Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89941 to 89960 «449444954496449744984499450045014502Next ›Last » Police Precept Report Lincolnshire 2017-18 Future years are specifically excluded from this announcement as it is anticipated that the Funding Formula Review will be implemented from 2018/19 Lincolnshire OPCC 19/2/2017 Report 11 stabbed every day as knife crime soars More than 11 serious stabbings happen every day in England, according to new figures that show knife crime has risen more dramatically than had been thought. The Sunday Times 19/2/2017 News Sir Edward Heath WAS a paedophile, says police chief Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes 'covered up by the Establishment' Mail Online 19/2/2017 News New Met chief to be named this week The new Metropolitan police commissioner is expected to be announced this week after a shortlist of candidates has been interviewed by Amber Rudd, the home secretary, and Sadiq Khan, the London mayor. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 19/2/2017 News Innovation and technology: Reinventing local policing for citizens’ use DCC Louisa Rolfe oversees West Midlands Police's WMP2020 change programme that features 33 individual projects designed to make the force more agile when fighting crime and more accessible to the public. Here, she explains how the force's innovative collaboration with Accenture is progressing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/2/2017 Analysis Firearms debate: Defence turns into attack as officers caught in crossfire Staff associations have come out in a fierce attack of the Independent Police Complaints Commission's (IPCC's) criticism aimed at Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe in his final days as Britain's top officer. Police Professional 18/2/2017 News The National Cyber Security Centre: The new operational nerve centre at the heart of UK cyber security Her Majesty The Queen last week opened the operational nerve centre known as the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to manage cyber incidents. Michael Shuff, Marketing Lead at PA Consulting's specialist cyber security arm, 7Safe, takes a look at the NCSC's role. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/2/2017 Analysis Teaching practice? An officer’s suggestion on the shape of the new Policing degrees The College of Policing recently announced three future entry streams to policing, one of which was a pre-entry degree qualification. Serving officer Rich Honess outlines his suggestions as to how those degrees might be structured, based on his previous experience of teacher training. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/2/2017 Opinion Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy Salary: £34,956 to £46,924 per annum. Closes: 24th March 2017 Loughborough University 18/2/2017 Jobs De Menezes family call for Cressida Dick to be barred from leading Met Family of innocent Brazilian shot dead in operation led by Dick say she should not be in running to be force’s next commissioner The Guardian 18/2/2017 News Prime Minister’s plans to transform the way we tackle domestic violence and abuse Prime Minister Theresa May announced plans for a major programme of work leading towards bringing forward a Domestic Violence and Abuse Act. Prime Minister's Office 18/2/2017 News Domestic violence: Theresa May to oversee new law Theresa May says she will directly oversee work on a new law to tackle domestic violence amid concerns victims are being let down by the legal system. BBC 18/2/2017 News Core functions: The real value of neighbourhood policing Last week the Police Foundation published its latest paper, A Natural Experiment in Neighbourhood Policing, from its Police Effectiveness in a Changing World project. Andy Higgins of the Foundation outlines the ramifications for neighbourhood policing, as the Foundation launches its new research project to explore its future. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 Analysis The new volume demand: Keeping pace with vulnerability through culture change Research by the PSAEW into public protection units (PPUs) in police forces across England and Wales explored how cultural attitudes are creating difficulties for the recruitment, retention, morale and effectiveness of PPU. Gavin Thomas of the PSAEW argues that a change in police culture from blame to learning could help to overcome many of these difficulties. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 Opinion Police prefer to carry tasers – but would that make anyone safer? A recent survey of Metropolitan Police officers suggested that, while few wanted to be routinely armed, as many as three quarters of officers would like to be able to carry Tasers on duty. However, Professor Peter Squires of the University of Brighton argues that doing so could make the public less rather than more safe. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/2/2017 Opinion Serial killers should fear this algorithm Thomas Hargrove is building software to identify trends in unsolved murders using data nobody’s bothered with before. Bloomberg 17/2/2017 Analysis, Feature Humberside Police Precept 2017/18 And Medium Term Resource Strategy 2017/18 – 2021/22 This provides detailed information on the revenue and capital budget assumptions used in formulating the Strategy and sets out details of the options considered by the Commissioner when making the decision on his precept proposal. Humberside OPCC 17/2/2017 Report Dorset Proposed Precept For 2017-18 The value of the Transformation Fund has also risen from £131.4m to £175m, an increase of 33.2%. Dorset OPCC 17/2/2017 Report Cleveland PCC – Decisions October 2016 to January 2017 and Forward Plan Decisions made since the last meeting of the Police and Crime Panel are listed in Appendix 2. Cleveland OPCC 17/2/2017 Report 2017/18 Budget And Council Tax Precept – Cheshire The purpose of this report is to enable the Commissioner to finalise the budget. Cheshire OPCC 17/2/2017 Report «449444954496449744984499450045014502Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events