Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 89641 to 89660 «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » Extension to the Chief Constable’s Contract Decision to extend the Chief Constable's contract by the max amount permitted at one time, 3 years, to take his term in office to 03-01-2022. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent’s Chief Finance Officer’s Commentary Report Funding for one year only was announced with no details of funding assumptions beyond 2017/18. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent Police and Crime Plan consultation Cutting crime and reducing reoffending was very important to the largest number of people (88.3%). Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Safer in Kent: The Community Safety and Criminal Justice Plan Progress against this plan will not be judged on stipulated numerical targets, but consider other feedback, including HMIC reports and other independent publications. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Shamecam! Students shown video of their drunken behaviour… with very sobering results Loutish students are being shown police videos of their drunken behaviour in an effort to shame them. Mail Online 5/3/2017 News Police plan to hand out free heroin and fund needle ‘shooting galleries’ for addicts Police will give free heroin to addicts in a controversial bid to cut drug-related crime, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Mail Online 5/3/2017 News Durham Police to supply free heroin to addicts to inject themselves twice a day in supervised ‘shooting gallery’ Critics have slammed the move saying it was not the role of police to supply drugs and it would not help addicts get clean Mirror 5/3/2017 News Body-worn cameras: Can police have too much discretion? Research on body-worn cameras has shown mixed results. Oh the one hand, complaints against police officers dropped spectacularly when the cameras were used; but on the other, rates of assault against officers during arrest were actually higher. Dr Alex Sutherland of RAND Europe examines police discretion as part of the explanation for these different outcomes. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/3/2017 Analysis Private bobbies to go on beat for the wealthy Retired detectives are to set up Britain’s largest and most sophisticated private police force in an attempt to deal with a “national crisis” in law enforcement. The Sunday Times 5/3/2017 News Terror map reveals danger of segregation A detailed study of the origins of British Islamists has exposed a clear link between terrorist crimes and growing up in a predominantly Muslim area The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2017 News Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2020-21 2017-18 Nottinghamshire faces some significant pressures from changes in employer contributions for National Insurance and making up the budget gap from 2015-16. Nottinghamshire OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Kent OPCC Commissioning Strategy – 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 The overall commissioning budget for the Kent PCC is in the region of £4.1 million. Kent OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Kent PCC’s council tax precept proposal Kent PCC proposed a 3.3% increase to the policing Precept Kent OPCC 4/3/2017 Report Police giving rogue cyclists an easy ride Overstretched police forces are ignoring cycling offences, it has been claimed The Times - Subscription at source 4/3/2017 News Nottinghamshire – 4 Year Capital Programme 2017-2021 It is currently estimated that there will be approximately £3.8million slippage from 2016-17 capital programme into 2017-18 and 2018-19. Nottinghamshire OPCC 3/3/2017 Report Jeremy Paxman on the future of the police The writer and broadcaster joins officers on the frontline to discover if the service is equipped to deal with modern Britain Financial Times 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Minister for Policing discusses positive legislation improvements with the Countryside Alliance Article by Brandon Lewis MP for the Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance 3/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Policing for the Future: NPCC written evidence to HASC National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 3/3/2017 Report British policing: The best in the world, but further cuts could put the public at risk Earlier this week, HMIC assessed Durham Constabulary the highest overall classification, "outstanding", in their national assessment of police effectiveness. Durham PCC Ron Hogg provides his personal perspective on the Inspection. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Opinion Which PCCs meet minimum criteria for “Open Data” on their spending declarations? Surprisingly few… Owen Boswarva is an open data activist with a background in risk analysis. In this article, Owen examines whether spending data currently published by PCCs meets the minimum criteria for open data. Which PCCs meet this minimum standard? Read on... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/3/2017 Analysis «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events