Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 89641 to 89660 «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » Essex Police custody cell closures see officers used ‘as a taxi service’ Police officers have been used "as a taxi service" amid custody cell closures, it is claimed. BBC 8/3/2017 News ‘Police need more ethnic minorities’ Surrey Police is being urged to recruit more officers and staff from ethnic minorities and reflect the make-up of the county more accurately, by its police and crime commissioner. Haslemere Herald 8/3/2017 News BTP chief warns of Police Scotland merger skills loss The chief constable of British Transport Police has warned plans for a merger with Police Scotland could lead to a loss of specialist skills. BBC 8/3/2017 News PCC tries to reverse predecessor’s sale of force HQ A force is in advanced talks to reverse its former police and crime commissioner’s (PCC) decision to sell its headquarters to a local school. Northamptonshire Police was criticised by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) when former PCC Adam Simmonds chose to sell the joint police and fire Wootton Hall site last year. Police Professional 7/3/2017 News Police chief scraps sale of Northamptonshire Police headquarters Plans to relocate a police headquarters to save more than £40m have been scrapped. Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Stephen Mold announced Northamptonshire Police would not be leaving Wootton Hall. Plans for a school on the site will proceed and a new proposal will see the creation of a joint police and fire service headquarters, he said. BBC 7/3/2017 News Can a new multi-million pound health, liaison and diversion service break the cycle of re-offending? Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner and NHS England's new £15m jointly-commissioned service to support vulnerable detainees and reduce re-offending is the first of its kind and is already attracting considerable interest, but can it deliver on its promises? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/3/2017 Analysis UKAuthority Live: Digitising Policing UKAuthority's Helen Olsen Bedford hosted a lively discussion of the need for a common IT approach across policing. 7/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Robert Leach at UKAuthority’s Digitising Policing webinar On Friday (3 March), I had the privilege of being invited to take part in a UKAuthority webinar on digitising policing and in particular, the need for a common IT approach across policing. Police ICT Company 7/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Amazon hands over Echo ‘murder’ data Amazon has agreed to hand over data from an Amazon Echo that may have been operating as an alleged murder took place, after the defendant consented. BBC 7/3/2017 News PCC announces intention for Northamptonshire Police Headquarters to remain at Wootton Hall Stephen Mold, Police and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire, has today announced that his Office is in advanced negotiations with the Education Funding Agency (EFA) to revise the terms of the sale of part of Wootton Hall, in a move that would see the joint Northamptonshire Police and Fire Headquarters remain on the site. Northamptonshire OPCC 7/3/2017 News Surrey Group Finance Report 2016-17 Appendix B Surrey OPCC 7/3/2017 Report Surrey Financial Overview As At December 2016 Surrey OPCC 7/3/2017 Report Surrey Police Group Financial Report For Month 9 Financial Year 2016/17 This report compares the expenditure and income incurred by both Surrey Police and the OPCC, against the financial plan Surrey OPCC 7/3/2017 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - and now features the latest research from the College of Policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/3/2017 News Police effectiveness 2016: Robbing Peter to pay Paul? Last week's HMIC police effectiveness (PEEL) report painted a worrying picture about the state of policing. However, Gavin Hales of the Police Foundation argues the demands of HMIC may be impossible to meet for some forces - and that the report should be seen as a warning flag to the Home Office and Treasury that all is not well. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/3/2017 Opinion Policing entering a crisis? Possibly, but can HMIC prove it beyond any doubt? HMIC last week published their latest PEEL report, on police effectiveness. Crime expert and author Tom Gash provides his thoughts on the analysis they've presented. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/3/2017 Analysis OneÂthird sentence reductions will now only be given for guilty plea at first hearing Advice for judges designed to stop lengthy preparations for trials which don't take place Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/3/2017 News Armed police will no longer be automatically suspended from gun duties if ‘they fire weapons,’ says Amber Rudd The Home Secretary confirmed the rules will be relaxed so that officers will only be suspended in 'exceptional circumstance' The Sun 7/3/2017 News Police handle over 300,000 calls about missing people Police forces in England and Wales received one call every 90 seconds last year about a missing person, official figures show. BBC 7/3/2017 News The Guardian view on sexual harassment in universities: taking it seriously The evidence of staff abusing their position shows that paper policies are not enough. It’s time to enforce them The Guardian 7/3/2017 Feature, Opinion «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events