Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 87121 to 87140 «435343544355435643574358435943604361Next ›Last » The number of police officers working in the North East continues to plummet Northumbria Police and Durham Constabulary have both seen drops of more than 20% since 2010 Chronicle Live (North East) 31/7/2017 News Anger over absent report as figures on custody deaths published Fed describes the delay as deeply disappointing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/7/2017 News Devon and Cornwall Police has the highest number of traffic cops in the country Cornwall's police force has the highest number of traffic officers in the country outside London, according to a new study which has found their numbers nationally have dropped by a third in a decade. Cornwall Live 31/7/2017 News Number of Northamptonshire traffic police fall by 83% in past 10 years The number of dedicated traffic police officers in Northamptonshire has fallen by 83% in 10 years, according to newly-released figures. Experts have questioned how new laws, such as the ban on using mobiles while driving, can be enforced with 30% fewer officers dedicated to policing roads. ITV News 31/7/2017 News REVEALED: The massive drop in GMP traffic officer numbers over the past 10 years The number of traffic officers in Greater Manchester has dropped by almost 70 per cent in ten years. New figures show that in 2007 there were 241 traffic officers employed by Greater Manchester Police compared to just 75 now. The Bolton News 31/7/2017 News Number of North Yorkshire traffic police ‘fell by 34%’ in past 10 years The number of dedicated traffic police officers in North Yorkshire has fallen by over a third in 10 years, according to newly-released figures. ITV News 31/7/2017 News NI traffic police down by 39% in 10 years The number of dedicated traffic police officers in Northern Ireland has fallen by more than a third in 10 years, an investigation has revealed. News Letter (Northern Ireland) 31/7/2017 News Number of traffic police fall by a third in just 10 years leading to questions over how new laws can be enforced The number of traffic officers has fallen by a third in ten years, an investigation reveals. Cuts to the number of dedicated police traffic officers have worsened in the past five years, with numbers falling 24 per cent since 2012, while overall the number is down 30 per cent since 2007. Mail Online 31/7/2017 News ‘Savage cuts’ see number of West Midlands traffic police halved in ten years Experts ask how ban on using mobiles can be enforced after such cuts Birmingham Live 31/7/2017 News Australian police thwart ‘terrorist plot to bomb plane with kitchen mincer full of explosives’ Australian police today said they had thwarted a “credible attempt to attack an aircraft” amid reports Islamist extremists had been devising a bomb disguised as a kitchen mincer. The Standard 31/7/2017 News Lecturer in Criminology Salary: £34,956 to £46,924 per annum. Closes: Sunday, 20th August 2017 University of Surrey 31/7/2017 Jobs Revealed: £6.7m bill paid by Londoners for policing football matches Scotland Yard spent over £1m policing West Ham games at the new London Stadium The Standard 31/7/2017 News UK Gov has no intention of releasing drone study data It’s not enough that the UK drone study looking at collisions between UAVs and larger aircraft was flawed and seemingly biased from the outset. The UK government is now refusing to make public the data gathered in the study on the grounds of ‘security’. Drone Life 31/7/2017 News Police officers signed off with stress up 130% since 2013 The number of police officers in Wales signed off work due to stress has more than doubled over the past four years, according to new figures. BBC 31/7/2017 News Police criticise Trump for urging officers not to be ‘too nice’ with suspects President Trump’s admonition that the police should not be “too nice” while transporting suspects drew laughter and cheers from a crowd of officers on Friday, but police officials swiftly made it clear they did not find the words funny. The New York Times 31/7/2017 News Police put criminals’ art in the frame Criminals will have paintings, gems and casino tokens seized by police in the latest drive to remove offenders’ assets. Officers may also be able to take betting receipts, gaming vouchers and precious metals. The Times - Subscription at source 31/7/2017 News Police cuts leave drivers free to flout phone ban A ban on driving while using a mobile phone is being undermined by a sharp reduction in traffic police officers. The Times - Subscription at source 31/7/2017 News Monthly review of Police and Crime Panel activity: Spotlight on Cheshire The eighth in a monthly series in which CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra examines the latest fractious meeting of Cheshire's Police and Crime Panel, and what ramifications the issue has for PCC governance more generally. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/7/2017 News Hertfordshire Constabulary join campaigners to mark day against human trafficking and modern slavery Police in Hertfordshire are joining campaigners across the world to oppose human trafficking and modern slavery today (July 30). Herts Live 30/7/2017 News French lessons: The policing and security crisis facing Emmanuel Macron Nearly three months after Emmanuel Macron's shock presidential victory, France remains beset by serious security problems. Dr Joseph Downing of Aix-Marseille University explores the ongoing security and policing issues that Macron has to overcome. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/7/2017 Opinion «435343544355435643574358435943604361Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events