Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 90281 to 90300 «451145124513451445154516451745184519Next ›Last » Stop-and-search can’t be based on a hunch A new code of practice should prevent police officers acting on "hunches" The Scotsman 1/2/2017 Feature, Opinion Top judges rule snooping by Cleveland Police was unlawful A panel of top judges ruled yesterday that Cleveland Police acted unlawfully when it monitored the phones of Northern Echo journalists to track down a series of leaks. The Northern Echo 1/2/2017 News Dissident murder bid probe hindered by silence of public, warns police chief Hamilton But PSNI chief says 'we’ve enough people to do the job' Belfast Telegraph 1/2/2017 News Lincolnshire Police welcome new Chief Constable Bill Skelly Lincolnshire Police have today welcomed their new Chief Constable Bill Skelly as he starts work with the force. Lincolnshire Reporter 1/2/2017 News Philippines president orders police to stop all anti-drug operations Rodrigo Duterte says military and narcotics enforcement agency under his office will continue the war on drugs The Guardian 1/2/2017 News Britain’s £10m bill to police state visit President Trump’s state visit could be the most expensive in British history, with predictions that policing costs alone will exceed £10 million as it becomes a focal point for protests. The Times - Subscription at source 1/2/2017 News Police force broke law by spying on whistleblower and journalists Cleveland police spied on Steve Matthews, chairman of the local Police Federation, who was assisting in a race discrimination claim The Times - Subscription at source 1/2/2017 News UK police force’s monitoring of reporters’ phones ruled unlawful Investigatory powers tribunal finds there was no lawful basis for Cleveland police accessing records in leak inquiry The Guardian 1/2/2017 News Force pulls out of back office collaboration programme Project would not deliver required savings in necessary timeframe, it states Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/2/2017 News Domestic abuse: Why Russia believes the first time is not a crime Russia's lower house of parliament, the Duma, has approved an amendment that removes domestic abuse from the criminal code. BBC 1/2/2017 News Policing is changing UNISON police and justice service group chair Caryl Nobs talks about the changes to policing and why she hopes police members vote in the terms and conditions ballot taking place in England and Wales UNISON 1/2/2017 Feature, Opinion Frontline police officers in Norfolk and Suffolk to be wearing body cameras by June People committing crime in Norfolk could be caught on film by police officers wearing cameras by the summer, it has emerged. Eastern Daily Press 1/2/2017 News The Policing and Crime Act 2017 These documents explain the changes we are making to the law through the Policing and Crime Act. The Policing and Crime Act received Royal Assent on 31 January 2017. The Policing and Crime Act 2017 further reforms policing and enables important changes to the governance of fire and rescue services. The changes will build capability, improve efficiency, increase public confidence and further enhance local accountability. Home Office 31/1/2017 Report Policing and Crime Bill receives Royal Assent The government marked a major milestone in its police reform agenda today (Tuesday, 31 January) as the Policing and Crime Bill received Royal Assent. The Policing and Crime Act 2017 will enhance the democratic accountability of police forces and fire and rescue services, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency services through closer collaboration, and build public confidence in policing. Home Office 31/1/2017 News ‘Officers have spoken’ as demand for Taser grows Eight per cent more officers think Taser devices should be further rolled out across the front line than did three years ago, according to new research. Police Professional 31/1/2017 News Misconduct data published for first time Home Office statistics have revealed 359 officers and staff were dismissed from forces last year following misconduct proceedings Police Professional 31/1/2017 News IPCC hands PCC file to CPS Sussex police and crime commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne could face criminal charges as evidence from an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation have been handed to prosecutors. Police Professional 31/1/2017 News Prosecutors to consider Sussex PCC Katy Bourne ‘false statement’ Prosecutors are to decide whether the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) should face charges over allegations she made a false statement. BBC 31/1/2017 News Policing and Crime Act These documents explain the changes to the law through the Policing and Crime Act. 31/1/2017 Report Policing and Crime Bill receives Royal Assent A key bill in the police reform agenda has today achieved Royal Assent. 31/1/2017 News «451145124513451445154516451745184519Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events