Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89961 to 89980 «449544964497449844994500450145024503Next ›Last » Local Business Case for Joint Governance of Police and Fire and Rescue in Essex This Executive Summary brings together the main analysis and findings, which are explored in more detail in the rest of the document using the "five case model" structure stipulated by HM Treasury. Essex OPFCC 17/2/2017 Report Essex Police and Public Contact Report This paper presents the work by Essex Police in relation to public contact, including work to improve the non-emergency telephone contact (101) Essex OPFCC 17/2/2017 Report Essex Performance Outcomes, Indicators and Measures The performance measures will provide an update on progress in delivering against the priorities identified within the Police and Crime Plan Essex OPFCC 17/2/2017 Report Policing within a system – or why we should dissolve police and crime plans Policing is being pulled in two different directions. On the one hand the internet has enabled crime to escape the bounds of local places and the scope of the police forces that serve them. On the other hand many of the public safety issues the police face have become more complex requiring greater local knowledge and engagement. The Police Foundation 17/2/2017 Feature, Opinion Fire authority votes to axe itself and merge with police Essex Fire Authority has voted to axe police and firefighter push ahead with plans to merge services. Halstead Gazette 17/2/2017 News PCC launches consultation into fire service takeover A police and crime commissioner has become the first in the country to put his plans for a fire service takeover out for public consultation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 News New Met application delays undercover policing inquiry The statutory inquiry into undercover policing may not hear any evidence until 2018 – four years afterit was set up Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 News Met chief: ‘brutalised’ Isis supporters soon to return to Britain Outgoing commissioner says terror threat will grow as Britons fighting alongside Islamic State in Syria and Iraq start to return The Guardian 17/2/2017 News Do your bit to combat terror, Met chief tells Muslim scholars Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said the belief that Islam condones the actions of terror groups must be challenged The Times - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 News Policing today: blame, suspicion and finger-pointing Nowhere is the blame culture permeating public services more apparent than in policing. We’re human, not bad or negligent The Guardian 17/2/2017 Feature, Opinion Met Chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe: Muslim scholars need to do more in fight against IS Britain’s top police officer today urged Muslim scholars to step up their efforts to counter the violent ideology of Islamic State. The Standard 16/2/2017 News Met may have to cut thousands of police and ‘ration’ services if budgets are slashed, says Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe Scotland Yard will be forced to introduce NHS style “rationing” of its services to the public and cut thousands of police officers unless the threat of swingeing government spending cuts is lifted, the Met Commissioner warned today. The Standard 16/2/2017 News Multi-million-pound package is not enough to tackle child sexual exploitation, says PCC The Government announcement of £40m to help tackle child sexual exploitation won’t be enough to ‘save every child’ according to Greater Manchester’s Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Lloyd. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/2/2017 News Major hate crime study to shape new and improved support services for victims A major new study to investigate hate crime in the West Midlands and to shape the development of improved support services for victims is being led by the University of Leicester. West Midlands OPCC 16/2/2017 News Essex Police Engagement with Local Communities Essex Police engages with almost 1,000,000 people every week through online channels Essex OPFCC 16/2/2017 Report Keeping watch: The challenge of tackling online child abuse images Last year, the Internet Watch Foundation marked its 20th anniversary. Policing Insight talks to CEO Susie Hargreaves OBE about the organisation's changing role and its relationship with its police partners. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/2/2017 Interview, Opinion All Staffordshire Police to receive spit guards All Staffordshire Police officers are to be provided with controversial spit guards within the next few weeks. ITV News 16/2/2017 News Amber Rudd to announce £40 million blitz on child sexual exploitation The cash injection aims to bolster the Government's efforts to prevent a repeat of high-profile episodes such as the scandals seen in Rotherham, Rochdale and Oxford. Aol 16/2/2017 News YouTube: Essex Police and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service, A common sense approach to Joint Governance Essex OPFCC 16/2/2017 Feature, Opinion Questions over impact of police degrees on special constabulary recruitment Volunteer officers group asks about new policies which College says is still being drawn up. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/2/2017 News «449544964497449844994500450145024503Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events