Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96282 total results. Showing results 89781 to 89800 «448644874488448944904491449244934494Next ›Last » The role of the magistracy The Ministry of Justice and senior judiciary must, as a matter of priority, develop an over-arching strategy for the magistracy, says a report by the Justice Committee. This should include workforce planning, magistrates' training and the wider promotion of their role, especially to employers. It should also take into account the impact of court closures, and consider whether the role of magistrates could be expanded, in particular within any proposals for problem-solving courts. FULL REPORT 19/10/2016 Report Government must develop over-arching strategy for magistracy The Ministry of Justice and senior judiciary must, as a matter of priority, develop an over-arching strategy for the magistracy, says a report by the Justice Committee. This should include workforce planning, magistrates' training and the wider promotion of their role, especially to employers. It should also take into account the impact of court closures, and consider whether the role of magistrates could be expanded, in particular within any proposals for problem-solving courts. 19/10/2016 News Home Secretary strengthens police response to modern slavery Home Office 19/10/2016 News ‘Serious concerns’ raised over child protection ‘failings’ by Cleveland Police Gazette (Tees/Middlesbrough) 19/10/2016 News Police ‘risk repeat of Rotherham’ A string of child sexual exploitation cases were uncovered in Rotherham: police were risking a repeat, said Sir Michael Wilshaw The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2016 News MPs to vote on HASC chair to replace Keith Vaz A failed party leadership hopeful and an MP tipped to be the “British Barack Obama” are among four candidates battling to head up the Commons’ influential Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC). Police Professional 18/10/2016 News Weekly Media Monitor summary Our Weekly Review, drawing on our popular Media Monitor database, picks up the key news stories and reports of the week, and explains why they matter to you. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/10/2016 News How Chicago Police convinced courts to let them track cellphones without a warrant The Intercept 18/10/2016 News Police use facial recognition tools with little oversight, study says The New York Times 18/10/2016 News Letter from Sir Thomas Winsor to Sir Michael Wilshaw Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Sir Thomas Winsor, responded to a letter from Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills, Sir Michael Wilshaw, on the effectiveness of the police in protecting children. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 18/10/2016 Report Novice North Yorkshire detective handed rape case, disciplinary hearing is told A police force ignored its own policies by handing investigations into rape and serious offences to a junior detective, a disciplinary hearing has heard. The Northern Echo 18/10/2016 News 17 days to avert national policing crisis The Government has a full-scale policing crisis on its hands after mid-ranking gardai decided to join frontline gardaí in taking strike action on the same four Fridays in November. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 18/10/2016 News Facilitating the freedom to celebrate: Radicalisation and policing Pride Increasing threats to LGBT events and venues has led to the cancellation and lockdown of such celebrations worldwide. Jo Arundale, chair of the Devon and Cornwall police LGBT network, reflects on this newly dangerous facet of radicalisation and explores some of the options for countering the threat. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/10/2016 Opinion New Senior National Coordinator for CT Policing announced Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu has been appointed as the new Senior National Coordinator for counter terrorism policing National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 18/10/2016 News Met Police wants to step up merchandise sales to beat budget cuts London Underground's marketing success providing inspiration for force Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/10/2016 News With the introduction of Body Worn Cameras, it’s time to look again at forces’ complaints handling Bernard Rix, CoPaCC's Chief Executive, reflects on the Body Worn Video seminar at the University of Cambridge's "Festival of Ideas", and asks how many forces are ready to make changes to their complaints handling processes. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/10/2016 Opinion Review of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report 2015/16 This report summarises the views and recommendations of the Panel following consideration of the Commissioner’s Annual Report on the 16th June 2016. There was a mutual recognition that performance in general required improvement. Avon & Somerset OPCC 18/10/2016 Report Avon And Somerset Police And Crime Panel Commissioner’s Update Report The following briefing provides an update for Panel Members on key activities since the last Panel meeting on 16 June 2016. Avon & Somerset OPCC 18/10/2016 Report Avon And Somerset Police And Crime Panel Work Programme Report The Work Programme – 2016/17 for the Police and Crime Panel. Avon & Somerset OPCC 18/10/2016 Report Financial Monitoring Leading To 2017/18 Grant Budget Agreement The purpose of this paper is to report the final position against the 2015/16 budget, the half year performance against the 2016/17 budget for the Police and Crime Panel and a proposed budget for the panel for 2017/18. Hampshire OPCC 18/10/2016 Report «448644874488448944904491449244934494Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events