Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 87641 to 87660 «437943804381438243834384438543864387Next ›Last » Londoners affirm public safety value of police use of new digital services and social media platforms According to new research commissioned by Unisys as part of its Safe Cities initiative, Londoners want greater access to police services through digital channels and social media platforms. Despite 80 percent of London’s citizens expecting to use the 999 emergency number for initial emergency contact, 83 percent of Londoners would want to be able to contact the police through digital channels including mobile, online services and social media. Unisys UK 30/6/2017 Press release Number of police officers carrying tasers in Greater Manchester set to double The uplift will see the amount of officers trained rise to 1,100. Key 103 (Manchester) 30/6/2017 News Decisions of Significant Public Interest: Forward Plan Appendix B for Nottinghamshire PCC's significant decisions Nottinghamshire OPCC 30/6/2017 Report Police Scotland hail air weapon law ‘success’ A law requiring all owners of air weapons to hold a licence has now been in force for six months. BBC 30/6/2017 News Durham Commissioning in 2016-17 and 2017-18 Report The PCVC spent fully the allocation of monies from the Ministry of Justice in 2016/17 to support the delivery of victims’ services. Durham OPCC 30/6/2017 Report Police may keep track of just two in three sex offenders: Third could see home visits and assessments dropped as forces prioritise the most dangerous criminals Almost a third of sex offenders could see their police supervision and risk assessments dropped under a plan to prioritise the most dangerous criminals, police chiefs announced last night. Mail Online 30/6/2017 News Dubai Police unveil world’s first self-driving, criminal-catching car The robotic vehicles will be equipped with software that can scan for wanted criminals and those suspected of breaking laws. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/6/2017 News West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion accused of ‘hostile takeover’ of Hereford and Worcester Fire and rescue Councillors have accused the police and crime commissioner of attempting a 'hostile takeover' of the fire service – with one telling him to "back off". Evesham Journal 30/6/2017 News Police given powers to restrict human traffickers in Scotland Police and the courts can now use new powers to restrict the activities of those believed to pose a risk to the public from human trafficking and exploitation. Police Professional 30/6/2017 News Online fraud costs public billions but is still not a police priority, says watchdog It is the most common crime for people in England and Wales to experience and requires an urgent response, says National Audit Office The Guardian 30/6/2017 News Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Criminology Salary: £35,302 to £50,222 includes London allowance. Closes: 9th July 2017 London South Bank University 30/6/2017 Jobs Police relax monitoring of sex offenders to focus on high-risk criminals Police chiefs say hundreds of offenders considered low-risk may no longer be subject to measures such as annual home visits The Guardian 30/6/2017 News Online fraud Online fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, but has been overlooked by government, law enforcement and industry. National Audit Office (NAO) 30/6/2017 Report Police on 999 calls warned of dangerous driving charges Police could take longer to respond to emergencies and arrive later at 999 calls after officers were warned they could be prosecuted for driving offences like any other motorist. The Times - Subscription at source 30/6/2017 News Forces’ failure to tackle cybercrime costs £144bn Only one in 150 police officers is dedicated to investigating fraud despite it being the most common crime in Britain, according to the public spending watchdog. The Times - Subscription at source 30/6/2017 News Police to relax rules for ‘low-risk’ sex offenders Up to 16,000 sex offenders considered low risk could have their monitoring regime relaxed under police plans to drop house visits and continuing risk assessments. The Times - Subscription at source 30/6/2017 News Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Merseyside, 3 days per week Salary: £31,800 per annum. Closes: 14th July 2017 Merseyside OPCC 30/6/2017 Jobs Police checks for ‘low risk’ sex offenders relaxed Police forces in England and Wales are relaxing checks on hundreds of sex offenders living in the community who are assessed to be low risk. BBC 30/6/2017 News New tailored approach to managing registered sex offenders introduced Police forces are building on improvements in risk assessment to ensure robust, proactive management of those who pose the greatest risk to the public. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 29/6/2017 News Police responding to emergencies have sufficient legal guidance and exemptions The NPCC lead has reiterated that police officers responding to emergencies are covered by legal guidance that shows it is not in the public interest to prosecute them. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 29/6/2017 News «437943804381438243834384438543864387Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events