Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98679 total results. Showing results 87021 to 87040 «434843494350435143524353435443554356Next ›Last » MOPAC Monthly Report July 2017 Knife crime, HMIC report, Police and Crime Data amongst other topics covered here. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 6/8/2017 Report Cash-strapped Police Scotland facing £22m budget ‘underspend’ Scotland’s cash-strapped national police force will “underspend” £22 million of money earmarked for reform and capital investment this year, it has emerged. The Scotsman 6/8/2017 News Police told how to stop cheats who vote twice Election chiefs have issued guidance after complaints that students backing Corbyn were able to cast two ballots The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/8/2017 News Call for ‘body farm’ in UK to help police solve murder cases A facility for research into decay process in British conditions would help detectives find missing bodies The Guardian 6/8/2017 News Police recruit Mozart to soothe riot estate Scotland Yard has unveiled its latest weapon in the fight against crime: Mozart. Police officers are set to pump classical music from a speaker system into a notorious housing estate in an attempt to calm the atmosphere, relax residents and disperse troublemakers. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/8/2017 News Four in ten police stations have closed in the past seven years The number of police stations across the nation has been slashed by almost half in less than ten years, a shocking Mail on Sunday investigation reveals Mail Online 6/8/2017 News Safer, Fairer, United Communities for Staffordshire 2013-18: Focus Priority: Early Intervention The importance of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and the impact they can have on the future health and social outcomes for adults. Staffordshire OPCC 5/8/2017 Report Staffordshire’s Safer, Fairer, United Communities Strategy Update Report A progress update for each of work programme is detailed below; Staffordshire OPCC 5/8/2017 Report Medium Term Financial Strategy – Staffordshire Update Report A high level timetable is included in this report, to lay out the necessary steps and key meetings to communicate the 2018/19 budgeting process and updated MTFS. Staffordshire OPCC 5/8/2017 Report Staffordshire OPCC and Police Force Group Financial Position 2016/17 The OPCC contribution to this surplus of £347k was an under spend of £1.036m, which was offset by the Force’s overspend of £689k. Staffordshire OPCC 5/8/2017 Report Staffordshire PCC’s Draft Annual Report 2016/17 The OPCC has now established a multi-agency Online Fraud Forum chaired by the Deputy PCC Staffordshire OPCC 5/8/2017 Report Former police HQ sells for £15 Million The 16-acre former Staffordshire Police headquarters at Baswich Park has been sold for a total price of £15 M. ITV News 5/8/2017 News Police demand change in the law so officers are not afraid to chase gangs The law must be changed so police can chase violent moped gangs without fear of prosecution, police chiefs, MPs and victims said yesterday. Mail Online 5/8/2017 News The gay garda who is improving life in the force for LGBT officers Paul Franey is one of eight gardaí who will march in Belfast’s Pride march The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 5/8/2017 News Met police to use facial recognition software at Notting Hill carnival Civil liberties groups say plan to scan faces of thousands of revellers at London event has no basis in law and is discriminatory The Guardian 5/8/2017 News Annual Report on the Management of Complaints – Staffordshire Annual Report on the Management of Complaints, Purported Complaints or Conduct Matters against the Police and Crime Commissioner and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Staffordshire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Ethics, Integrity And Complaints Committee – Annual Report The Committee provides a transparent independent forum that monitors and encourages constructive challenges over the way complaints and integrity and ethical issues are handled by the Force. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Victim First Update Report Leicestershire This report provides an update to Panel on the progress of the future of Victim First Service delivery since the last report to the Panel on 22nd May 2017. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report HMIC Effectiveness Action Plan Leicestershire Updates on progress against the Areas for Improvement (AFIs) identified by HMIC Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report Knife Crime in Leicestershire This report provides an update on the activity since that date and the governance around the delivery of interventions. Leicestershire OPCC 4/8/2017 Report «434843494350435143524353435443554356Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events