Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 87761 to 87780 «438543864387438843894390439143924393Next ›Last » GRA’s alleged ‘Celtic Tiger’-style spending: PAC to investigate Oireachtas to focus on Garda association once Templemore irregularities reported on The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 26/6/2017 News Educated men most likely to file garda grievance People most likely to make a complaint about gardaà are white, male, aged 18 to 40, and highly educated. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 26/6/2017 News Police officers injured in London protest over man’s death Six police officers have been injured and four people arrested in a protest over the death of a man following a traffic stop. BBC 26/6/2017 News Jail therapy ‘made rapists and paedophiles more dangerous’ A prison treatment programme designed to rehabilitate rapists and paedophiles instead made them more dangerous, it was claimed yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 26/6/2017 News More than 40 foreign terrorists used human rights laws to stay in Britain, says report More than 40 foreign terrorists have used human rights laws to stay in the UK, according to a Home Office report. Daily Star 25/6/2017 News Staffordshire PCC: Terror ‘tipping police budget over edge’ The need for more officers in the wake of terror attacks is tipping Staffordshire's budget "over the edge", says its police and crime commissioner. BBC 25/6/2017 News Former West Yorkshire Chief Constable Mark Gilmore takes legal action against Police Commissioner He is taking action against West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson The Huddersfield Daily Examiner 25/6/2017 News Police Scotland pledge over £263m maintenance bill Police Scotland has pledged to ensure its buildings are "fit for purpose" after it emerged it faces a maintenance bill of £263m over the next decade. BBC 25/6/2017 News ‘How I caught a serial killer – and lost my career in the police’ When DS Steve Fulcher arrested Christopher Halliwell over the disappearance of 22-year-old Sian O’Callaghan, it was the start of his own downfall. He tells Tim Lewis why he’d do it again The Guardian 25/6/2017 Feature, Opinion The Guardian view on policing and cuts: something has to give As home secretary Theresa May was right to challenge Britain’s police about costs and efficiency. As prime minister she must ensure police have the resources to protect the public The Guardian 25/6/2017 Feature, Opinion New PCC Powers – The Police and Crime Act 2017 The merger of Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services in 2015 means that neither the Dorset nor the Wiltshire PCCs are able to consider a case for a PFCC locally. Dorset OPCC 25/6/2017 Report Dorset Police And Crime Panel – Spotlight Scrutiny Review Process The guidance to PCPs suggests that there should be two types of scrutiny: Reactive and Proactive Dorset OPCC 25/6/2017 Report Dorset Police And Crime Panel – Scrutiny Review of Firearms Licensing As part of the PCP responsibilities Dorset PCP have agreed with the PCC to complete ‘scrutiny reviews’ on agreed areas of business. Dorset OPCC 25/6/2017 Report Police and Crime Plan 2013-17 Progress against Plan and Priorities Quarter 4 Report 2016-17 (Note: main data relates to April 2016 – March 2017) Dorset OPCC 25/6/2017 Report Dorset’s Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 Dorset OPCC 25/6/2017 Report Under-fire cop boss broke strict recruitment rules while employing a £350-a-day finance chief An under-fire cop boss broke strict recruitment rules while employing a £350-a-day finance chief, a Scottish Sun on Sunday investigation can reveal. The Scottish Sun 25/6/2017 News Policy and Scrutiny Officer Salary – £21,999 – £29,307. Closes: 29th June 2017 North Yorkshire OPCC 25/6/2017 Jobs Crime tsar demands a £5million tax hike to pay for more terror police Matthew Ellis, Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire, has written to Theresa May and Home Secretary Amber Rudd with concerns Mail Online 25/6/2017 News Police officers could face criminal charges over Hillsborough disaster With officers expected to learn their fate in days, it is revealed that they came under suspicion from their own force The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 25/6/2017 News Dorset – Draft Annual Report 2016/17 To present the Draft Annual Report 2016/17 for consideration by the Dorset Police and Crime Panel Dorset OPCC 24/6/2017 Report «438543864387438843894390439143924393Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events