Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89861 to 89880 «449044914492449344944495449644974498Next ›Last » Jails will be responsible for weaning inmates off drugs Prison governors will be responsible for getting inmates off drugs and into work under a bill published today. The Times - Subscription at source 23/2/2017 News A guided tour of the cybercrime underground BBC 23/2/2017 Analysis, Feature Five challenges for the Met’s new chief BBC Home Affairs correspondent, Danny Shaw BBC 23/2/2017 Analysis, Feature Londoners give new police chief to-do list With the announcement that the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner is Cressida Dick, what do Londoners think her top priorities should be? BBC 23/2/2017 Analysis, Feature Tories ‘break their promise’ on slashing police budgets after pledging ‘no cuts at all’ George Osborne famously bragged there would be "no cuts at all" in 2015 - but Labour says that's not quite the truth Mirror 22/2/2017 News Rank and file police officers hail Met’s first female commissioner Cressida Dick The Police Federation of England and Wales, which represents 122,000 ordinary officers, said the role comes with “significant responsibility”. The Standard 22/2/2017 News A heck of a job: The new Met Commissioner’s in-tray Cressida Dick has today been appointed as the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner, replacing outgoing Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe. Chief Superintendent John Sutherland takes an insider's look at what will be waiting in the new Commissioner's in-tray. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2017 Opinion Provisional 2017-18 Police Funding Settlement Report At the time of the 2016-17 settlement that was forecast to be 1.8% in 2017, the latest Economic and Fiscal outlook reduced that forecast to 1.3%. Northamptonshire OPCC 22/2/2017 Report Letter from Tower Hamlets Councillor to Police and Crime Committee – Electoral Fraud I have over a period of more than a decade amassed considerable material on electoral malpractice in Tower Hamlets . Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) 22/2/2017 Report Cressida Dick appointed first female Met police commissioner Met’s former head of counter-terrorism to take over from Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe as Britain’s top police officer The Guardian 22/2/2017 News Cressida Dick named as new Met Commissioner Mayor of London hails distinguished career of first female boss of force. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/2/2017 News Cressida Dick confirmed as first female MPS commissioner Cressida Dick has been appointed the first female commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in its 187-year history. Police Professional 22/2/2017 News Fighting fit? Challenges for new Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick With the announcement today of Cressida Dick as the new Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Rory Geoghegan of the Centre for Public Safety offers an account of the four major challenges facing the new Commissioner and the Met in the years ahead. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2017 Opinion Cressida Dick makes history as Metropolitan Police’s first female Commissioner Cressida Dick has been appointed Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police - becoming the first woman to lead the force in its 188-year history. The Telegraph 22/2/2017 News Cressida Dick appointed as first female Met Police chief Cressida Dick is the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner, the first woman to take charge of London's police force. BBC 22/2/2017 News Knowledge co-production and the policing of football crowd violence Though football crowd violence is less of a critical issue in the UK than it was in the 1980s, it remains a key concern in countries such as Sweden. Professor Clifford Stott outlines how partnership between academics and police forces has led to the development of theory and practice in reducing crowd violence, and flags up an upcoming CPD event at Keele University. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2017 Analysis National ANPR system moves a step closer The long-awaited introduction of a new National ANPR System (NAS), originally scheduled to be in place by April 2016, has moved a step closer this year following a successful bid to the Police Transformation Fund to establish a National ANPR Co-ordinator and Transformation Team.Keith Potter speaks to Temporary Superintendent John Dwyer of North Yorkshire Police. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2017 Interview, Opinion HMICS Audit and Assurance Review of Stop and Search Phase 2 The aim of our audit and assurance review was to follow-up on recommendations made within our Audit and Assurance Review of Stop and Search: Phase 1 report, published in March 2015, and undertake an independent audit of stop and search data. The results of our Phase 2 review will provide the public and key stakeholders with an update on progress made by Police Scotland and the SPA on recommendations contained in our Phase 1 report. It is essential that the public has confidence in published statistical information which is used to set policing practice and this review seeks to provide independent assurance to Police Scotland, the SPA and the public to inform their assessment of the accuracy of stop and search data. We mapped and observed Police Scotland’s stop and search scrutiny and audit processes and also assessed the internal and external reporting and governance of Police Scotland’s audit results. In addition, we reviewed a random sample of 600 stop search and seizure records in order to validate the review and audit processes conducted by the National Stop and Search Unit and to test the accuracy of stop and search data held on the national database. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 22/2/2017 Report HMICS publish report on audit and assurance review of stop and search phase 2 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland’s Audit and Assurance Review of Stop and Search: Phase 2 report is published today and acknowledges the substantial improvements Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority have made with stop and search across Scotland. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 22/2/2017 News A practical solution? Martyn Underhill questions whether spit guards are an effective and safe way to protect officers and staff and explains why he is asking the Home Office to review their use before any further rollout. Police Professional 22/2/2017 Feature, Opinion «449044914492449344944495449644974498Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events