Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 87441 to 87460 «436943704371437243734374437543764377Next ›Last » Hertfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner calls for overhaul of criminal justice system Hertfordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner is calling for an overhaul of the criminal justice system, calling it "dysfunctional" and still failing victims of crime... Bob FM 12/7/2017 News Court orders criminalising homeless, charity claims Court orders being imposed on homeless people are "criminalising those most in need," a charity has said. BBC 12/7/2017 News Panel advances body cam video transparency bill The Latest on California legislation on police body camera video Mail Online 12/7/2017 News The state of the sector: Key trends for voluntary sector organisations working with offenders and their families For the last five years Clinks has been collecting information about how voluntary organisations working in criminal justice are faring. Our state of the sector surveys have consistently demonstrated that organisations are diverse in terms of their size, the services they deliver, who they support, and how they are funded. [PDF] 12/7/2017 Report The UK’s criminal justice system would fall apart without charities More people work in criminal justice charities than in the prison and probation services combined. But volunteers and staff are being stretched to the limit says Nathan Dick, head of public policy and communications at Clinks, which supports voluntary organisations working with offenders and their families. The Guardian 12/7/2017 Feature, Opinion Cost to forces of ‘virtual justice’ court reforms ‘not covered’ HMCTS online and "video enabled" reform programme does not account for costs to policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/7/2017 News West Midlands Police overtime spend rises as number of officers fall Police overtime payments have gone up more than £3.5 million over the last four years – as the number of officers on the beat falls. Express & Star 12/7/2017 News West Mercia Police to patrol M54 on its own Improved safety and a stronger police presence will be introduced after a major shake-up of road policing on the M54. Express & Star 12/7/2017 News College of Policing definition of evidence-based policing The College of Policing has developed the following definition of evidence-based policing. College of Policing 12/7/2017 Report New criminal tagging system scaled back after ministry failings National Audit Office found that civil servants turned to outsourcing firm G4S, despite SFO investigation, as system ran five years behind schedule The Guardian 12/7/2017 News Policing risk: Predicting the litigation risk in predictive policing tech Joshua Brustein of Bloomberg just published a fascinating article on CivicScape, the new entry into the predictive policing market. CivicScape offers open source data-driven predictive policing services for police departments to improve the efficiency of their patrols and crime reduction strategies. Huffington Post 12/7/2017 Analysis, Feature Police officers slip into Lycra to catch drivers Police have slipped out of their uniforms and into Lycra to catch dangerous motorists who pass too close to other road users when overtaking. The Times - Subscription at source 12/7/2017 News Blobbies on the beat get bigger uniforms The Metropolitan Police has ordered 8,000 plus-size uniforms for officers with waist sizes of up to 61in, it emerged yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 12/7/2017 News Tags for criminals delayed in Ministry of Justice ‘shambles’ A £130 million project to develop new tags to monitor criminals is running five years late after a shambolic performance by the Ministry of Justice, according to a report published today. The Times - Subscription at source 12/7/2017 News Met Police signs £8m digital forensics deal MASS wins seven-year contract to supply a digital forensics managed service to London’s Metropolitan Police Service Computer Weekly 11/7/2017 News Police and crime commissioner consulting on whether he should govern police and fire service Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Ellis has this week launched an eight-week public consultation on the future of how fire and police are governed in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. Lichfield Mercury 11/7/2017 News New welfare service offers ‘enhanced support’ for officers Tireless lobbying from the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has finally paid off with the Government announcing a new £7.5 million welfare fund for over-worked officers. Police Professional 11/7/2017 News Devon and Cornwall Performance Report Report is based on the strategic measures published in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan “Safe, Resilient and Connected Communities” in January 2017. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 11/7/2017 Report ‘We share the same threats’ NCA warning over Brexit threat to collaboration Deputy director says organisation is "desperate" to keep current ties with European law enforcement. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/7/2017 News The politics of police scrutiny: What’s wrong with the Scottish Police Authority Recent weeks have seen the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) mired in controversy bordering on farce. Kath Murray examines the state of the SPA and warns that it must be made properly accountable to Parliament, and its ties to government ministers weakened. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/7/2017 Opinion «436943704371437243734374437543764377Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events