Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89641 to 89660 «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » More than a dozen terrorist attacks foiled in four years The security services have foiled 13 potential terrorist attacks on the UK in less than four years and are running more than 500 live investigations at any time, Britain’s most senior counterterrorism officer has revealed. The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Police hand out heroin to curb crime Police money will be used to supply heroin to addicts who will inject themselves twice a day under the supervision of health workers The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Israel moves to legalise marijuana for recreational use Israeli politicians have voted in favour of decriminalising marijuana for recreational use on Sunday (5 March). The Middle Eastern country will only follow the Western developments towards liberalising laws regarding the the possession and use of marijuana if the policy is ratified by its parliament at a later date. International Business Times UK 5/3/2017 News Durham Police plan to supply addicts with heroin Police in County Durham are planning to introduce a scheme supplying heroin addicts with the drug this year. Durham Police is drawing up details on the Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) service, which is aimed at cutting drug-related crime. The Northern Echo 5/3/2017 News Private police force to launch in London’s wealthiest neighbourhoods Two former Metropolitan Police Officers are forming their own private police force, available for hire in the exclusive areas of Knightsbridge, Mayfair and Belgravia in London. Tony Nash and David McKelvey's My Local Bobby (MLB) business is the first of its kind, aiming to uncover crimes and potentially bring about private prosecutions where the Met fail to do so. International Business Times UK 5/3/2017 News Treasury Management Strategy Statement Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Nottinghamshire Reserves Strategy Report 2017-18 Nottinghamshire currently has one of the lowest levels of reserves for policing in England and Wales. Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Nottinghamshire’s Budget Report 2017-18 2015-16 has proved to be the toughest year to date, this resulted in £9.3m being required from reserves to balance the budget. Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent Police and Crime Panel – Annual Report 2016 This report summarises the Panel’s work in 2016 Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Variation to the Victim Support Contract – Kent To vary the Victim Support contract to include initial contact with high risk DA victims and to work collaboratively with Kent County Council commissioned DA Service. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Extension to the Chief Constable’s Contract Decision to extend the Chief Constable's contract by the max amount permitted at one time, 3 years, to take his term in office to 03-01-2022. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent’s Chief Finance Officer’s Commentary Report Funding for one year only was announced with no details of funding assumptions beyond 2017/18. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent Police and Crime Plan consultation Cutting crime and reducing reoffending was very important to the largest number of people (88.3%). Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Safer in Kent: The Community Safety and Criminal Justice Plan Progress against this plan will not be judged on stipulated numerical targets, but consider other feedback, including HMIC reports and other independent publications. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Shamecam! Students shown video of their drunken behaviour… with very sobering results Loutish students are being shown police videos of their drunken behaviour in an effort to shame them. Mail Online 5/3/2017 News Police plan to hand out free heroin and fund needle ‘shooting galleries’ for addicts Police will give free heroin to addicts in a controversial bid to cut drug-related crime, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Mail Online 5/3/2017 News Durham Police to supply free heroin to addicts to inject themselves twice a day in supervised ‘shooting gallery’ Critics have slammed the move saying it was not the role of police to supply drugs and it would not help addicts get clean Mirror 5/3/2017 News Body-worn cameras: Can police have too much discretion? Research on body-worn cameras has shown mixed results. Oh the one hand, complaints against police officers dropped spectacularly when the cameras were used; but on the other, rates of assault against officers during arrest were actually higher. Dr Alex Sutherland of RAND Europe examines police discretion as part of the explanation for these different outcomes. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/3/2017 Analysis Private bobbies to go on beat for the wealthy Retired detectives are to set up Britain’s largest and most sophisticated private police force in an attempt to deal with a “national crisis” in law enforcement. The Sunday Times 5/3/2017 News Terror map reveals danger of segregation A detailed study of the origins of British Islamists has exposed a clear link between terrorist crimes and growing up in a predominantly Muslim area The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 5/3/2017 News «447944804481448244834484448544864487Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events