Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98683 total results. Showing results 87041 to 87060 «434943504351435243534354435543564357Next ›Last » Ethics, Integrity And Complaints Committee – Annual Report The Committee provides a transparent independent forum that monitors and encourages constructive challenges over the way complaints and integrity and ethical issues are handled by the Force. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Victim First Update Report Leicestershire This report provides an update to Panel on the progress of the future of Victim First Service delivery since the last report to the Panel on 22nd May 2017. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report HMIC Effectiveness Action Plan Leicestershire Updates on progress against the Areas for Improvement (AFIs) identified by HMIC Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Knife Crime in Leicestershire This report provides an update on the activity since that date and the governance around the delivery of interventions. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Options To Improve Collaboration Between Fire And Police Services In North Yorkshire To facilitate better collaboration and improve emergency services, the Policing and Crime Act 2017 proposes three alternative options to the status quo (the ‘Do Nothing’ model) North Yorkshire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Neighbourhood Policing: The bedrock of UK policing ‘Bedrock of policing’ is regularly used as a descriptor for neighbourhood or community policing but its current parlous state would suggest that perhaps it isn’t really as cherished as some would have us believe. Humberside PCC Keith Hunter makes the case for neighbourhood policing to regain its position in policing priorities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/8/2017 Opinion Is policing on the bus to Abilene? Time to look where we’re going Is policing going in the right direction? Do we even know, let alone agree, what direction policing is heading? Serving officer Nathan Constable and Emma Williams of Canterbury Christ Church University debate whether policing is on 'the Bus to Abilene'. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/8/2017 Opinion Rashan Charles death: IPCC climbdown on substance ingested The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has been forced to announce the contents of a package swallowed by a detainee shortly before he died after being blasted for "creating an unnecessary storm". Police Professional 4/8/2017 News Calls for ‘more cops in cars’ as figures show traffic police down by almost a third since 2009 The number of dedicated traffic police officers in Dorset has fallen by nearly a third in eight years, latest figures have revealed. Dorset Echo 4/8/2017 News Sick Blue Line: West Midlands Police absence costs £14.4 million The bill for sickness absence at West Midlands Police hit a staggering £14.4 million last year - as it was revealed that more than 1,000 officers and PCSOs went on long term sick leave. Express & Star 4/8/2017 News Police officer ’embedded’ in prison A police officer has been "embedded" in a Scottish prison in an effort to win the trust of Scotland's youngest violent inmates and gang members. BBC 4/8/2017 News Police risk prosecution over moped crime chases Labour MP joins Police Federation in call for law change to allow use of emergency manoeuvres in pursuit of suspects The Guardian 4/8/2017 News Home Secretary gives £20 million boost to tackle online grooming Amber Rudd has awarded more than £20 million over three years from the Police Transformation Fund to help combat the online grooming of children for sexual exploitation. Home Office 4/8/2017 News How can the police stop criminals on mopeds if they can’t pursue them? Louise Haigh is the shadow policing minister and MP for Sheffield Heeley The Guardian 4/8/2017 Feature, Opinion Online criminals are better organised than businesses says former GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan Cybercriminals often understand the digital economy better than the companies they are attacking, according to a former director of GCHQ. The Times - Subscription at source 4/8/2017 News Local Business Case for Police and Fire Service Collaboration – Staffordshire An independent Business Case has been developed and considers the four available options to increase collaborations between the police and fire services in Staffordshire Staffordshire OPCC 3/8/2017 Report Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel Home Office Grant Allocation 2016/17 To report on the allocation of grant received from the Home Office to meet the costs of the Police and Crime Panel during 2016/17 and on the approved level of grant for 2017/18. Staffordshire OPCC 3/8/2017 Report Grasping the nettle of merging police and fire governance? Former Greater Manchester Police ACC, Ian Wiggett gives his view on the latest developments in police and fire governance and the newly re-branded HMICFRS expanded role to take in fire. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/8/2017 Opinion Forensic services provider looks to ‘exciting’ work with five forces Five forces will work with the company to 'transform the delivery of forensic services'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/8/2017 News Context would tackle the fake news around ‘police use of force’ There is a treasure trove of information available which could provide much-needed context to negative headlines, says Rory Geoghegan. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/8/2017 Feature, Opinion «434943504351435243534354435543564357Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events