Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89661 to 89680 «448044814482448344844485448644874488Next ›Last » Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2020-21 2017-18 Nottinghamshire faces some significant pressures from changes in employer contributions for National Insurance and making up the budget gap from 2015-16. Nottinghamshire OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Kent OPCC Commissioning Strategy – 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 The overall commissioning budget for the Kent PCC is in the region of £4.1 million. Kent OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Kent PCC’s council tax precept proposal Kent PCC proposed a 3.3% increase to the policing Precept Kent OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Police giving rogue cyclists an easy ride Overstretched police forces are ignoring cycling offences, it has been claimed The Times - Subscription at source 4/3/2017 News Nottinghamshire – 4 Year Capital Programme 2017-2021 It is currently estimated that there will be approximately £3.8million slippage from 2016-17 capital programme into 2017-18 and 2018-19. Nottinghamshire OPCC 3/3/2017 Report Jeremy Paxman on the future of the police The writer and broadcaster joins officers on the frontline to discover if the service is equipped to deal with modern Britain Financial Times 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Minister for Policing discusses positive legislation improvements with the Countryside Alliance Article by Brandon Lewis MP for the Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Policing for the Future: NPCC written evidence to HASC National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 3/3/2017 Report British policing: The best in the world, but further cuts could put the public at risk Earlier this week, HMIC assessed Durham Constabulary the highest overall classification, "outstanding", in their national assessment of police effectiveness. Durham PCC Ron Hogg provides his personal perspective on the Inspection. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Opinion Which PCCs meet minimum criteria for “Open Data” on their spending declarations? Surprisingly few… Owen Boswarva is an open data activist with a background in risk analysis. In this article, Owen examines whether spending data currently published by PCCs meets the minimum criteria for open data. Which PCCs meet this minimum standard? Read on... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Analysis First all-Wales deputy chief constable is appointed The first all-Wales deputy chief constable has been appointed, with the role aimed at helping all forces collaborate better. BBC 3/3/2017 News Big distinctions or big mistakes: How to respond to domestic violence Is the way that we think about domestic abuse fit for purpose? Simon Kerss of Cambridgeshire County Council argues we need to differentiate between different types of domestic violence – and calls for a revision of national police guidance that will help forces break away from a monolithic response. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Analysis We can’t just jail every paedophile, insists chief of Police Scotland Scotland’s top police officer has warned that building prisons on an “industrial” scale would be required if every person who viewed online images of child abuse was jailed. The Times - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 News Police still using “17 or 18” payroll systems four years after merger Police Scotland has still not integrated any of its back office functions almost four years after it was meant to make policing more efficient, the head of its oversight board has admitted. The Herald (Scotland) - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 News Police criticised over Poppi Worthington investigation Watchdogs have published a damning report on the police investigation into the death of a toddler from Barrow. 13-month-old Poppi Worthington died in 2012 ITV News 3/3/2017 News Cressida Dick is the right person to take on the Met’s unique challenges Former Met officer Chris Hobbs says the new Met Police Commissioner will have her 'officer's backs' Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Former police chief blasts centralised force over communication issues A former Highland police chief has condemned “centralisation” of the force, claiming it has lost its ability to communicate. The Press and Journal 3/3/2017 News The police must be allowed to do their vital job, says Stephen Pollard It's difficult to overstate how important it is that the police are able to do the job we expect of them. Without law and order society cannot function. So it’s vital that we have a police inspectorate that can deliver a sober and accurate picture of what’s not working. Then we can work out what needs to be done Express 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Police in crisis? Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary (HMIC) report highlights cracks emerging in policing. But the police service has held up much better than others. Tom Gash asks: will it continue to do so, or are we mortgaging our safety? Institute for Government 3/3/2017 Analysis, Feature A new ‘business as usual’ It is now just over a year since I became the Chief. It is natural at this point to reflect on where I have got to on the commitments I set out to you and what the next year holds. CC Dave Thompson's Blog 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion «448044814482448344844485448644874488Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events