Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 89521 to 89540 «447344744475447644774478447944804481Next ›Last » Fears for the future of Britain’s mighty police horses Police admit cuts mean there are no longer enough horses to cover major events Mail Online 12/3/2017 News Muslim detective sues Yard for racism Nighat Hubbard, appointed an MBE in 2014, says Metropolitan police officers discriminated against her because of her Asian background The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 12/3/2017 News West Mercia Performance Summary Oct-Dec 2016 This performance document aims to report on areas of performance that relate to the priorities contained in the Police and Crime Plan and key areas of risk identified in the Alliance Control Strategy. West Mercia OPCC 11/3/2017 Report West Mercia Budget Consultation 2017/18 Summary The majority of respondents 508 (71.7%) were in support of the precept proposal put forward by the Commissioner. West Mercia OPCC 11/3/2017 Report A change in the political weather? Police Scotland’s new ten year strategy The Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland have set out their strategy for policing in Scotland over the next ten years - Policing 2026. Independent researcher Kath Murray analyses the strategy and what it really means in the long term for policing in Scotland. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/3/2017 Analysis Quiz: would you make it as a superintendent? Discover whether you have the abilities, skills and characteristics that meet the requirements of the Direct Entry Superintendent programme The Guardian 11/3/2017 Analysis, Feature British police get Polish lessons to break down barriers and improve relations with local migrants Sussex Police has also launched a Polish Facebook page to improve relations. Mail Online 11/3/2017 News £100 shoplifters ‘to be ignored by police’ Hungerford residents fear an epidemic of shoplifters in the Berkshire town The Times - Subscription at source 11/3/2017 News Joint West Mercia and Warwickshire PCP Chairs Meeting. It was highlighted that the two Police and Crime Plans were similar, except in their length. Warwickshire had a much longer narrative in the plan. West Mercia OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Surrey Capital Programme Expenditure Report Appendix D Surrey OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Surrey Budget 2017/18 – Summary Causal Track Appendix C Surrey OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Surrey Revenue Budget 2016/17 – Appendix B Table of costs associated with training & other employment costs including NI, pensions and salaries Surrey OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Surrey Precept Report – Revenue Budget 2017-18 Breakdown of revenue budget across areas/departments Surrey OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Surrey PCC’s Precept Setting Proposal 2017-18 Employee retention is a significant issue for Surrey Police, especially now that our neighbouring forces are recruiting officers. Surrey OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Police Commissioner pledges extra funding for CCTV and monitoring hubs in Devon and Cornwall Devon and Cornwall’s Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez has pledged an extra £200,000 funding to increase CCTV capacity across the force area and encourage the development of monitoring “hubs”. Crediton Courier 10/3/2017 News South Yorkshire Draft Police and Crime Plan 2017-21 In October, I was dismayed by the Home Secretary’s decision not to investigate the events of Orgreave in 1984 South Yorkshire OPCC 10/3/2017 Report Scots police IT system is not fit for purpose, says ex-manager A FORMER police IT project manager has condemned the current force computer system for handling crimes in Scotland saying it is not fit for purpose. The Herald (Scotland) 10/3/2017 News Assistant Chief Constable Recruitment We are on a journey to improve the way we deliver all aspects of the service. To achieve that aim we need the best people with unquestionable talent, innovation, absolute drive, energy and professionalism. Nottinghamshire Police are seeking an enthusiastic ACC to help us continue that journey and to achieve our ambition for the people of Nottinghamshire and the people we employ. Salary £97,563 - £110,148. The closing date for applications is 4pm on 23rd March 2017 Nottinghamshire Police 10/3/2017 Jobs Chief Constable Recruitment As Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, I am looking to appoint an exceptional individual with the appropriate experience, ambition and vision to lead Humberside Police. The appointment will be offered for a fixed term of up to 5 years at an annual salary of between £130,291-£159,244 (subject to skills and experience and negotiation on appointment). The closing date for receipt of applications is midnight on 2 April 2017. Humberside OPCC 10/3/2017 Jobs ‘No plan’ to improve police IT system after £46m project fails Police chiefs have been accused of having “no plan” to improve their outdated computer systems after the disastrous collapse of a £46 million project. The Times - Subscription at source 10/3/2017 News «447344744475447644774478447944804481Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events