Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 88821 to 88840 «443844394440444144424443444444454446Next ›Last » State of Policing: The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2016 This is Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary’s report to the Secretary of State under section 54(4A) of the Police Act 1996. As required by that section, it contains his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales in respect of the inspection year 2016. This reporting period has seen the second complete cycle of PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections, which consider the effectiveness and efficiency of police forces, and assess the legitimacy of how they discharge their obligations (that is, how they behave and treat people). These inspections provide a comprehensive analysis of the way in which each police force in England and Wales has performed, and will continue to do so on an annual basis. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2017 Report Police cannot continue to fill the gaps left by other agencies Police forces are having to pick up the slack as cuts in other public services increase pressure on them, according to Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Sir Thomas Winsor, in a report published today. In his annual State of Policing report, Sir Thomas draws attention to material pressures on police forces in England and Wales, which put the service under strain. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/4/2017 News PSNI chief constable: SF must urge Catholics to join police Sinn Fein is not doing enough to promote the idea that Catholics can become police officers, the chief constable has indicated. News Letter (Northern Ireland) 20/4/2017 News Home Office prepares for next stage in IT overhaul The Home Office is preparing to begin the overhaul of a big chunk of its IT estate under the Technology Platforms for Tomorrow (TPT) programme. 20/4/2017 News New York police body camera program needs changes -civil rights lawyers Civil rights lawyers on Wednesday demanded changes to a pilot program for New York City police to wear body cameras, saying it does not ensure that officers are held properly accountable for how they treat people. Mail Online 20/4/2017 News ‘Numbers of armed police officers will reach 10,000 by next year’ Britain's armed policing strength will surge to more than 10,000 by next year as forces increase their defences against terrorist attacks. The Yorkshire Post 20/4/2017 News MSPs to examine proposals to address Police Scotland funding gap Plans to tackle Police Scotland’s funding gap are to be scrutinised by two Holyrood committees. The force’s budget for 2017/18 was approved by the Scottish Police Authority last month, with a £47 million deficit Evening Express (Aberdeen) 20/4/2017 News Police officers attacked almost five times a week Police officers in Wiltshire are being attacked at a rate of almost five a week, according to figures obtained by the Journal. Salisbury Journal 20/4/2017 News Police prepared to shoot terrorist attack drivers Police may now have to shoot terrorists at the wheel of vehicles to stop them being used in attacks, the national lead for armed policing has said. BBC 20/4/2017 News Armed police to be trained to shoot through windscreens to stop vehicle attacks Armed police are being given new instructions to shoot through the windscreens of moving vehicles to stop Westminster-style attacks involving cars and lorries. The Guardian 20/4/2017 News Child victims of sex abuse ‘being failed’ Victims of child sex abuse are being let down by the system, with warning signs missed and investigations suffering unnecessary delays, a watchdog found. The Times - Subscription at source 20/4/2017 News High-tech thieves use radio trick to unlock and start your car Criminals are stealing cars with “keyless” entry systems by holding radio transmitters close to the walls of the owner’s home to amplify the signal from key fobs kept indoors. The Times - Subscription at source 20/4/2017 News Armed police ‘ready for lorry jihadists’ Armed police have scrapped rules against shooting drivers and are equipped to counter terrorist lorry attacks with windshield-piercing bullets, a senior police officer has said. The Times - Subscription at source 20/4/2017 News UK’s most senior police officer Cressida Dick is in same-sex relationship The UK’s most senior police officer has revealed that she is in a same-sex relationship. Pink News 20/4/2017 News 30,000 London gun owners hit by Met Police ‘data breach’ Who gave marketing agency access to super-sensitive address database? The Register 19/4/2017 News Force warns against ‘paedophile hunters’ who could ‘negate investigative work’ A force has voiced its concerns about vigilante ‘paedophile hunter’ groups that can “significantly hinder” the work it does to prevent online child grooming. Police Professional 19/4/2017 News NPCC: ‘Today’s firearms officers more skilled than ever’ as specialist recruitment extended Specialist armed officers will continue being recruited until the end of 2018 to aid the fight against terror. Police Professional 19/4/2017 News Council blueprint to ‘pay staff to volunteer as police officers’ awaits approval Businesses are being urged to “free up” their workforces in a ground-breaking venture to help communities police their own streets in the future. Police Professional 19/4/2017 News Policing And Crime Act 2017 – Staffordshire Report Update the Police and Crime Panel on the main provisions within the Policing and Crime Act 2017 and the implications for PCC and Panels themselves. Staffordshire OPCC 19/4/2017 Report Update on the 2015/16 External Audit Management Letter Update on work to address the recommendations in the 2015/16 External Audit Management Letter and improvements in financial management for Staffordshire OPCC. Staffordshire OPCC 19/4/2017 Report «443844394440444144424443444444454446Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events