: Vulnerable people and terrorism Dr Dave Sloggett looks to draw some lessons from the shooting incident at Fort Lauderdale Airport for the Prevent programme. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 Analysis, Feature Fraud in the North East soared by 25%, according to new study Increases in low-value fraud is also on the rise as criminals attempt to avoid being caught Chronicle Live (North East) 24/1/2017 News ‘No crime’ in 80% of Police Scotland call-outs About 80% of incidents attended by police officers do not involve a crime, Police Scotland has told a committee of MSPs. BBC 24/1/2017 News Police Scotland launches BME recruitment project Police Scotland has launched a new programme to encourage potential officers from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds to consider a career in policing. Mearns Leader 24/1/2017 News 80% of incidents not recorded as a crime, MSPs told A senior Police Scotland figure has told MSPs that 80% of incidents the force deals with are not criminal, including missing people and hospital absconders. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 24/1/2017 News South Yorkshire Police issued with night vision cameras to catch criminals Police officers in South Yorkshire have been issued with night vision equipment to catch criminals prowling the streets in the dark. The Star (Yorkshire) 24/1/2017 News North Wales police budget increase delayed by crime panel Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones has slammed the decision and claimed the meeting was held in a 'dictatorial fashion' North Wales Live 24/1/2017 News Collision course: Why the law on police drivers must change The Police Federation of England and Wales is currently campaigning to change the legislation to ensure that police officers who engage in pursuits and response driving can have better legal protection. Jayne Willetts, the PFEW's lead on roads policing tells Policing Insight why the service needs to get behind the campaign. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 Interview, Opinion Transformation funding targets human trafficking Devon and Cornwall Police are taking the national lead in combating human trafficking following the Government’s autumn announcement of £8.5m to combat the problem. Syreeta Lund talks to DCI Ben Deer about how the force is responding. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 Interview, Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight 24/1/2017 News Only a fraction of police time is taken up by criminal work says senior constable A senior Police Scotland figure has told MSPs that 80 per cent of incidents the force deals with are not criminal, including missing people and hospital absconders. The National - Registration at source 24/1/2017 News Ignoring cybercrime puts us all at risk Lyn Brown, shadow policing minister and Labour MP for West Ham. Criminals are increasingly going online to target victims, the latest figures for England and Wales showed when they were released last week. The figures also show how the government has failed to prepare adequately for this change in criminal behaviour, burying their heads in the sand. The Times - Subscription at source 24/1/2017 Feature, Opinion «451945204521452245234524452545264527Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events