Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 88901 to 88920 «444244434444444544464447444844494450Next ›Last » BT wins The Met’s £100m networks tower Networking and IT contract covers high speed fixed and wireless networks as well as cloud and IT services under the Met’s Technology Transformation Programme Government Computing 13/4/2017 News More money for PCCs wanting to take responsibility for Fire governance The Home Office has announced a total of £1 million for nine Police and Crime Commissioners, to help them develop proposals to take on governance of fire and rescue. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/4/2017 News Bedfordshire Police And Crime Panel: Provisional Outturn Budget To 31 March 2017 This report provides the Panel with information about the grant provided by the Home Office to the Host Authority for administering and supporting the Panel and expenditure against that budget. Bedfordshire OPCC 13/4/2017 Report Bedfordshire PCC Update The PCC opened the process for grant applications on 9 January 2017, closing date of 17 February. 94 applications in total were received, with a total value of £3.9million – considerably more than the £1.1m available to the PCC. Bedfordshire OPCC 13/4/2017 Report Force Overview Plan: Improving Bedfordshire Police and Protecting Our Communities Starting the journey of improvement, we have amended and re-launched our purpose to: PROTECTING PEOPLE AND FIGHTING CRIME TOGETHER. Bedfordshire OPCC 13/4/2017 Report PCC perjury probe could be launched after Met points out law to IPCC Watchdog said it did not believe allegations against Shaun Wright were a criminal matter Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/4/2017 News Greater Manchester Police is great at tackling gangsters but needs to improve response times GMP is “outstanding” at tackling organised crime gangs, says a government watchdog. But the force still needs to reduce the time it takes to respond to reports of crime and improve its computer systems. Manchester Evening News 13/4/2017 News Police promise more action and technology following critical HMIC report One of Humberside Police top officers has pledged more will be done to reduce crime and keep people safe. Temporary Deputy Chief Constable, Lee Freeman, said his Force fully accepted the recommendations in the latest inspection reports. Grimsby Live 13/4/2017 News Call for inquiry into police ombudsman’s office The Police Federation of Northern Ireland (PFNI) has called for a "full inquiry" into the operation of the police ombudsman. It follows the arrest of an former ombudsman investigator over an alleged theft of sensitive security documents. BBC 13/4/2017 News Humberside – National child protection inspection Protecting children is one of the most important tasks the police undertake. Only the police can investigate suspected crimes, arrest perpetrators and monitor sex offenders. Police officers have the power to take a child who is in danger into a place of safety, or to seek an order to restrict an offender’s contact with children. The police service also has a significant role working with other agencies to ensure the child’s protection and well-being, longer term. This inspection examined child protection in Humberside Police in November 2016. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 13/4/2017 Report Humberside Police demonstrates commitment to improving child protection services, however there is work to be done HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has today published the report of inspection carried out in November 2016 of the child protection work undertaken by Humberside Police. These inspections are part of a rolling programme of child protection inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 13/4/2017 News Never stop learning: A response to the Direct Entry debate The Direct Entry debate has returned to the headlines in recent weeks with the suggestion that Chief Constables might in future be drawn from outside the service. Supt. Maggie Blyth, one of the first Direct Entry superintendents, says there's a huge amount of talent in policing - but there still might be advantages in looking outside. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/4/2017 Opinion Chief Constable to retire The Chief Constable of Gwent Police, Jeff Farrar, will retire this summer after 35 years of dedicated service to policing. Gwent OPCC 13/4/2017 News Police use of TASER, England and Wales: 1 January to 31 December 2016 Statistics on police use of TASER ® X26 conducted energy devices, England and Wales, 2016. Home Office 13/4/2017 Report Met Police award £100M network upgrade contract to BT BT has won a £100m contract from Scotland Yard which will see the telecoms giant build a high-speed fixed and wireless network to support the Met’s technology transformation programme. MayorWatch 13/4/2017 News Home Office funds PCCs to support further police and fire collaboration Minister for Policing and the Fire Service Brandon Lewis has awarded £1 million from the Police Transformation Fund to 9 police and crime commissioners (PCCs) for their work in developing proposals to take on the additional responsibility for the governance of fire and rescue in their area. Home Office 13/4/2017 News Britain hit by surge in violent crime: senior officers criticised for ignoring basics as gun and knife offences soar Britain is in the grip of a sudden surge in violent crime, Scotland Yard warned yesterday, amid criticism of senior officers. The Telegraph 13/4/2017 News Met police performance criticised as London gun and knife crime soar London force releases figures on day HMIC highlights ‘serious concerns’ over child protection and crime detection The Guardian 13/4/2017 News Crime surge as youths carry knives for status Gun, knife and other violent crime is rising rapidly as ordinary youths turn to carrying blades in the belief that it is trendy, police said yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 13/4/2017 News Police boss is investigated over election fraud Alison Hernandez, police and crime commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, could face charges over her role supporting a Tory candidate at the 2015 election The Times - Subscription at source 13/4/2017 News «444244434444444544464447444844494450Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events