Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98590 total results. Showing results 88661 to 88680 «443044314432443344344435443644374438Next ›Last » IPCC strip search investigation leads to nationwide training reforms Recommendations have been adopted by the College of Policing Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/4/2017 News Australian Federal Police accessed metadata without warrant, broke law Single phone call by journalist probed, Feds then self-report breach to Ombudsman The Register 28/4/2017 News Scottish Parliament Justice Committee back integration of transport police into Police Scotland Labour and Conservative committee members disagreed with the proposals to integrate railway policing Holyrood Magazine 28/4/2017 News Police foil two major ‘terror plots’ within hours in dramatic counter-terror ops Police smashed two suspected terror plots within hours of each other in dramatic counter-terror operations in the capital, Scotland Yard said. The Standard 28/4/2017 News Issues with police body-worn camera system revealed Faults with Police Scotland's body-worn video camera system are increasing at a time when the force is considering a national rollout, the BBC understands BBC 28/4/2017 News Where’s the harm? Exploring the practicalities of the Cambridge Crime Harm Index The Cambridge Crime Harm Index offers a new way of measuring crime, by the damage it does rather than the volume of incidents. Supt. Dave Hill and Dr Laura Knights of the East Midlands Policing Academic Collaboration (EMPAC) report on a discussion of what the problems and prospects are for putting the Cambridge Crime Harm Index into practice. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/4/2017 Opinion Killings recorded as assaults in garda blunders “Two or three” killings from 2013 to 2015 were wrongly recorded as assaults, garda senior managers told a Policing Authority meeting yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 28/4/2017 News Police shoot woman and arrest four in counter-terror operation across London and Kent A woman has been shot by police and four people arrested as part of an ongoing counter-terrorism operation in London and Kent. The Telegraph 28/4/2017 News Elected mayors mark the first step towards England’s democratic revival Luke Raikes is a Senior Research Fellow at IPPR North. The Times - Subscription at source 28/4/2017 Feature, Opinion Call to clean up the streets amid surge in knife crime Ministers are under pressure to act on rising knife crime, which is now at its highest level in England and Wales for five years. The Times 28/4/2017 News Hit internet giants over child safety Social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter should be fined if they fail to protect children online, the head of the NSPCC has said. The Times - Subscription at source 28/4/2017 News Man questioned after Westminster terror arrest A man arrested by armed police near the Houses of Parliament on suspicion of terrorism offences is being questioned by detectives. BBC 28/4/2017 News Essex police chief warns austerity is the force’s toughest challeng The chief constable of Essex Police says austerity remains the force’s biggest challenge and insists the last eight years in policing have been “the toughest since wartime”. East Anglian Daily Times 27/4/2017 News Chief constable ‘won’t shy away’ from challenges as contract extended Essex Police’s chief constable plans to meet future challenges “head on” after his contract was extended for another four years. Police Professional 27/4/2017 News Violent offences on the rise amid ‘broadly stable’ levels of crime Figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show no “statistically significant” change in the volume of crime but the number of knife and gun offences has risen by almost 15 per cent. Police Professional 27/4/2017 News Search for new chief constable begins The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has launched the search for a successor to chief constable Jeff Farrar. South Wales Argus 27/4/2017 News Major drive to recruit 80 police officers opens next week Nottinghamshire Police is set to carry out its largest recruitment drive in recent years – employing more than 80 police officers to target a range of crimes. Nottingham Post 27/4/2017 News NYC police department launches 1st phase of bodycam program Starting with a roll call Thursday at an uptown Manhattan police station, the New York Police Department launched a program to boost accountability by equipping its patrol force with body cameras. Mail Online 27/4/2017 News erbyshire Police ‘stretched to the limit’ as they deal with more people with mental health issues A policing chief in Derbyshire has said that his force is "stretched to the limit" and that it can't be the first port of call for dealing with issues such as mental health. Burton Mail 27/4/2017 News Assurance Monitoring Template re PEEL Police Effectiveness APPENDIX A This report identifies issues of concern and action taken to address concern. Nottinghamshire OPCC 27/4/2017 Report «443044314432443344344435443644374438Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events