Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96355 total results. Showing results 88521 to 88540 «442344244425442644274428442944304431Next ›Last » Drive to curb 24-hour drinking in towns has made no difference Not a single licensing authority has taken up new powers to ban alcohol sales in the early hours The Times - Subscription at source 28/12/2016 News Prevent scheme ‘fundamental’ to fighting terrorism A senior police officer has called the government's Prevent anti-extremism programme "absolutely fundamental" in tackling terrorism in the UK. BBC 27/12/2016 News South Yorkshire’s Complaints Update The Home Affairs Select Committee concluded that the allegations referred to (deliberately misleading the Committee) would if proved constitute a criminal offence, which is contrary to the conclusion of the IPCC. South Yorkshire OPCC 27/12/2016 Report South Yorkshire PCC’s Governance Arrangements The PCC’s Governance arrangements, including the Joint Corporate Governance Framework, are currently being reviewed. South Yorkshire OPCC 27/12/2016 Report MOPAC’s Police and Crime Plan update Throughout the consultation the Mayor, I and MOPAC will continue to engage with the MPS, stakeholders, partners, central Government and the community to better understand views on the priorities laid out in the plan. Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) 27/12/2016 Report What is One Met Model 2020? Our ambition is to be the safest global city in the world. In order to achieve this ambition we have recognised the need for change. Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) 27/12/2016 Report West Mercia’s Victims’ Charter And Victims’ Board Report Between May and July 2016 the PCC carried out public consultation seeking to identify the priorities of victims of crime. West Mercia OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Report to Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel on Topical Issues Update from the PCC on actions he is taking under his Delivery Plan on Mental Health and for Panel Members to comment on the Community Safety Fund Allocations 2017/18. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Reviewing The Effectiveness Of Police Accountability: Insights For The Second Term Frontline Consulting and Grant Thornton conducted a first term review of panels, looking at their effectiveness and the strength of their relationships with their PCCs. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Future Operation of the Police and Crime Panel The Local Government Association produced a document looking at the first two years of Panels and highlighted areas where Panels could develop. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report TVP Progress Update on Recommendations made by Police and Crime Panel TVP Police and Crime Panel Recommendations with a Progress Update. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Commissioning Update Proposed Victims’ Services Re-Design The first round of commissioning resulted in a range of service providers contracted to deliver services across the Thames Valley. The largest value contract was awarded to Victim Support, in collaboration with Surrey and Sussex PCC’s. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Thames Valley Collaboration – Initiatives And Governance Arrangements A summary of the functional activities and governance arrangements of the major collaborative ventures involving TVP is provided in this report. Thames Valley OPCC 27/12/2016 Report Monthly review of Police and Crime Panel activity This is the second of a monthly series where CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra looks at discussion in Essex of work to tackle gangs and organised crime, plus examines discussion of the establishment of a "National Association of Police and Crime Panels" Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/12/2016 News Paradigm shift: Preventing people from falling into the river in the first place Should public services focus only on 'pulling people out of the water'? In the second of two blogs, Brendan O'Brien of Bluelight Consultancy describes Asset-Based Community Development, and how it can potentially prevent people from falling in the water in the first place. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/12/2016 Opinion Anti-extremism strategy reports rise in far-right supporters Prevent say one in ten of the people referred to them have links to far-right, and many want to ‘destabilise communities’ The Guardian 27/12/2016 News Anti-terror drive can’t be shown to work, admits chief The Times - Subscription at source 27/12/2016 News Bigger prison population ‘has reduced crime’ The number of recorded crimes has fallen from a peak of 19 million in 1995 to just over six million in the latest figures, according to the crime survey The Times - Subscription at source 27/12/2016 News Plans for pleading guilty online raise fears of secret justice Those charged with fishing without a licence, fare-dodging and some traffic offences will use an online court system The Times - Subscription at source 27/12/2016 News Police and Crime Panels – Scrutiny of Precepts The report sets out the process for issuing a precept, including the panel’s role in reviewing the proposed precept, their power to veto the precept and the steps to be taken if they do veto the proposed precept. South Yorkshire OPCC 26/12/2016 Report «442344244425442644274428442944304431Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events