Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 89081 to 89100 «445144524453445444554456445744584459Next ›Last » A world-leading, national integrated communications network The Minister for Policing and the Fire Service, responds to a recent article in Policing Insight critical of the Emergency Services Network. Brandon Lewis MP explains why the government is working to move from the TETRA radio communications system, known as Airwave, currently in use by the police, ambulance and fire and rescue service, to a national integrated network using 4G Long Term Evolution mobile technology Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/4/2017 Opinion Hampshire Police and Crime Panel’s Proactive Scrutiny of Restorative Justice. Following a review of the evidence received, the Panel have outlined their findings below for your consideration. Hampshire OPCC 3/4/2017 Report Response To Hampshire’s PCPs Domestic Abuse Scrutiny Recommendations Police and Crime Commissioner’s response to Police and Crime Panel recommendations Hampshire OPCC 3/4/2017 Report PCC calls for impossible review of domestic abuse sentence GMP PCC Tony Lloyd joined a chorus of public calls for the sentence of Mustafa Bashir to be reviewed despite AG being powerless to do so. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/4/2017 News New Met Commissioner Cressida Dick to start on Monday Sadiq Khan has confirmed the new Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, will begin her new job on Monday 10 April. ITV News 3/4/2017 News Police face special constables recruitment crisis The West Midlands has only a third of the volunteers it had five years ago Birmingham Live 3/4/2017 News Caution urged as pre-charge bail reforms come into force Pre-charge bail has been capped at four weeks as new laws come into effect to overhaul the police and criminal justice system. Police Professional 3/4/2017 News Drone complaints soar as concerns grow over snooping Complaints to police include claims of burglary ‘scoping’, mid-air near-misses and the smuggling of contraband into prisons The Guardian 3/4/2017 News 28-day limit on police bail comes into force in the UK Police face new curbs on their use of bail following severe criticism over prolonged bail periods leaving people in legal limbo for months or years The Guardian 3/4/2017 News Met police look at allegations of Saudi war crimes in Yemen Scotland Yard’s move risks sparking diplomatic row as Theresa May prepares to visit Arab state to talk up closer trade links The Guardian 3/4/2017 News Burglars and Peeping Toms use drones to spy on the neighbours Police are dealing with a sharp rise in drone-related complaints The Times - Subscription at source 3/4/2017 News We must harness academia to combat growing cyberthreat Ben Gummer is the cabinet office minister The Times - Subscription at source 3/4/2017 Feature, Opinion Europe becomes ‘hub’ for child sexual abuse content Europe is becoming the global hub for the hosting of child sexual abuse images and videos, suggests a report. BBC 3/4/2017 News Police bail limit of 28 days comes into force A 28-day limit on police bail has come into force in England and Wales. BBC 3/4/2017 News Bail limit will aid criminals, police warn Violent criminals and sex offenders could escape justice under new measures that restrict pre-charge bail to 28 days, police leaders have warned. The Times - Subscription at source 3/4/2017 News Master software agreement moves to Police ICT company The agreement consolidates 122 formerly separate data software agreements between companies and police forces Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/4/2017 News Bail is changing; so should police investigations Today, the manner in which the police grant bail before a suspect is charged will change radically. This is a good thing. For too long, thousands of people have been placed on bail for excessive periods – waiting for many months, sometimes years, to hear whether they will actually face charges. This is wrong, for the simple and oft-cited reason that justice delayed is justice denied. The Telegraph 2/4/2017 Feature, Opinion Ten drone crimes a day: Surge in popularity sees police report a 12-fold jump in offences linked to the gadgets Up to ten crimes involving drones are reported to police every day amid a surge in their popularity, an investigation has found. Mail Online 2/4/2017 News Hampshire Police and Crime Panel’s Proactive Scrutiny of Rural Crime 2017 This review will consider progress made against some of the key areas discussed in the Panel’s previous report on rural crime and look to identify and discuss those of current interest. Hampshire OPCC 2/4/2017 Report Force Control Room Action Plan Plan for Control Room with Actions, Completion Date, Progress, and Comments Lancashire OPCC 2/4/2017 Report «445144524453445444554456445744584459Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events