Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 87721 to 87740 «438343844385438643874388438943904391Next ›Last » Hillsborough disaster: Charges decision due A decision on whether individuals and organisations will face criminal charges over the Hillsborough disaster will be announced later. BBC 28/6/2017 News MSPs pass Scottish railway policing merger bill MSPs have passed legislation aimed at merging railway policing north of the border into Police Scotland. BBC 28/6/2017 News PM challenged to end austerity by backing police and fire services in Labour amendment to Queen’s Speech Jeremy Corbyn will challenge Theresa May and the Conservatives on Wednesday to show commitment to ending "austerity" in the police and fire services by backing a Labour amendment to the Queen's Speech. ITV News 27/6/2017 News PFNI ‘disappointed’ as policing ignored in £1 billion DUP deal The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) believes officers are being “taken for granted” after the Prime Minister’s £1 billion agreement with the DUP ignored policing. Police Professional 27/6/2017 News Changes to Northumbria Police front offices announced in wake of cuts The changes include the end of front office services in Hebburn, as well as Amble and Killingworth, although the operational police station will remain and the public will be able to contact officers. The Shields Gazette 27/6/2017 News Staffordshire’s new top cop talks tackling terrorism, helping the community and listening to Mozart Staffordshire's new chief constable has lifted the lid on his plans for policing in Burton, how a career in the force "chose him" and why a walk with the dog is his go-to after a stressful day on the job. Burton Mail 27/6/2017 News Staffordshire PCC: Terror ‘tipping police budget over edge’ The need for more officers in the wake of terror attacks is tipping Staffordshire's budget "over the edge", says its police and crime commissioner. BBC 27/6/2017 News ‘Knife wands’ to be handed to every school in London Pledged an extra £625,000 to fund knife and gang crime projects in the city after the number of offences in London involving knives rose by 24 percent in 2016. Nationally, the figure was 11 per cent. The Telegraph 27/6/2017 News Screen time: Forces need a new approach to deciding which crimes to investigate In 2017, HMIC's Effectiveness report warned that forces were shelving crime investigations or passing them to less experienced staff. Former Greater Manchester Police Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett examines the issues around crime screening and says it is time to adopt a different approach. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/6/2017 Analysis HMICS Thematic Inspection of the Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services This report provides an assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the leadership, governance, management and delivery of forensic services provided by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 27/6/2017 Report PCC committed to saving police officer jobs Our Police and Crime Commissioner is promising the front counter review is about saving money and not cutting police officers. 2BR 27/6/2017 News West Mercia Police backs international campaign against modern day slavery and human trafficking POLICE in Worcestershire are supporting an international campaign against modern day slavery, human trafficking and exploitation for sexual purposes. Bromsgrove Advertiser 27/6/2017 News British Transport Police merger to be debated at Scottish Parliament Legislation to merge transport policing in Scotland with the national force will be voted on at Holyrood later today. The Scotsman 27/6/2017 News Operation Lynemouth: First interim report On 21 March 2017, the Mayor of London’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) asked HMIC to inspect a Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) operation into alleged criminal offences arising from the 2014 mayoral election in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, which involved the outgoing mayor, Lutfur Rahman of the Tower Hamlets First party. The MPS investigated these allegations at the time, and after an election court ruling that declared the result of the election void. The court found that corrupt practices prevailed at the elections of both the mayor and the councillors for the 20 wards of Tower Hamlets. However, concerns were raised when initial MPS investigations did not result in any criminal convictions. As a result, the MPS confirmed that the force would carry out a new operation to review and reassess the allegations, called Operation Lynemouth. MOPAC agreed that HMIC should inspect and provide assurance of the operation. HMIC was commissioned to carry out quarterly inspections of the MPS’s operation, in order to monitor it fully, and publish reports of their findings. This is the first interim report into the MPS’s Operation Lynemouth. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 27/6/2017 Report 10 police stations to close to the public Ten police stations across Lancashire could shut their doors to the public from next January in a fresh round of economies Lancashire Post 27/6/2017 News New chief constable Lee Freeman reveals how he will lead Humberside Police Humberside Police’s new chief constable says he wants to lead his force from the front – and not from behind a desk. Grimsby Live 27/6/2017 News Police forensic service improvements ‘not delivered’ The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland have failed to deliver improvements to forensic services, a watchdog has concluded. STV News 27/6/2017 News West Midlands Police criticised over school trip to firing range A school trip to a West Midlands Police firing range where pupils took aim at targets with toy guns has been criticised on social media. Express & Star 27/6/2017 News Court case miscarriage fears after claims of 200 ‘manipulated’ police drug tests THE results of almost 200 drug tests carried out by West Midlands Police may have been 'manipulated' at a forensics lab, it has been claimed Birmingham Live 27/6/2017 News Councillors are calling for a ‘no confidence vote’ in Plymouth’s police boss Devon and Cornwall's Police and Crime Commissioner should be removed from her role for making "stupid and dangerous" comments about guns, according to a group of Plymouth councillors. Plymouth Live 27/6/2017 News «438343844385438643874388438943904391Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events