Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 90241 to 90260 «450945104511451245134514451545164517Next ›Last » ‘Innovative’ pilot tracks gang members’ movements The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is to fit tracking devices to violent criminals and gang members in a bid to tackle rising violence in the capital. Police Professional 2/2/2017 News £25m boost to help Police Scotland balance the budget Ministers have pledged an additional £25 million for Police Scotland to help it meet “the changing demands of crime”. Police Professional 2/2/2017 News Drones drafted in to help North Wales Police crack crime The force will also use the devices to search for missing people, survey floods and to police large scale events North Wales Live 2/2/2017 News Parades court ruling: Force will still have to factor in ‘risk assessment to officers’ A ruling from the UK's highest court is unlikely to change how policing approaches illegal parades in Northern Ireland, it has been claimed. Police Professional 2/2/2017 News Budget boost for economy and public services Finance Secretary Derek Mackay confirmed that an additional £25 million will be made available to Police Scotland through the Police Reform and Change fund to support delivery of a police service capable of meeting the changing demands of crime and society over the next 10 years. Scottish Government 2/2/2017 News Police receive bizarre complaint from woman about ‘outrageous’ drug price hike An Australian police force received a very unusual complaint from a woman who claimed her drug dealer was ripping her off. The Telegraph 2/2/2017 News Hertfordshire PCC’s 2017/18 Precept and Budget Proposal Report to PCP Hertfordshire has a good track record of financial management, generating gross savings of £45.2m since 2011/12, Hertfordshire OPCC 2/2/2017 Report Hertfordshire’s Policing Budget Proposal I am proposing to make up the shortfall through an increase in the police element of the Council Tax for a Band D property equivalent, by £5.00 per annum, a 3.4 per cent increase, to a figure of £152.00 per annum. Hertfordshire OPCC 2/2/2017 Report The UK’s exit from and new partnership with the EU White Paper "This White Paper provides Parliament and the country with a clear vision of what we are seeking to achieve in negotiating our exit from, and new partnership with, the European Union." 2/2/2017 Report Association responds to questions over A19 case The Association has responded to comments made by the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police about the need to bring the Regulation A19 case to the Court of Appeal. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 2/2/2017 News Court of Appeal rules police use of regulation A19 lawful Chief Constable Dave Thompson responds to the Court of Appeal's ruling that the use of regulation A19, which required officers with more than 30 years’ pensionable service to retire, was lawful West Midlands Police 2/2/2017 News Yet another stabbing in Hackney – but police do not believe recent incidents of knife attacks are related Borough commander Chief Superintendent Simon Laurence admits intelligence gathering has become harder because of cuts as he calls on public to report those who carry blades Hackney Citizen 2/2/2017 News Best Use of Stop and Search – second revisits Following an inspection of the 13 forces that were not complying with three or more features of the scheme, HMIC inspected the 19 forces that were not complying with one or two features. The overview report of these revisits, and letters to the individual forces inspected, care available to download HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 2/2/2017 Report Commissioner welcomes significant investment in policing New Zealand Police 2/2/2017 News Police funding is ‘off kilter’ with changing crime Behind last month’s national crime figures another story is emerging: a growing shift in the nature of crime and a widening gap in policing demand. This in turn increases the urgency of decisions being made about future police funding. Policing Insight - Registration at source 2/2/2017 Opinion Child arrests: The good news story and the work still to be done The penal system may not have many good news stories to tell - but one is the reduction in child arrests, down 59% since 2010. Andrew Neilson of the Howard League says the role of the police in this has been largely overlooked - but that there is still work to do to keep children from entering the criminal justice system. Policing Insight 2/2/2017 Opinion Did Vodafone just kill Airwave? "Yesterday (1st Feb), the UK House of Commons Committee on Public Accounts (PAC)held a follow up session on the ESN project (minutes here). I and many others listened in, wondering what the meeting was about since the committee had held a session back in December - so what prompted this meeting? The answer - a week or so before, Vodafone informed Motorola Solutions (the owner of Airwave), the Home Office ESN team and the PAC that in 2020 it would no longer offer or support a critical function needed to keep Airwave running!" LinkedIn 2/2/2017 Analysis, Feature Merseyside Police set for huge restructure – how will it affect you? Chief constable Andy Cooke explains the restructure of the force - and how he believes it will improve local policing Liverpool Echo 2/2/2017 Analysis, Feature London’s Metropolitan Police to introduce electric cars to tackle air pollution by end of 2017 Scotland Yard will spend £21 million to add 250 green vehicles to its fleet of police cars The Sun 2/2/2017 News Chief constable cleared of any wrongdoing A chief constable has been cleared of wrongdoing after a “complex and protracted” investigation found no evidence to support complaints made against him. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/2/2017 News «450945104511451245134514451545164517Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events