Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 89741 to 89760 «448444854486448744884489449044914492Next ›Last » MPs seek reassurance after police chief says not all paedophiles should be jailed Committee ‘alarmed’ after Simon Bailey suggested sentences be given only to those who pose physical threat to children The Guardian 1/3/2017 News This hidden epidemic needs more than a single strategy Simon Bailey of the National Police Chiefs Council said that officers need to concentrate on the most dangerous offenders The Times - Subscription at source 1/3/2017 Analysis, Feature We all have a role in preventing child abuse The proliferation of pornography and illegal images online mean the police cannot deal with sexual exploitation alone The Times - Subscription at source 1/3/2017 Feature, Opinion New drivers caught using phones to lose licence Drivers caught using a phone within two years of passing their test will have their licence revoked under new rules in England, Scotland and Wales. BBC 1/3/2017 News UK Missing Persons Bureau: Missing Persons Data Report 2015/2016 This revised report provides key statistical data regarding missing people and unidentified individuals/remains reported to Great Britain police in 2015/16, based on information supplied to the UK Missing Persons Bureau (UKMPB) under the 2009 Code of Practice.a Better recording practices have given rise to a significant increase in calls relating to people going missing inthe UK. 135,382 separate individuals were recorded as missing; an average of 370 people per day. The original report was published in October 2016 and later withdrawn after the Metropolitan Police subsequently provided significantly revised data to the UK Missing Persons Bureau. National Crime Agency (NCA) 28/2/2017 Report The scale of child sexual abuse means we cannot solely prosecute our way out To best protect children from harm, we need to consider alternative approaches to those who view indecent images of children but don’t pose a physical threat, says NPCC Lead for Child Protection Chief Constable Simon Bailey. In response to the scale of child sexual abuse reports, CC Bailey proposes an alternative approach for debate. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 28/2/2017 News United forces of Britain on huge response to ‘incomprehensible tragedy’ of terror attack Forces across the UK have been applauded for their supporting role in the wake of the biggest loss of life for Britons in a terrorist atrocity for more than a decade. Police Professional 28/2/2017 News No government leaves me powerless to ‘better protect’ record domestic abuse victims, says minister The collapse of Northern Ireland’s power-sharing executive has left thousands of domestic abuse victims “abandoned”, its justice minister claims. Police Professional 28/2/2017 News Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Plan Priorities and Budget Consultation 2016/17 Consolidated findings from local consultation and engagement activity during 2016 to inform planning, policy and precept setting for 2017/18 and beyond Nottinghamshire OPCC 28/2/2017 Report Supporting Victims, Protecting Vulnerable People and Maintaining Public Safety The Force continues to see a significant rise in rape offences although the rise is below the national average Merseyside OPCC 28/2/2017 Report Lipstick on a pig? Changing offender management from NOMS to HMPPS Earlier this month, Justice Minister Liz Truss announced the rebranding of the National Offenders' Management Service as Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). Andrew Sperling of Olliers Solicitors warns that the new organisation needs to demonstrate real change - or the alterations announced amount to no more than putting lipstick on a pig. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/2/2017 Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/2/2017 News Revealed: Corrupt Scotland Yard officers targeted by crime bosses Crime bosses are targeting “pockets” of corrupt police officers in the Met in a bid to gain information or sabotage investigations, a senior officer warned today. The Standard 28/2/2017 News Instead of not jailing paedophiles, let’s focus on protecting children Police want nonexistent services to take the strain of dealing with offenders – but this crisis of care is a crisis for human values: that’s what we need to reinvest in The Guardian 28/2/2017 Feature, Opinion New holster forces all nearby body cams to start recording when gun is pulled Axon, the body cam division of Taser International, has announced Signal Sidearm, a gun holster sensor that detects when a weapon has been removed from a holster and automatically prompts all nearby body cams to start recording. ars technica 28/2/2017 News Policing 2026: Our 10 year strategy for policing in Scotland Policing in Scotland has a long and successful record of adapting to the changing demands and needs of the people and communities it serves. We are now setting out our proposed 10 year strategy for consultation. It has been developed jointly and collaboratively by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland and seeks to ensure that Scottish policing remains fit for the future. [PDF] Police Scotland 28/2/2017 Report Police Scotland and SPA launch Policing 2026 draft strategy for policing in Scotland Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority have launched their joint 10-year plan for Scottish policing for public consultation Holyrood Magazine 28/2/2017 News Complaints Against Northumbria PCC – Update Report January 2017 List of complaints received in December 2016 and January 2017 providing an update on the last report submitted to the Panel. Northumbria OPCC 28/2/2017 Report NHS figures reveal 40 cases of female genital mutilation in Staffordshire in one year Stoke on Trent Live 28/2/2017 News Seeing is Believing Report – Northumbria The Northumbria Court Observers Panel. Report on 30 rape trials 2015-16 Northumbria OPCC 28/2/2017 Report «448444854486448744884489449044914492Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events