Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 87381 to 87400 «436643674368436943704371437243734374Next ›Last » Majority of people ‘happy to pay more tax to give nurses, police and paramedics a pay rise’ Most people are happy to pay more tax to fund a pay rise for paramedics, firefighters, nurses and the police The Independent 15/7/2017 News Hampshire Police and Crime Panel’s Proactive Scrutiny of Rural Crime This review considered progress made against some of the key areas discussed in the Panel’s previous report on rural crime (October 2014) Hampshire OPCC 15/7/2017 Report Response To Hampshire Police and Crime Panel’s Restorative Justice Scrutiny Recommendations A small project team at the Commissioner’s Office are also working on the production of a short film in relation to meeting victim’s needs and Restorative Justice. Hampshire OPCC 15/7/2017 Report Law to be changed so terror offenders’ jail terms can be lengthened MPs to be asked to extend Unduly Lenient Sentence procedure to terror-related crimes, giving victims and the public a say The Guardian 15/7/2017 News Plans to close half of London police stations unveiled Half of London's police station front counters will close under new plans announced by the Mayor of London. BBC 15/7/2017 News Knife-crime laws to halt acid attacks New laws to restrict the sale and possession of corrosive substances will be proposed within days after an increase in acid attacks across the country. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2017 News Maverick chief constable builds ‘villains’ file with body cameras Police are using body cameras to compile image databases of repeat offenders and known “villains” in order to help track them down in future investigations, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2017 News Fraudsters target elderly in card reader scam A new banking scam has emerged in which fraudsters apparently send out fake card readers and then entice people to hand over their card details. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2017 News Public can challenge soft sentences for terrorists Convicted terrorists whose jail terms are considered too soft face spending longer behind bars under plans unveiled by the government today. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2017 News Police foiled five jihadist plots in recent months Five terrorist attacks have been foiled in the past “three to four months” including some that were “very close” to being carried out, Britain’s most senior police officer has said. The Times - Subscription at source 15/7/2017 News UK Government’s New Drug Strategy is a “Shameful Ignoring of the Evidence” The government claims that its new drug strategy represents a fresh approach to the challenges posed by illicit drugs. In reality, it is stuck in a time warp, fighting battles that were lost in the last century. Talking Drugs 14/7/2017 Feature, Opinion Local Business Case for Fire and Rescue Governance Options to deliver enhanced emergency services collaboration This is the Local Business Case (LBC) assessing police and fire collaboration governance options in Sussex, prepared by the Office of the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Sussex OPCC 14/7/2017 Report Sussex PCC seeks renewed commitment from fire authorities to seize transformation opportunity Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne presented the recommendations of an independent report she has commissioned into the governance options for the county’s fire and rescue services Sussex OPCC 14/7/2017 News PCC Response to County Council objection on Fire Governance Hertfordshire County Council has said it is considering an objection to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposal to take control of the governance of the fire service. Hertfordshire OPCC 14/7/2017 News Teaching Fellow in Criminology Salary: £30,175 to £32,958. Closes: 24th July 2017 Oxford Brookes University 14/7/2017 Jobs Sarah Newton MP comments on the new drug strategy Sarah Newton MP is the Minister for crime, safeguarding and vulnerability Drink and Drugs News 14/7/2017 Feature, Opinion Legal bid to ban spit guards launched Solicitors are seeking a complete ban on spit guard use by police in England and Wales. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/7/2017 News ‘Pracademics’ driving bottom-up police transformation Officer-led research is at the forefront of transforming the police service, according to the ‘godfather’ of evidence-based policing (EBP). Police Professional 14/7/2017 News New drugs strategy to tackle emerging threats Dangerous psychoactive substances and ‘county lines’ gangs will come under increased pressure from law enforcement following the launch of a new anti-drug policy. Police Professional 14/7/2017 News Scotland Yard to close half of London’s police stations and investigate more crimes online Scotland Yard is to investigate more crimes on the telephone and online while closing half the capital’s police stations in a bid to streamline the force and save cash. The force is to launch a new telephone and digital investigation unit which will investigate crimes such as burglary where police do not need to attend a crime scene. The Standard 14/7/2017 News «436643674368436943704371437243734374Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events