Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 89241 to 89260 «445944604461446244634464446544664467Next ›Last » Working with the College of Policing: A critical assessment from a serving officer Many serving officers may feel that the College of Policing is a distant organisation, doing things to them, rather than for them. Serving officer Dan Reynolds makes a critical appraisal of the work of the College and how its work can be beneficial for officers on the ground. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 Opinion Letter to Government from Police and Crime Committee re: NICC Grant to MPS To urge that the National, International and Capital City (NICC) grant allocated to the MPS and the review of the way funding is allocated to the police properly reflects the responsibilities that the MPS. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 27/3/2017 Report Response to the Mayor’s Draft Police and Crime Plan Police and Crime Committee February 2017 London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 27/3/2017 Report The challenges of policing the changing nature of terrorism Former chief constable of the British Transport Police Andy Trotter OBE QPM, reflects on the terror attack that took place in London last week and the challenges it presents the service. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 Opinion Leicesterdhire OPCC Youth Commission Report The Youth Commission was set up in 2013 and consists of young people in the age range 14-25, from a diverse range of backgrounds, who provide advice to the PCC. Leicestershire OPCC 27/3/2017 Report Why we must do more to intervene early with women at the point of arrest Opportunities exist to prevent women being drawn into the criminal justice system, the Prison Reform Trust says. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Recruitment of a new Assistant Chief Constable for Lancashire Salary: £97,563 - £110,148 + Relocation and Benefits Package. Deadline and closing date for application - 12 noon Tuesday 18th April 2017 Lancashire Constabulary 27/3/2017 Jobs Recruitment of a new Deputy Chief Constable for Lancashire Salary: £129, 813 + Relocation and Benefits Package. Five Year Fixed Term Appointment. Deadline and closing date for application - 12 noon Tuesday 18th April 2017 Lancashire Constabulary 27/3/2017 Jobs If we value our national security, we must avoid a hard Brexit In the wake of the Westminster attack, expensive new security measures will be prioritised. How can we afford them with a £100bn Brexit bill? Comment by Brian Paddick, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesperson in the House of Lords, and the former deputy assistant commissioner of the London Metropolitan police The Guardian 27/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Courts order offenders to wear GPS tags Magistrates used the power for the first time this week. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 News Fed chairman calls for IPCC to be replaced but watchdog say he’s mispresenting them Independent Police Complaints' Commission says North Korea comments could undermine trust and make their investigations harder. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 News Race row over Met police form which ‘targets grime and R&B artists’ A row has erupted over a Met Police risk assessment form which critics claim leads to grime and R&B artists' shows being targeted because of "race". The Standard 27/3/2017 News South Yorkshire Police prepares to pay out millions in compensation claims South Yorkshire Police is preparing to pay out £14 million in compensation settlements to victims of the Hillsborough disaster and the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal – but the final bill may end up being much higher. The Star (Yorkshire) 27/3/2017 News Form 696: Concern over ‘racist’ police form to be raised The government is to respond to fears a police risk assessment form has been used in a "racist" way to target grime artists, the BBC understands. BBC 27/3/2017 News Rudd’s call for backdoor access suggests hazy grasp of encryption Home secretary wants police to be able to access WhatsApp, but any backdoor also makes services vulnerable to criminals The Guardian 27/3/2017 Analysis, Feature Businesses must switch on to threat of cybercrime Stephen Martin is director-general at the Institute of Directors The Times - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 Feature, Opinion WhatsApp must not be ‘place for terrorists to hide’ There must be "no place for terrorists to hide" and intelligence services must have access to encrypted messaging services, the home secretary has said. BBC 27/3/2017 News Call for encryption ban pits Rudd against industry and colleagues Amber Rudd’s call for “no hiding place for terrorists” on the web echoes and revives David Cameron’s 2015 proposal to ban end-to-end encryption on services such as WhatsApp. The Guardian 27/3/2017 News Luton’s links to a succession of Islamist extremists The Times - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 Analysis, Feature Isis uses terror attack to sign up YouTube recruits Islamic State has flooded YouTube with hundreds of violent recruitment videos since the terrorist attack in London last week in an apparent attempt to capitalise on the tragedy, The Times can reveal. The Times - Subscription at source 27/3/2017 News «445944604461446244634464446544664467Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events