Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 87781 to 87800 «438643874388438943904391439243934394Next ›Last » Customer Service Improvement Scrutiny Panel The Customer Service Improvement Scrutiny Panel (formerly the 101 Service Improvement Panel) will independently review the various means of public contact with the Force, including public engagement activity via social media Dorset OPCC 24/6/2017 Report Police Staff- OPCC – Commissioning Officer – Community Safety Salary: £27,519 - £33,597. Closes: 14th July 2017 Cheshire OPCC 24/6/2017 Jobs Police chiefs to discuss offering guns to all frontline officers National Police Chiefs’ Council paper is intended to spark debate, but change in policy unlikely to happen immediately The Guardian 24/6/2017 News Conservative PCC says council tax cap must be lifted Matthew Ellis says: "It is not credible that current budgets can maintain the increased levels of police resources required". Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/6/2017 News Devon and Cornwall police crime commissioners Alison Hernandez gives Tory colleague job as deputy Devon and Cornwall's police and crime commissioner is set to appoint a Conservative colleague who she worked with during her local council days as her deputy, at a cost to the taxpayer of around £30,000. Cornwall Live 24/6/2017 News Restorative Justice Service And Reducing Re-Offending To update members regarding progress on the Police and Crime plan commitments around the use of Restorative Justice, including the expansion of Neighbourhood Justice Panels across Dorset, post-conviction restorative justice, and other initiatives to reduce reoffending. Dorset OPCC 23/6/2017 Report Firearms Licencing – Spotlight Scrutiny Review Report Overall the Group is pleased to report that they have arrived at a very positive conclusion about the outcomes from this review process. Dorset OPCC 23/6/2017 Report Complaints And Conduct Matters Against Avon And Somerset PCC There has been one new complaint since the last Police and Crime Panel meeting report against the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner Avon & Somerset OPCC 23/6/2017 Report Avon and Somerset – Commissioner’s Update Report The report has confirmed that the local criminal justice system is disjointed and not working effectively. Avon & Somerset OPCC 23/6/2017 Report Annual Report Of Avon And Somerset PCC 2016 / 17 The new Plan no longer has priorities that look at specific crimes such as burglary, domestic abuse or road safety. I have intentionally broadened priorities because I believe we need to take a more holistic approach. Avon & Somerset OPCC 23/6/2017 Report Funding: The service has reached tipping point, say chiefs Since 2010, the police service in England and Wales has been cut by nearly 20 per cent. In a typical ‘can do’ response, chief officers recognised the need to tighten the purse strings and, on the whole, responded gamely to austerity by accepting there were efficiency savings to be had in their force areas. However, in the face of continuing cuts and uncertainty over the police funding formula, against a backdrop of successive terror attacks, the language from the top has undoubtedly changed.  Now the talk is of ‘tipping points’ and ‘cracks’ appearing in our police service. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/6/2017 Analysis Policing chief fails to back watchdog Scotland’s top inspector of policing has failed to give his backing to the chief executive of the watchdog that oversees the national force. The Times - Subscription at source 23/6/2017 News Authority seeks new ACC for BTP The BTPA is looking for a new Assistant Chief Constable for British Transport Police. Salary of up to £110,148 per annum. Closes: 0900, 7th July 2017 British Transport Police Authority 23/6/2017 Jobs Hate crime in the UK: Police need more training, says Amnesty Amnesty International is today calling for improved training for police into how to deal with hate crime and for a review of the hate crime legal framework as it publishes a new briefing ‘Against Hate: Tackling hate crime in the UK’. The briefing, produced following a study by the University of Leicester, is a review of existing legislation and case studies from victims of hate crime, and is being published on the one-year anniversary of the European Union Referendum vote. Amnesty International 23/6/2017 News 40% of police time in Dorset is spent with people who have mental health issues Police in Dorset spend almost half of their time dealing with issues relating to mental health - and officers are "buckling under the pressure", the county's police and crime commissioner has said. Dorset Echo 23/6/2017 News Ministers accused of lying by Northumbria chief over claims they have protected police funding Dame Vera Baird QC has spoken out to 'provide clarity' and highlight the cuts the force has had to deal with Chronicle Live (North East) 23/6/2017 News Police accused of ‘underestimating’ organised crime in Coventry Report says organised criminals are "more prolific" than people realise Coventry Live 23/6/2017 News Commissioner says law may need to change around van hire Ms Dick urged the industry to "be careful" about who they were hiring to Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2017 News Regional fed chairman calls for “proper recognition of the job” in terms of pay GMP Fed Chairman Ian Hanson says the force is hemorrhaging wellÂtrained and experienced officers who have seen their pay eroded and are leaving. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2017 News PSNI has lost 128 officers since January Fed says reduction means society will 'ultimately suffer' if reductions continue. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2017 News «438643874388438943904391439243934394Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events