Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 88841 to 88860 «443944404441444244434444444544464447Next ›Last » New Commissioner talks about campaign to raise funds to build a new UK Police Memorial The new Commissioner talks about the launch of a major campaign to raise funds to build a new UK Police Memorial in Staffordshire. Metropolitan Police Service 19/4/2017 News Where now for so many unfinished policing issues? Yes, policing has seen stability in this parliament – if your idea of stability is to be left constantly questioning what is going to happen and when things are going to get done, writes Ian Weinfass. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/4/2017 Feature, Opinion Black people four times more likely to be stopped in Southampton new police figures show Almost 22 per cent of the people stopped and searched last year in Southampton were black or a minority ethnicity (BME). Daily Echo (Southern) 19/4/2017 News Met police chief Cressida Dick faces backlash after saying solving burglary is a ‘meaningless activity’ New Commissioner said Britain’s top police force could not pour money into engaging in 'meaningless activity' The Sun 19/4/2017 News Met chief prioritises giving officers Tasers and fighting cybercrime Cressida Dick enters second week in role with sights set on reducing violent crime in London amid police service budget cuts The Guardian 19/4/2017 News Met chief pledges to tackle knife and gun crime before celebrity inquiries Cressida Dick, the new Metropolitan Police commissioner, has placed the fight against rising violence at the centre of her leadership as she moves away from the politically charged agenda of her predecessor. The Times - Subscription at source 19/4/2017 News Hooch and drugs found at violent jail Illegal drugs worth £40,000 and 350 litres of homemade hooch were found at a “very unsafe” jail, a report by HM Inspectorate of Prisons has revealed. The Times - Subscription at source 19/4/2017 News ‘Digital Policing’ and a review of police force capability Vigilant Research’s first Digital Policing Review report launches on Thursday, and director Stephen Roberts argues that policing really can learn from the likes of Uber and Airbnb. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2017 Opinion Briefing: Policing and Crime Act 2017 This briefing is an update on the Policing and Crime Act 2017, which became law on 31 January 2016 Staffordshire OPCC 18/4/2017 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2017 News Project Nova: Looking after the needs of veterans in custody Project Nova started as a pilot model in the Norfolk and Suffolk areas, to identify military veterans at the earliest point in the criminal justice pathway, and support veterans at all stages through the criminal justice process. Dr Linda Cooper of Anglia Ruskin's Veterans and Families Unit reports back from the pilot. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2017 Analysis Cressida Dick: Met chief will ‘bear down’ on violent crime The new commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has promised to "bear down" on large rises in violent crime in London. BBC 18/4/2017 News Upgrading emergency service communications – recall In the event of an emergency, including a terrorist attack, the need for the emergency services to communicate is an essential part of keeping the public safe. We are greatly concerned that the start date for the new system for communication (the Emergency Services Network) is not only delayed but is not likely to be deliverable. The Home Office was running the planned programme to ambitiously tight deadlines which have now slipped. The Department’s contingency measure to manage the transition to the new system was to extend Airwave month by month until the new system was in place. The news that part of the existing Airwave system will be taken out of service early strikes a major, potentially catastrophic, blow to the ability of our emergency services to carry out their job and keep citizens safe. In addition, it now seems inevitable that taxpayers will also be paying substantial additional sums, with no certainty of delivery. The change of leadership with a new Permanent Secretary at the Home Office adds to our concerns. Public Accounts Committee 18/4/2017 Report New temporary DCC will ‘provide inspiring leadership’ A force has promoted its current assistant chief constable to the second in command role until May 2018. Police Professional 18/4/2017 News New ACC appointments in West Yorkshire Police Two new assistant chief constables have been announced at West Yorkshire Police WYP Police Professional 18/4/2017 News Thames Valley Police have dropped investigations into thousands of incidents in the last four years Thames Valley Police have abandoned early-stage investigations into almost 300,000 crimes in the last four years. A Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Liberal Democrats revealed the force, which covers Oxfordshire, is dropping investigations into violent and non-violent crimes because of a lack of evidence. Bicester Advertiser 18/4/2017 News Has officer discretion been lost? The office of constable still exists but with a myriad of directives issues by politicians, watchdogs, inspectorates and chiefs, some have questioned whether discretion still goes with it. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/4/2017 Analysis, Feature ‘I’d rather be punched in the face than spat at’ British Transport Police Assistant Chief Constable Robin Smith says meaningful deterrents must be applied to stop spitting. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/4/2017 Feature, Opinion First interview with new Scotland Yard chief Cressida Dick: Met Commissioner pledges five-year war on violence New Scotland Yard chief Cressida Dick today pledged a five year war on violence in a bid to curb the rise in gun and knife crime in London. The Standard 18/4/2017 News Gun might not have saved officer killed in attack – new London police chief An unarmed policeman who died during an attack on Britain's parliament last month might not have been able to protect himself even if he had been armed, London's new police chief Cressida Dick said on Tuesday. Reuters 18/4/2017 News «443944404441444244434444444544464447Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events