Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 87101 to 87120 «435243534354435543564357435843594360Next ›Last » Staffordshire police custody – a mixed picture, but most detainees held safely Most detainees held in Staffordshire police custody suites were treated with respect and kept safely, but some improvements were necessary, said Peter Clarke, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and Dru Sharpling, HM Inspector of Constabulary. Today they published the report of an unannounced inspection. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 1/8/2017 News Staffordshire Police recommended to make custody improvements after inspection Staffordshire Police has been told to make a number of improvements in how it looks after people in custody, following an inspection. Staffordshire Newsletter 1/8/2017 News New deputy chief constable appointed for Bedfordshire Police A police force has appointed a new deputy chief constable - and he says he will ensure Bedfordshire Police goes from 'strength to strength'. Bedfordshire on Sunday 1/8/2017 News Home Office Body Armour Standard 2017 Guidance on the minimum performance requirements and test methods for body armour intended for UK law enforcement agencies. Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) 1/8/2017 Report Armed police being sent to more incidents than ever in West Midlands Nearly 1,800 incidents saw firearms officers sent in the region over 12-month period Policing Insight 1/8/2017 News Norfolk Police launch drones trial Norfolk Police will be using drones to help search for missing people, obtain crime scene photography and investigate rural crime. Bury Free Press 1/8/2017 News Transgender people twice as likely to be hurt by police Police are twice as likely to injure a transgender person when using force, new figures show. The Met Police has released statistics showing their officers' use of force from April to June this year. LBC 1/8/2017 News A convenient illness? Making sense of excited delirium 'Excited delirium' is increasingly used to describe those presenting as violent and unmanageable who often end up in police custody. David Baker of Coventry University explores whether the term is a convenient fiction or a useful shorthand for a dangerous set of symptoms. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/8/2017 Analysis CoPaCC’s 2017 review of PCC and OPCC Transparency Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive, confirms that CoPaCC is shortly to re-examine OPCCs' transparency, for the fifth year in a row. Policing Insight 1/8/2017 News West Midlands Police introduce spit guards to protect officers and public West Midlands Police will issue 4,500 officers with spit and bite guards over the next three months. Dudley News 1/8/2017 News Two Welsh police forces top of long-term sick league Two Welsh police forces are top of the long-term sick leave table of the 43 forces in England and Wales. Figures from the UK government showed 4.7% of South Wales Police officers and 3.7% of Gwent Police officers were absent for at least 28 working days between March 2016 and March 2017 BBC 1/8/2017 News Fresh call to scrap Scottish police and fire VAT bills Finance minister Derek Mackay has said he will put more pressure on the UK Treasury to scrap VAT bills for Scotland's police and fire services. BBC 1/8/2017 News Greater Manchester police investigated over evidence in fatal shootings IPCC looking into cases of firearms officer who died in botched training exercise and unarmed man shot in a car The Guardian 1/8/2017 News The eyes and ears of the public: Custody Visiting and mental health Katie Kempen, Chief Executive of the Independent Custody Visitors' Association, looks at mental health issues in custody and how the ICVA can help to protect those in mental health crisis who find themselves in custody. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/8/2017 Opinion PCC responds to watchdog’s claims over fire authority The Police and Crime Commissioner has responded to a safety watchdog’s claim that her proposals to take over the Fire Authority were unconvincing. The Press (York) 1/8/2017 News Home secretary Amber Rudd will tell web giants to fight terrorism Amber Rudd has flown to Silicon Valley to demand that Google, Facebook and other social media giants remove terrorist content from their platforms. The Times - Subscription at source 1/8/2017 News The Scottish approach to stalking It is an undeniable fact that victims of stalking are more likely to receive protection and have their allegations investigated more thoroughly, with a greater probability of a successful prosecution, in Scotland than they are elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Why should that be? How has Scotland’s approach been more progressive? Former President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents Niven Rennie describes the Scottish approach Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/8/2017 Analysis HMICFRS: A natural next step or an expansion too far? HMIC becomes HMICFRS - Catherine Levin looks beyond the ungainly acronym to what this means for the newly expanded organisation and reviews reaction from police, fire and local government. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/7/2017 Analysis Record Of Decision Project Athena Deed Of Variation Deed of variation to vary the origins contract between Northgate Public Services and the nine athena local policing bodies. Kent OPCC 31/7/2017 Report ‘You wouldn’t let the prosecution choose a judge’ Call to end the practice of forces choosing who can oversee misconduct hearings that they themselves have brought. Police Oracle 31/7/2017 News «435243534354435543564357435843594360Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events