Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 87721 to 87740 «438343844385438643874388438943904391Next ›Last » Hillsborough top cop Sir Norman Bettison says he’ll defend his innocence after being charged The former chief constable faces four allegations of misconduct in public office over the tragedy in which 96 people lost their lives Mirror 29/6/2017 News Nottinghamshire Police Revenue Budget Monitoring as at March 2017 Nottinghamshire OPCC 29/6/2017 Report Emergency new internet spying laws to monitor terrorists being drawn up after European court ruling Home Office bosses fear an imminent high court judgement from it will strike down new powers for MI5 and the police to access terrorist plotters’ communications The Sun 29/6/2017 News Nottinghamshire’s Provisional Outturn Report for 2016/17 The provisional outturn for the OPCC is £4,731k which is an overspend of £2k against the original budget, for the Force is £184,428k, an underspend of £1,010k against the original budget. Nottinghamshire OPCC 29/6/2017 Report Do we need more counter-terrorism powers? Why Theresa May’s ‘four-point’ plan is redundant Following the London Bridge attack in June 2017, the Prime Minister announced a four-point plan to tackle terrorism. Simon Hale-Ross questions the validity of this plan, and illustrates how the current counter-terrorism structure in the UK is more than adequate. London School of Economics (LSE) 29/6/2017 Analysis, Feature Cyber crime scale much bigger than appears as victims failing to report attacks The scale of cyber crime is being underestimated because many cases are not reported to the police, according to the National Crime Agency (NCA). ITV News 29/6/2017 News PM pressed over more cash for police service The Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne will appeal to her Conservative colleagues to allow them to generate more income to better fund the county’s police force. The Argus 29/6/2017 News MSPs approve abolition of BTP in Scotland Government says railways policing will now be accountable to the people. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/6/2017 News Revealed: Scotland Yard is vulnerable to cyber attack and ransomware as it still has 15,000 computers running outdated Windows XP system Revealed: Scotland Yard is vulnerable to cyber attack and ransomware as it still has 15,000 computers running outdated Windows XP system Mail Online 29/6/2017 News New police scheme may see Brent, Harrow and Barnet sharing one commander The Borough Commander of Barnet’s police force may become the commander of three boroughs in a new merging scheme. The Times 29/6/2017 News These are your rights if police ‘stop and search’ you A video detailing the rights of those stopped, searched or questioned by the PSNI has been released by the Police Ombudsman’s Office. Belfast Live 29/6/2017 News Babel Fish needed: Who will translate from academia to policing? Serving officer Nathan Constable reflects on last week's Canterbury Police Research Centre conference, and highlights the need for people to translate between academia and policing, explaining not just the passion for reform but the purpose. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/6/2017 Opinion Joint Thematic Review of MAPPA in Scotland – Progress Review The background to the joint thematic review of MAPPA in Scotland, the aims and methodology are outlined within our terms of reference which were published on 29 October 2014. Our main report was published on 26 November 2015. This progress review report should be read in conjunction with the original report on the joint thematic review of MAPPA in Scotland. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 29/6/2017 Report Press Release – From the Care Inspectorate and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland Progress has been made on improving the way communities are kept safe and protected from risks posed by registered sex offenders, inspectors have said in a report published today. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 29/6/2017 News Police commissioner Willy Bach mocked for wearing special uniform Police and crime chief Lord Willy Bach and his staff have been mocked for wearing police-style uniform while joining officers on the streets of Leicester. Leicestershire Live 29/6/2017 News Police force gets new assistant chief constable Richard Moore joins West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police as assistant chief constable with responsibility for protective services, which includes responsibility for crime management, forensics services, intelligence, major investigations, operations, protecting vulnerable people and specialist operations. Shropshire Star 29/6/2017 News Train police in abuse probe on Glasgow to Dundee service British Transport Police received a report that the men were abusive towards a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community on board the 7.41pm service on Friday. Evening Telegraph 29/6/2017 News PCC Michael Lane claims Hampshire Police is ‘unfairly funded’ at Safer Together event HAMPSHIRE’S Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane held a ‘safer together’ event to showcase some of the work he has done in his first year in office. Daily Echo (Southern) 29/6/2017 News Police alerted to 20 hate crimes on South Yorkshire railway in six months Police officers dealt with 20 hate crimes on South Yorkshire's railway network in the first six months of the year, new figures reveal The Star (Yorkshire) 29/6/2017 News Is it time for Britain’s unarmed police to be given guns? With fewer officers and a heightened risk of terrorism, some think that more police should carry weapons The Economist 29/6/2017 Analysis, Feature «438343844385438643874388438943904391Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events