Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 88981 to 89000 «444644474448444944504451445244534454Next ›Last » Resignation Statistics Post Attestation 2015/2016 Data table including length of service from attestation to resignation and resignation statistics for specials and volunteers Northamptonshire OPCC 8/4/2017 Report Northamptonshire Police Job Description – Specials Sergeant Including Main Responsibilities, Essential Criteria And Duty Breakdown. Northamptonshire OPCC 8/4/2017 Report 2016-17 Revenue and Capital Expenditure Forecast Outturn The current outturn projection is £0.269m overspend (after the use of in-year reserves). Northamptonshire OPCC 8/4/2017 Report Northamptonshire Police and Crime Plan Delivery Update Report This report updates the Panel on the work of the PCC and the progress being made in relation to the delivery of the new Police and Crime Plan. Northamptonshire OPCC 8/4/2017 Report Northamptonshire Police and Crime Plan Delivery Update Appendix 1 with updates, and progress status. Northamptonshire OPCC 8/4/2017 Report Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous: The new context of policing in the 21st century The policing landscape is undergoing tremendous change. Supt Dave Hill, Programme Director for the East Midlands Police Academic Collaboration (EMPAC) examines the 'VUCA' model - volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous - to help find a path for policing in the 21st century. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/4/2017 Analysis The Journey of a Special Constable – Initial Training to Independent Patrol Appendix 1 Northamptonshire OPCC 7/4/2017 Report Northamptonshire Special and Volunteers Programme update The programme review so far has focused on the Special Constabulary however throughout 2017-18 the focus will shift to volunteers. Northamptonshire OPCC 7/4/2017 Report Silence in court? Virtual courtrooms and emailed confessions could be coming to Colchester justice system Justice is changing. Traditional court rooms still exist where barristers and judges wear wigs in a nod to their predecessors. But as we move further into the 21st century, technology is playing more of a part in the courts system. Gazette (Essex) 7/4/2017 News Report crime to Lincolnshire Police with new on-line system A new system to allow residents to report crimes on-line was launched this week by Lincolnshire Police. The new online reporting software is designed to take people through an easy step-by-step process to log the incident and will give each user a unique reference number. Grantham Journal 7/4/2017 News Police and MI5 set up a fake courier firm to snare terrorist ringleader who they called for an interview before finding a pipe bomb and meat cleaver in his car Police and MI5 set up a fake company called 'Hero Couriers' with a uniform and logo in order to hire suspects who were using encrypted apps to communicate, a court has heard. Mail Online 7/4/2017 News Police force that lets off cocaine and heroin users: Top officer denies being ‘soft’ on drugs after force stopped arresting suspects A senior police officer has denied being ‘soft’ on drugs after his force stopped arresting people caught with cocaine, heroin and ecstasy. Avon and Somerset Police have sparked outrage by letting those found with the drugs off the hook and sending them to a workshop instead of prosecuting them. Mail Online 7/4/2017 News Counter terror scheme Prevent receives just 16 referrals from Scottish schools in two years One-in-eight referrals to counter-terrorism programme Prevent in Scotland were made by schools, while one child aged under nine was referred for fear of radicalisation. Tes Magazine 7/4/2017 News ‘We’ll be out of Europe first’: Wait goes on for Police Federation reforms More than three years since the completion of the Normington Review, the government has still not changed the legislation to enable all its recommendations to happen. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/4/2017 News Countryside alliance? How Cambridgeshire’s Rural Crime Action Team is protecting a way of life Rural crime costs millions of pounds and can be devastating for victims – but is often overshadowed by urban demand. Cambridgeshire PCC Jason Ablewhite, who grew up on a farm, explains how the Rural Crime Action team - many of whom have farming backgrounds themselves - is building confidence in the police in rural communities.  Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/4/2017 Opinion How the company behind Taser plans to increase police accountability and effectiveness The company behind the TASER X2 hopes its latest device will boost public reassurance and police accountability, but Matt Spencer, MD, Axon Public Safety, says changes to the latest model are just the beginning of a technological revolution in policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/4/2017 Interview, Opinion Police force that lets off cocaine and heroin users: Top officer denies being ‘soft’ on drugs after force stopped arresting suspects A senior police officer has denied being ‘soft’ on drugs after his force stopped arresting people caught with cocaine, heroin and ecstasy. Mail Online 7/4/2017 News Yorkshire Ripper may have murdered eight more, says former detective who got killer to confess Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe may have killed eight more women, a former detective has claimed. The Telegraph 7/4/2017 News Clashes with judges leave Truss at risk of losing job Liz Truss has been identified by ministers as the politician most at risk of losing her job in a cabinet reshuffle after confidence in her was undermined by clashes with senior judges. The Times - Subscription at source 7/4/2017 News Malvern police officers receive first batch of Axon body cameras in West Mercia Some 46 officers in Malvern have been given the cameras this week as part of West Mercia Police's £1m investment in 2,200 devices. Malvern Gazette 6/4/2017 News «444644474448444944504451445244534454Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events