Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98714 total results. Showing results 86601 to 86620 «432743284329433043314332433343344335Next ›Last » ‘Whole system approach’ needed to increasingly complex vulnerability Vulnerability must become the “golden thread” running through all areas of policing if the service is to cope with future demand, according to the national lead for child protection. Police Professional 6/9/2017 News Policing must answer ‘difficult questions’ around mental health NPCC lead on mental health says forces need to be ready for 'evolving landscape' of mental health problems in years to come. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/9/2017 News Policing Minister may work ‘against the Treasury’ on funding Chiefs and PCCs are about to submit a case in the hope of influencing the 2018/19 budget. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/9/2017 News Decision Records Made By Cambridgeshire PCC Appendix 2 - Decision records Cambridgeshire OPCC 6/9/2017 Report Devon and Cornwall police reveal plan for ‘full merger’ with Dorset The two neighbouring organisations already collaborate but now chief constables are looking to create a single force under one badge Devon Live 6/9/2017 News A closer relationship between Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police The Chief Constables of Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police have announced plans today, Wednesday 6 September 2017, to explore further collaboration and closer working between the two forces. Dorset Police 6/9/2017 News Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police merger being explored A joint statement has been released by the two police forces today Somerset Live 6/9/2017 News Scotland set to be the first UK country to introduce a smacking ban Scotland looks set to become the first part of the UK to ban smacking after Nicola Sturgeon said her government would not oppose a member’s bill outlawing the physical punishment of children. The National 6/9/2017 News Why some of Gloucestershire’s key decision makers are at loggerheads over the running of emergency services There's a major row between Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and Gloucestershire County Council over who should run the fire service Gloucestershire Live 6/9/2017 News Want a police officer? Send an email, says Cumbria police and crime commissioner Victims could be faced with reporting crime through online web chats as Cumbria police chiefs attempt to quell concerns over the delay-hit 101 line. Times & Star 6/9/2017 News More than 730 on ‘long-term’ missing list More than 730 people in Scotland are classed as "long-term" missing, according to new figures. Police Scotland's new national missing person unit has taken on the task of analysing missing person data. BBC 6/9/2017 News Taking upskirt photos of unsuspecting women could be made criminal offence Justice Secretary David Lidington has told MPs he is taking the issue 'very seriously' and is taking advice from police and crime commissioners The Sun 6/9/2017 News Former Conservative MP Flick Drummond named as Hampshire’s new deputy police and crime commissioner Flick Drummond, whose work has seen her speaking out against modern slavery and calling for fairer police funding, has been announced as the preferred candidate for the role by police and crime commissioner (PCC) Michael Lane. Daily Echo (Southern) 6/9/2017 News Record number of Scots reporting crime to anonymous charity More Scots are reporting crime to a charity which allows any tips to remain anonymous. Crimestoppers say they have received a record number of reports from the public across Scotland over the last 12 months which has lead to convictions. Evening Times (Glasgow) 6/9/2017 News South Yorkshire Police spend £46 million on overtime in seven years Under the Freedom of Information Act, South Yorkshire Police disclosed £6,758,110 was spent on overtime in the last financial year, with officers clocking up 239,590 extra hours. The Star (Yorkshire) 6/9/2017 News Gloucestershire Police and fire merger ‘has benefits’, report finds Gloucestershire Police taking over the county's fire service would create long term savings and improve community safety, an independent report has said BBC 6/9/2017 News Police are using stinger devices and DNA spray to tackle gangs of rampaging bikers Chief Constable David Thompson admitted today that he shared the public’s concerns about the behaviour of bikers and said the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was currently making decisions on charging up to 50 suspects Birmingham Live 6/9/2017 News MP slams ‘experts’ who credited scale of violence in 2011 disorder to ‘community spirit’ among rioters Psychologists have been blasted for suggesting that euphoria produced by the show of unity between street thugs contributed to the disorder The Sun 6/9/2017 News Police ‘missed chance to strangle the 2011 riots in their infancy’, research reveals Officers may have strangled the 2011 riots in their infancy if they had taken action to extinguish a torched police car, according to new research. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 6/9/2017 News Blame the Home Office if another black person dies in police custody Amber Rudd should be holding the police to account instead of covering their backs by not releasing this critical report by Dame Elish Angiolini says Stafford Scott, a co-founder of the Broadwater Farm Defence Campaign in 1985, and now a consultant on racial equality and community engagement The Guardian 6/9/2017 Feature, Opinion «432743284329433043314332433343344335Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events