Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98575 total results. Showing results 88721 to 88740 «443344344435443644374438443944404441Next ›Last » Knifeman killed victim after 999 operator told him: It’s up to you Police have been told to change how they handle emergency calls after an operator told a killer it was “entirely up to you” if he took the law into his own hands. The Times - Subscription at source 25/4/2017 News Monthly review of Police and Crime Panel activity The sixth of a monthly series in which CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra looks at the establishment of regional and national networks for Police and Crime Panels, allowing them to learn from each other, and potentially to speak with a single voice. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/4/2017 News Police use crime-fighting drones just nine times in six months The drone fleet of five launched after a nine-month trial and police insisted they were not a waste of money Cambridgeshire Live 24/4/2017 News Anti-fracking protests: Lancashire Police request for funding rejected A request from a police force for extra government funding to deal with anti-fracking protests has been rejected. BBC 24/4/2017 News Drafting underway on HMIC IT interoperability network code Inspectorate body says it remains too early to set launch date for mechanism to support common ICT adoption standards for police forces; consultation targeted once code is available Government Computing 24/4/2017 News Force appoints new ACC A force has appointed a new chief officer after losing its former assistant chief constable to the National Crime Agency (NCA). Police Professional 24/4/2017 News Call handlers offered more help to recognise mental illness after fatal stabbing New systems have been introduced to check if callers are vulnerable after a control room handler failed to recognise that a man who killed his neighbour five minutes later was mentally unwell. Police Professional 24/4/2017 News College re-opens bursary applications Even more officers and staff will be able to seek financial support for their educations when a pilot bursary project re-opens this year. Police Professional 24/4/2017 News The anticipated defeat of ISIS will heighten the terror threat in the UK Richard Walton, the former head of Scotland Yard's Counter-Terrorism Command, explains how the UK's CT strategy is working, but with ISIS facing defeat returning fighters and lone attackers will pose a greater threat. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 24/4/2017 Interview, Opinion Exploring the relationship between stalking and homicide At least ten people will die every week in the UK as a result of violence related to interpersonal abuse. This is likely to be an underestimation of the true figure and includes child deaths, domestic homicide, and suicides related to partner abuse. There are some consistencies in the antecedent histories of many of these deaths which include a strong association with stalking behaviours. This research study looked at 358 cases of criminal homicide which occurred in the UK in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014. All cases included a female victim and male perpetrator. However, it is important to note that men and children can also be victims, and women can be perpetrators. [PDF] Suzy Lamplugh Trust 24/4/2017 Report Exploring the relationship between stalking and homicide The results of a six-month study by the Homicide Research Group at the University of Gloucestershire suggest there is a strong correlation between some key stalking behaviours and homicide, and that identifying the intention behind the stalking, and then managing the fixation, may reveal opportunities to save lives. Suzy Lamplugh Trust 24/4/2017 News Safer, Fairer, United Communities Strategy Update Report A progress update for each of work programme is detailed in this report. Staffordshire OPCC 24/4/2017 Report Extra 100 Taser trained officers for force Northamptonshire Police is to add a further 100 Taser trained officers to its ranks this year.After a review the force has opted to increase the number of officers it has carrying Taser along with regional partners in Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/4/2017 News Deputy Chief Constable Recruitment We're looking for an influential team player with strong stakeholder relationship skills who will support our newly-appointed Chief Constable, Peter Goodman in implementing local, regional and national agendas. The closing date for applications is noon on Thursday, May 11 2017 Derbyshire Constabulary 24/4/2017 Jobs ‘Neighbourhood policing could be wiped out completely if more cuts are forced’ warns police and crime commissioner Tony Lloyd That’s the startling view of out-going police and crime commissioner Tony Lloyd, who finishes his near five-year tenure on May 7 Manchester Evening News 24/4/2017 News Bobbies put down their pencils and log into era of e‑policing Television cops are rarely shown doing boring paperwork, but in the real world it can represent half a day’s work for a police officer. Now a mobile electronic notebook is helping them to spend more time on the streets. The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2017 Analysis, Feature Police use drones to monitor disorders at football games Police are streaming footage from a drone back to their control room to monitor crowds and any disorder at football matches. ITV News 24/4/2017 News US air marshal leaves loaded gun in toilet of flight from Manchester to New York A passenger stumbled across the loaded firearm and handed it to crew members Manchester Evening News 24/4/2017 News Slaves miss out on £3m compensation Convicted slavers have paid millions in compensation in the past three years but less than 5 per cent has reached their victims, Home Office figures show. The Times - Subscription at source 24/4/2017 News Stricter punishments for speeding offences in England and Wales Tougher punishments for the most serious speeding offences have come into force in England and Wales. BBC 24/4/2017 News «443344344435443644374438443944404441Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events