Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 86541 to 86560 «432443254326432743284329433043314332Next ›Last » Cambridgeshire Performance Update – 12 Months To June 2017 The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to the Business Co-ordination Board on the Constabulary’s performance against strategic themes identified in the Police and Crime Plan. Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report Cambridgeshire Performance Monitoring Report Recent rises in levels of recorded crime nationally, are also reflected in Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report Cambridgeshire Medium Term Financial Strategy 2018/19 To 2021/22 This report sets out the risks and issues that the Commissioner is considering in agreeing the MTFS. Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report Consultation On Changes To The Governance Of The Fire And Rescue Service Summary Of The Options Considered Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report Fire And Rescue Governance – Local Business Case Cambridgeshire To date the consultation has had over 2,500 responses including 780 comments (as at 21st August 2017). Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report HMIC’s Legitimacy Inpsection Report 2016 – Update All the recommendations stemming from HMIC reports have been incorporated in the Vetting Unit and ACU Delivery Plans which are held by the Head of PSD. Cambridgeshire OPCC 10/9/2017 Report Thin blue online: Police chief tells overstretched officers NOT to visit victims at homes A police chief has sparked anger by claiming that there is no point in his overstretched officers visiting many victims of crime. Mail Online 10/9/2017 News Rod Liddle: The Cromer traveller fiasco shows our PCs can be too PC As I was lounging on holiday last month, something unfortunate happened: I found a newspaper. Can’t remember which one. I had sworn myself off the news for 10 days and as a consequence had been blissfully happy and a much nicer person, to boot. I realise this is an unwise thing for a journo to say. The Sunday Times 10/9/2017 Feature, Opinion Police first in queue as public sector pay cap axed Ministers will signal an end to the seven-year public sector pay freeze later this week with police officers set to get the first rise. It is understood that they will either be awarded an across-the-board pay rise of more than 1% or targeted bonuses will be given to those working on the front line. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/9/2017 News Cambridgeshire PCC’s Community Engagement Report The Commissioner would welcome the Panel’s suggestions on strategic engagement activities to deliver the Plan going forward. Cambridgeshire OPCC 9/9/2017 Report Cambridgeshire PCC’s Performance Update June 2017 Police and crime plan dashboard to illsutrate data Cambridgeshire OPCC 9/9/2017 Report English riots 2011: New research shows why crowd behaviour isn’t contagious Previous understandings of crowds have treated their behaviour as if it is contagious. Analysing the English riots of 2011, Dr John Drury of Sussex University argues that the spread of rioting was based more on an anti-police identity and a feeling of power after a weak police response to initial unrest. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/9/2017 Analysis Appointment of new South Wales Police Chief Constable confirmed The Police and Crime Panel for South Wales has today approved the appointment of Matt Jukes as Chief Constable of South Wales Police from 1st January 2018. South Wales OPCC 9/9/2017 News PCC chooses not to pursue plans to take control of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has today (Friday 8th September) announced that he will not be pursuing plans to take control of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service. Suffolk OPCC 8/9/2017 News Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Engagement Matrix Table to illustrate Group / Theme Organisations / individuals, and examples of engagement Cambridgeshire OPCC 8/9/2017 Report Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Plan, Communities and Criminal Justice Cambridgeshire OPCC 8/9/2017 Report Scotland’s top police officer stands down The chief constable of Police Scotland, Phil Gormley, has stood down while investigations are carried out into a complaint made about him. BBC 8/9/2017 News Cost of drug-driving tests is stopping forces using them Government's own report highlights that it is not funding laboratory analysis. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/9/2017 News Pay body will lose trust if it sides with government, says supers president Staff associations below chief officer level have called for a 2.8 per cent rise. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/9/2017 News Police see fall in domestic abuse after implementing protection orders for victims This could mean more than 3,000 calls to the control room have been avoided since the orders began Burton Mail 8/9/2017 News «432443254326432743284329433043314332Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events