Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 87621 to 87640 «437843794380438143824383438443854386Next ›Last » Tech companies must commit to tackling extremism Nikita Malik is senior research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society The Times - Subscription at source 3/7/2017 Feature, Opinion Barrister hits out at ‘deadly terrorist propaganda’ Media reports and photographs of terrorist attacks fuel the propaganda of the killers, the independent watchdog on terrorism laws has said. The Times - Subscription at source 3/7/2017 News Theresa May’s terror plans condemned by watchdog Theresa May’s plans to fine technology companies for failing to remove extremist material online have been likened to the actions of a Chinese dictator by her own counterterrorism watchdog. The Times - Subscription at source 3/7/2017 News Commissioner’s Response to Panel Recommendations Sussex OPCC 2/7/2017 Report Police Officer Recruitment Diversity Outcomes 2016 This recruitment campaign demonstrated that Sussex Police needed to do more to reach out to BME communities. Sussex OPCC 2/7/2017 Report Sussex Financial Outturn Report 2016/17 Sussex Police income is primarily obtained through service agreements, charging for key events (e.g. football matches), partnerships, vehicle recoveries and secondment/mutual aid reimbursement. Sussex Police 2/7/2017 Report Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report 2016/17 I maintain my commitment that no public access point or station will be removed unless a local alternative is available. Sussex OPCC 2/7/2017 Report Lancashire Police and Crime Panel Budget 2016/17 This report outlines Panel expenditure to date in 2016/17. Lancashire OPCC 2/7/2017 Report Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Decisions The Panel will recall that the Commissioner has agreed to the Director's delegated decisions being published. Lancashire OPCC 2/7/2017 Report An obsession with memory: Body-worn video and the criminal justice system Much has been written on body-worn video and its potential to reduce complaints and enhance police legitimacy. Former Senior Investigating Officer Andy Griffiths argues that BWV also challenges the criminal justice system's reliance on memory - and that it should encourage us to look again at what problems the current system is set up to solve. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/7/2017 Opinion Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Criminology Salary: £32,959 to £46,925 per annum. Closes: 28th July 2017 University of Northampton 2/7/2017 Jobs Lecturer in Criminology Salary: £32,004 to £36,001 per annum + benefits. Closes: 13th July 2017 Newman University (Birmingham) 2/7/2017 Jobs Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Law Enforcement Salary: £36,179 to £49,160 per annum. Closes: 16th July 2017 Middlesex University 2/7/2017 Jobs Senior Lecturer in Criminology (1.0FTE) Salary: £37,075 to £41,709 per annum. Closes: 13th July 2017 University of Chester 2/7/2017 Jobs Social media has become a critical part of law enforcement More than ever these days, people want transparency out of their policing agencies. The Police Foundation 2/7/2017 Analysis, Feature Former law chief calls for inquiry into ‘serial murders’ by rogue SAS unit Lord Macdonald, the former director of public prosecutions, called for an independent judicial inquiry to examine whether the investigation into allegations of “serial murders” by the SAS had been deliberately impeded by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the military. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 2/7/2017 News Sussex Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/21 The MTFS sets the financial context for the PCC’s revenue budget, capital and investment programme and precept decisions. Sussex OPCC 1/7/2017 Report Community Remedy Evaluation Report The survey revealed the type of crimes which respondents felt suitable for community resolution as depicted in the chart below. Nottinghamshire OPCC 1/7/2017 Report Nottinghamshire PCC’S Update Report – To March 2017 Part of this report focuses on reporting by exception, i.e. red significantly worse than the target (>5% difference) or blue, significantly better than the target (>5% difference). Nottinghamshire OPCC 1/7/2017 Report Regional Collaboration Workshop Event The PCP agreed in principle to develop a proposal to hold a workshop event to look at the issue of Regional Collaboration between the five Police forces and PCCs in the region. Nottinghamshire OPCC 1/7/2017 Report «437843794380438143824383438443854386Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events