Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 89621 to 89640 «447844794480448144824483448444854486Next ›Last » A great year ahead for evidence based policing, says leading academic This year promises to be a great year for evidence based policing, delegates at a conference on the subject have been told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Proposed deputy police and crime commissioner meets ‘minimum standard’ according to crime panel The nominated candidate for a £50,000-a-year deputy police and crime commissioner job in Cheshire meets the ‘minimum standard’ required for the role according to a crime panel. Warrington Guardian 6/3/2017 News Voluntary exit scheme opens at force South Yorkshire Police hoping to move on longÂserving officers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News The depressing real reason police have stopped cracking down on aggressive morons on bikes Mail Online 6/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Chief hits out at ‘relentless criticism and negativity’ towards police Wiltshire's top cop has hit out at what he calls "relentless criticism and negativity" towards the police. Chief constable Mike Veale praised his officers and said Wiltshire police was "punching above its weight". Salisbury Journal 6/3/2017 News Crime-spotting software specialist set to expand A supplier of police investigation and anti-fraud software is increasing staff numbers as it steps up its export efforts. The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015) Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offences and Attacks in the UK (1998-2015), a new research project from The Henry Jackson Society, presents the most comprehensive ever overview of the threat from Islamism-inspired terrorism in the United Kingdom. The Henry Jackson Society 6/3/2017 Report Security services ‘prevented 13 UK terror attacks since 2013’ Security services have prevented 13 potential terror attacks since June 2013, the UK's most senior counter-terrorism police officer has revealed. BBC 6/3/2017 News Police urge public to help counter UK’s complex terror threat As convictions for Islamist extremism offences rise, top counter-terrorism officer says public central to fighting future threats The Guardian 6/3/2017 News Durham police will give addicts heroin to inject in ‘shooting galleries’ Force will be first in England to implement radical approach that has achieved positive results in a number of European countries The Guardian 6/3/2017 News More than a dozen terrorist attacks foiled in four years The security services have foiled 13 potential terrorist attacks on the UK in less than four years and are running more than 500 live investigations at any time, Britain’s most senior counterterrorism officer has revealed. The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Police hand out heroin to curb crime Police money will be used to supply heroin to addicts who will inject themselves twice a day under the supervision of health workers The Times - Subscription at source 6/3/2017 News Israel moves to legalise marijuana for recreational use Israeli politicians have voted in favour of decriminalising marijuana for recreational use on Sunday (5 March). The Middle Eastern country will only follow the Western developments towards liberalising laws regarding the the possession and use of marijuana if the policy is ratified by its parliament at a later date. International Business Times UK 5/3/2017 News Durham Police plan to supply addicts with heroin Police in County Durham are planning to introduce a scheme supplying heroin addicts with the drug this year. Durham Police is drawing up details on the Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) service, which is aimed at cutting drug-related crime. The Northern Echo 5/3/2017 News Private police force to launch in London’s wealthiest neighbourhoods Two former Metropolitan Police Officers are forming their own private police force, available for hire in the exclusive areas of Knightsbridge, Mayfair and Belgravia in London. Tony Nash and David McKelvey's My Local Bobby (MLB) business is the first of its kind, aiming to uncover crimes and potentially bring about private prosecutions where the Met fail to do so. International Business Times UK 5/3/2017 News Treasury Management Strategy Statement Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Nottinghamshire Reserves Strategy Report 2017-18 Nottinghamshire currently has one of the lowest levels of reserves for policing in England and Wales. Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Nottinghamshire’s Budget Report 2017-18 2015-16 has proved to be the toughest year to date, this resulted in £9.3m being required from reserves to balance the budget. Nottinghamshire OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Kent Police and Crime Panel – Annual Report 2016 This report summarises the Panel’s work in 2016 Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report Variation to the Victim Support Contract – Kent To vary the Victim Support contract to include initial contact with high risk DA victims and to work collaboratively with Kent County Council commissioned DA Service. Kent OPCC 5/3/2017 Report «447844794480448144824483448444854486Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events