Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 89101 to 89120 «445244534454445544564457445844594460Next ›Last » Update On Lancashire’s Force Control Room This report advises the Commissioning of the quality of service (Contact Management) against the performance indicators agreed. Lancashire OPCC 2/4/2017 Report Lancashire – Police and Crime Plan Performance Monitoring Report Appendix A contains key performance data for the headline measures: Appendix B has the latest performance measures data. Lancashire OPCC 2/4/2017 Report Airports and nuclear power stations on terror alert as government officials warn of ‘credible’ cyber threat Britain’s airports and nuclear power stations have been told to tighten their defences against terrorist attacks in the face of increased threats to electronic security systems. The Sunday Telegraph 2/4/2017 News Ambulance callouts to London police custody suites double in four years Met officers have to escort suspects to A&E departments amid shortage of specialist nurses The Guardian 2/4/2017 News Top Met officer urges fellow Muslims to join battle against ‘silent killer’ of extremism Britain’s most senior Muslim police officer has urged Islamic communities to do more to confront the “silent killer” of extremism, saying they cannot rely only on the police and security services to deal with the threat. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 2/4/2017 News Criminals make a pile with fake recycling depots Criminal gangs are setting up recycling centres with the intention of abandoning them with huge mounds of waste, warn Environment Agency officials. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 2/4/2017 News Bank ‘covered up’ £1bn scam that tore apart small firms Executives at one of Britain’s biggest banks “concealed” an estimated £1bn fraud for nine years, according to a secret report seen by The Sunday Times. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 2/4/2017 News Half a sentence does not fit the crime The leniency shown to the ‘cricket bat’ wifebeater is justice compromised The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 2/4/2017 Feature, Opinion PCC names next chief constable The national lead for cyber crime has been chosen as the preferred candidate to be the next chief constable of Derbyshire Constabulary. Police Professional 1/4/2017 News Lancashire Custody Report – Areas Of Concern And Recommendations. Follwing a custody inspection the following table has been created to monitor progress. Lancashire OPCC 1/4/2017 Report Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons Unannounced Custody Inspection 2016 – Update The Inspection highlighted three main areas of concern and thirty one areas for improvement. Lancashire OPCC 1/4/2017 Report Guardian asks Met police if it illegally accessed journalists’ emails Request follows disclosures that IPCC is investigating claims Scotland Yard unit used hackers to access reporters’ emails The Guardian 1/4/2017 News The wisdom of crowds: Evidence, consent and the policing of football The death of Ian Tomlinson in 2009 during the G20 protests led to a fundamental re-examination of public order policing in the UK. But why has that learning not been embedded in the policing of football crowds? Chief Superintendent Owen West of West Yorkshire Police reports from an expert seminar at Keele University, and asks what are the police waiting for? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/3/2017 Opinion A hard Brexit for policing and justice? Rick Muir, Director of the Police Foundation The Police Foundation 31/3/2017 Analysis, Feature Connected justice: A single system? #2 Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and Chair, Sussex Criminal Justice Board Reform Think Tank 31/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Connected justice: a single system? #1 Paul Whittaker CBE, Crown Platform Transformation Director, Crown Prosecution Service Reform Think Tank 31/3/2017 Feature, Opinion Shocking figures reveal cops across Britain solve just one in ten burglaries Decline in detection rates follows the axing of 17,000 front-line officers in six years The Sun 31/3/2017 News Policing Minister: Speech to the Police Education Qualification Framework conference Minister addresses the conference on the topic of police professionalisation Home Office 31/3/2017 Report A New Integrated Service Model For Victims In Lancashire LANCASHIRE VICTIM SERVICES will be changing the way its services are delivered on 1st April 2017 Lancashire Constabulary 31/3/2017 Report Estate Department update – Lancashire Appendix A – Update to Estates Strategy objectives Lancashire OPCC 31/3/2017 Report «445244534454445544564457445844594460Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events