Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 88941 to 88960 «444444454446444744484449445044514452Next ›Last » Draft terms published for commission to examine gardaà The Irish Government has published the draft terms of reference of the commission that will examine the gardaÃ. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 11/4/2017 News PCC And The Wider Criminal Justice System Information report to the thames valley police and crime panel 7th april 2017 Thames Valley OPCC 11/4/2017 Report Proactive Scrutiny of Criminal Justice Crest Report ‘Taking back control of the criminal justice system’ Thames Valley OPCC 11/4/2017 Report PCC Response To The Recommendations Of The Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation Sub-Committee The Panel asked the PCC to provide a formal response to the recommendations of the Preventing CSE Sub-Committee arising from its meeting held on 16th December 2016. Thames Valley OPCC 11/4/2017 Report Thames Valley Police Roads Policing Report The reason for this item is to look at the PCC’s performance on roads policing and how the Chief Constable is being held to account for the Joint Operations Unit with Hampshire Constabulary. Thames Valley OPCC 11/4/2017 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/4/2017 News Stakeknife: Double agent in IRA ‘was given alibi by senior British officials’ Panorama documentary claims agent who leaked secrets to British army is linked to 18 murders in 1980s and 90s The Guardian 11/4/2017 News Police ‘failing victims of domestic abuse’ in London Women and girls in London are being let down by the Metropolitan police over the handling of domestic violence cases, a charity warns today. The Standard 11/4/2017 News Man from Coventry charged for ‘swatting’ US gamer who was shot by police A man has become the first person in Britain to be charged in the ‘swatting’ craze that sees gamers make hoax calls to the police to send a SWAT team to an innocent person’s home. Metro 11/4/2017 News Co-production in police research: Towards a model of greater inclusivity Policing research used to be dominated by research on the police, designed, directed and carried out by academic researchers. However, recent years have seen a move towards co-production of research with police. Sean Butcher, a PhD student at the University of Leeds, reports from a workshop on the challenges of co-production, and how this move might be sustained. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/4/2017 Opinion Force imposes ‘exclusion zone’ in Manchester city centre after spike in psychoactive drug use One of Britain’s biggest metropolitan forces battling incidents of ‘epidemic proportions’ involving the psychoactive drug Spice dealt with 31 calls in a 24-hour period. Police Professional 10/4/2017 News Top City of London police chief Ian Dyson warns businesses are leaving cyber crime unreported The majority of online crime is going unreported the City's top police officer has said, as he urged business to come forward and trust police to do investigate. City A.M. 10/4/2017 News Government must tackle Spice drug problem before it gets any worse, police and council chiefs warn The Spice drug problem blighting parts of the UK cannot be allowed to get any worse, a police chief has said, as he warned that the rise of 'zombies' using the substance is putting too much pressure on public services. The Telegraph 10/4/2017 News Evidence-based policing: An inconvenient truth? There is an ongoing debate within policing about the value of academic input, and whether evidence-based policing can offer the kind of knowledge that policing needs. Chief Superintendent Owen West looks at the arguments, and calls for academic collaboration to confront the politics of knowledge within the police service itself. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/4/2017 Opinion Thames Valley OPCC Strategic Delivery Plan 2017/18 Business Areas which support delivery of the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan Thames Valley OPCC 10/4/2017 Report Cllr Sue Murphy leaves role as Deputy PCC The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner can today confirm that Cllr Sue Murphy has left her role as Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner. Merseyside OPCC 10/4/2017 News PC Keith Palmer: Funeral for officer killed in London attacks The funeral of PC Keith Palmer, who was killed in last month's Westminster attack, is taking place at Southwark Cathedral in central London. BBC 10/4/2017 News There’s more to mobile technology than “distributing shiny boxes” Dr Alistair Norman, lecturer in information management at Leeds University Business School, discussed the latest technological solutions around public safety communications at the recent B-APCO 2017 conference, including the drivers, barriers and trends for the future. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/4/2017 Analysis Greater Manchester Police recording LGBT domestic abuse Greater Manchester Police is believed to be the first force in the UK to officially record domestic abuse in the LGBT community. BBC 10/4/2017 News The public are ‘at risk’ until police are better armed, says chief of the Scottish Police Federation Members of the public are being put at risk while Scotland’s police officers are unarmed, the Scottish Police Federation’s general secretary has warned. The National 10/4/2017 News «444444454446444744484449445044514452Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events