Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98633 total results. Showing results 88041 to 88060 «439944004401440244034404440544064407Next ›Last » Topical Issues Report to the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel This session was timed to support the PCC and CSPs in developing the action plans for their 3 year Community Safety Partnership Plans and the 5 year Police & Crime Plan. Thames Valley OPCC 12/6/2017 Report Decision Records notified to the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel Appendix 1 - Decision records notified to the Panel Cambridgeshire OPCC 12/6/2017 Report Performance Monitoring Report – Cambridgeshire Non-crime incidents account for 75 per cent of calls in Cambridgeshire. 68 per cent of incidents have a public safety or welfare element. Cambridgeshire OPCC 12/6/2017 Report Cambridgeshire PCC’s Strategic Estates Update The Panel considered the PCC’s Strategic Estates Update at their meeting on the 15th March 2017 and requested further additional information, which this report provides Cambridgeshire OPCC 12/6/2017 Report PCC for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Annual Report 2016-17 This report was presented to the PCP for them to review. Cambridgeshire OPCC 12/6/2017 Report Curriculum published to help forces introduce apprenticeship schemes next year Policing apprenticeships could begin within the next ten months after forces were given the tools they need to start creating the courses. Police Professional 12/6/2017 News Policing Minister vacancy as Brandon Lewis promoted The Policing and Fire Minister post is now vacant, following the promotion of Brandon Lewis to a more senior role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/6/2017 News Australian Federal Police officers forced to work second jobs as tradesmen just to support their families Over 300 Australian Federal Police officers were part of a survey that revealed 40% have less than $400 in disposable income per month, forcing many to find more work. Mail Online 12/6/2017 News PCSOs ‘could interview victims of crime in Dorset due to police officer shortage’ Victims of crime in Dorset may be interviewed by PCSOs in the future as the force battles government funding cuts. Daily Echo (Bournemouth) 12/6/2017 News Counterterror officers launch major training drive for festival workers More staff at festivals and other major events are being given training by specialist police teams. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/6/2017 News ‘Tale of Two Justice Secretaries’ . . . as Liz Truss exits and Michael Gove makes shock return The Home and Justice departments have seen the biggest changes in Theresa May's limited reshuffle of her top team. Police Professional 12/6/2017 News UK Supreme Court sitting outside London today The Supreme Court is planning to sit outside London for the first time in its eight-year history and also crack a technological taboo. Police Professional 12/6/2017 News Greater Manchester police under real strain due to cuts, says chief Chief constable tweets table showing cuts to staffing numbers, after weekend policing protests, festival and bombing inquiry The Guardian 12/6/2017 News West Mercia PCC consults on new fire governance proposals West Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is proposing changes that, he says, would significantly improve local police and fire and rescue services, while saving the taxpayer £4m a year, by assuming the role of the area’s two fire authorities. Emergency Services Times 12/6/2017 News Election 2017: Prime Minister and ministerial appointments The full list of Cabinet appointments following the general election 2017. 12/6/2017 Report Why the British ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ terror attack response is flawed A public policy and safety model that openly displays an aversion to the use of force in self-defense may embolden, encourage terrorists 12/6/2017 Feature, Opinion Non-jury courts for gangland crime Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has recommended extending legislation to allow non-jury courts to be used for trials relating to organised crime, despite the fact that it has not been used once since it was introduced eight years ago. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 12/6/2017 News The RCMP ignored their own study by refusing to give body-worn cameras to their officers An internal study conducted by Canada’s federal police force recommended rolling out body-worn cameras for its officers on a case-by-case basis while the force worked out kinks in the technology. But instead of doing that, the RCMP opted to stop the rollout of the technology “indefinitely.” Vice 12/6/2017 News Moonlighting police leave body cameras behind When police officers in America's cities put on their uniforms and grab their weapons before moonlighting in security jobs at nightclubs, hospitals, and ballparks, there's one piece of equipment they often leave behind - their body camera. Mail Online 11/6/2017 News Children as young as TEN investigated by police for sexting West Midlands Police reveal shocking rise in young children being investigated for taking and sharing indecent photos Birmingham Live 11/6/2017 News «439944004401440244034404440544064407Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events