Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 87561 to 87580 «437543764377437843794380438143824383Next ›Last » Police cell custody in Cleveland area handed to new provider DEALING with prisoners in police cells across Teesside has been taken over by a new private company. Cleveland’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Barry Coppinger said the move will save the force about £1.8m. The Northern Echo 5/7/2017 News Crime rates soar: Huge spike in robbery, violence and thugs carrying weapons Crime has rocketed by eight per cent in the West Midlands with huge spikes in robbery, violence, burglary, and thugs carrying weapons. Express & Star 5/7/2017 News Crime will rise again over summer, warns West Midlands Police boss Crime rates are set to get worse over the summer while police services for the vulnerable could be at risk of being 'dialled down', Chief Constable Dave Thompson has warned Express & Star 5/7/2017 News Gwent Police gives £300k of crime cash to community groups Gareth Hughes is training at Bertie's Caldicot Amateur Boxing Club in the hope of walking again Almost £300,000 seized from criminals has been used to help community projects in the Gwent Police area. BBC 5/7/2017 News Police let down victims of stalking People who have suffered repeated harassment or stalking are frequently being let down by under-recording, inconsistent services and a lack of understanding by the criminal justice system, according to a report published by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) and Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) today. Devon Live 5/7/2017 News Intelligence matters: The service has ignored intelligence training for too long Retired Metropolitan Police Service Detective Superintendent Paul Downing is the former head of the MPS Crime Academy Intelligence Faculty. He argues intelligence training has been marginalised in recent years and is failing to keep pace with the changing times. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/7/2017 Opinion Blockchain technology could help transform criminal justice system, report argues Police Foundation and CGI discuss need for digitisation to shake up a justice system beset by changing crimes, archaic practices, spending cuts and inefficient paper-based systems Government Computing 5/7/2017 News Post-traumatic stress in frontline policing Police Dependants' Trust 5/7/2017 Report Culture shift on post-traumatic stress needed The Police Dependants’ Trust has today published the recommendations from the conference on post-traumatic stress in frontline policing held in March this year in Lancashire. Police Dependants' Trust 5/7/2017 News Mayor Sadiq Khan accused of giving final go-ahead to police station closures ahead of public consultation London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been accused of planning to axe dozens of police front counters regardless of the outcome of a forthcoming public consultation. MayorWatch 5/7/2017 News Stalking and harassment crimes routinely badly handled, UK report says Report by joint inspectorate team finds victims’ complaints often not investigated or dismissed as not serious by police The Guardian 5/7/2017 News Call for Devon and Cornwall PCC to quit over comments on armed terror response The home secretary is being urged to sack a police and crime commissioner who suggested that civilians with guns could help to tackle terrorist incidents. The Times - Subscription at source 5/7/2017 News Justice system ‘fails victims of stalking’ Victims of stalking and harassment are being left at risk of further persecution because of serious failings by police and prosecutors, watchdogs warn today. The Times - Subscription at source 5/7/2017 News Living in fear – the police and CPS response to harassment and stalking In 2016/17, HMIC and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) carried out the first inspection into the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)’s response to harassment and stalking crimes. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 5/7/2017 Report Victims of harassment and stalking left at risk by the police and Crown Prosecution Service People who have suffered repeated harassment or stalking are frequently being let down by under-recording, inconsistent services and a lack of understanding by the criminal justice system, according to a report published by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) and Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) today. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 5/7/2017 News Stalking victims being failed, say watchdogs Victims of harassment and stalking are being left at risk because of failings by police and prosecutors in England and Wales, say two watchdogs. BBC 5/7/2017 News Post incident procedure APP rules against officer separation The College of Policing (CoP) has issued guidance on how police officers and staff should deal with the events following an armed policing incident leading to death or serious injury. On Tuesday (July 4), the CoP published the post-deployment Authorised Professional Practice (APP) which describes the steps to be taken and responsibilities for key roles following an armed policing incident. Police Professional 4/7/2017 News Police more likely to search non-whites, report says Non-whites in Scotland are far more likely to be searched by police, a new report suggests. BBC 4/7/2017 News Knife amnesty in Staffordshire will aim to cut crime ANYONE who owns a dangerous or illegal knife is being urged to hand it in to Staffordshire Police as part of a knife amnesty. Police want people to bin their blades next week in a bid to take more of them off the streets. Staffordshire Newsletter 4/7/2017 News Neville Lawrence to lead new police monitoring group Father of murdered teenager agrees to chair group whose remit is to hold police to account over knife crime and community relations The Guardian 4/7/2017 News «437543764377437843794380438143824383Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events