Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 87901 to 87920 «439243934394439543964397439843994400Next ›Last » Annual Review of Policing for 2016/17: Improving policing for Scotland’s communities The aim of this fourth Annual Review of Policing is to present an accurate picture of policing performance during 2016/17, with an assessment of Police Scotland’s performance as well as that of the SPA’s performance in carrying out its functions. Evidence relating to both operational and organisational delivery and an assessment of how far policing is delivering the aims of Police Reform as well as the benefits is included. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 19/6/2017 Report Annual assessment of police performance published The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) has today, Monday 19 June 2017, published its Annual Review of Policing for 2016/17. The SPA’s assessment of the period is that Police Scotland has met its objectives and continued to deliver a service to a high quality and consistency across the country. While improvements in policing are recognised, the review acknowledges the challenges Police Scotland faces from changing demands, evolving threats, and the role policing plays in addressing vulnerability. The review also recognises the commitment of the entire policing workforce to the continued delivery of a high quality policing service to Scotland’s communities Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 19/6/2017 News Met charges 2,709 people with carrying a knife in just one year Police have charged more than 2,700 people with possessing knives in the capital in the past year, Scotland Yard said today. The figure was revealed as the Met launched a new crackdown on criminals and gangs carrying knives in London. The Standard 19/6/2017 News No appeal over unlawful chief constable dismissal South Yorkshire’s police and crime commissioner (PCC) will not appeal a ruling that his dismissal of the chief constable following the Hillsborough inquests was “wholly disproportionate”. Police Professional 19/6/2017 News May says Islamophobia is a form of extremism, marking shift in rhetoric The prime minister had previously made it clear her ‘drive against extremism’ was aimed at radical Islamist ideology The Guardian 19/6/2017 Feature, Opinion Sacking me was ‘perverse and irrational’, says ex-South Yorkshire Chief Constable The acrimonious dispute between South Yorkshire’s Chief Constable and the crime commissioner who sacked him continued today after David Crompton accused his former boss of “perverse, misconceived and irrational” decision-making. The Yorkshire Post 19/6/2017 News Champs Elysees: Car ‘deliberately hits’ police van in Paris A car deliberately hit a police van before bursting into flames in the Champs Élysées area of central Paris, police officials say. BBC 19/6/2017 News Fire Governance Consultation: Overview of proposals The Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire would like to bring the governance of police and fire services under the same roof. Hertfordshire OPCC 19/6/2017 News OPCC Communication Officer Salary: £27,519 - £33,597. Closes: 14th July, 2017 Cheshire OPCC 19/6/2017 Jobs Update on Estates – Bedfordshire. The table below sets out the current status of all estate held by Bedfordshire Police Force. Bedfordshire OPCC 19/6/2017 Report Update on Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire Collaboration The Police and Crime Panel have asked seven specific questions in relation to collaboration. Where possible, answers are provided below. Bedfordshire OPCC 19/6/2017 Report Governance Update on Decisions and Complaints To provide the Bedfordshire PCP with an update on the activity of the OPCC to update our decisions and complaints policy on the OPCC website. Also included the expenses policy for the Police & Crime Commissioner. Bedfordshire OPCC 19/6/2017 Report Bedfordshire Police and Crime Comissioner Update Report First Year’s Progress against the priorities of the Police and Crime Plan for Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire OPCC 19/6/2017 Report Online sexual coercion and extortion as a form of crime affecting children A law enforcement perspective Europol 19/6/2017 Report Police conduct 1,574 missing person probes in north-east last year Police Scotland conducted more than 1,500 missing person investigations in the North-east in the last year. The force presented its latest data at the third international conference on missing children and adults in Dundee. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 19/6/2017 News The impact of organised crime in local communities This study looks at the nature, scale and impact of organised crime on local communities. It focuses on the more hidden aspects of organised crime and how it impacts on vulnerable individuals and communities. It also looks at the modi operandi of organised crime groups (OCGs) and the local response to their offending. The Police Foundation 19/6/2017 Report Lecturer in Criminal Justice Salary: £41,709 - £46,924. Closes: 19th July 2017 University of the West of Scotland (UWS) 19/6/2017 Jobs Big rise in sex offenders being monitored by Cumbria police Cumbria police have seen a 35 per cent increase in the number of sex offenders it has to oversee and manage since the start of last year. Times & Star 19/6/2017 News Major concerns raised over thousands of crimes not recorded by Cheshire police Police and crime commissioner calls extraordinary scrutiny board meeting in light of HMIC's findings Liverpool Echo 19/6/2017 News Police introduce new hate crime strategy and urge victims to come forward Victims of hate crime in Warwickshire should not be afraid to come forward say police chiefs Hate crime, both locally and nationally, is under-reported, with an estimated half of all offences not being reported to police. Leamington Observer 19/6/2017 News «439243934394439543964397439843994400Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events