Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 86421 to 86440 «431843194320432143224323432443254326Next ›Last » Drug ‘fix’ rooms pilot pushed forward by police boss Police and Crime Commissioner Arfon Jones says the war on drugs is 'lost' and thinks fix rooms will reduce drug-related deaths North Wales Live 18/9/2017 News Police ‘may consider working with paedophile hunters’ UK’s lead police officer on child protection says he wants such groups to stop, but says ‘I am not winning that conversation’ The Guardian 18/9/2017 News Police and nurses striking together: it’s no longer impossible Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist The Guardian 18/9/2017 Feature, Opinion Police ‘may work with paedophile hunters’ Police have admitted they may have to work with "paedophile hunters" after research revealed a rise in their evidence being used in court. BBC 18/9/2017 News Amber Rudd: police forces don’t have to cut officers to save money Police forces in England and Wales will have to make “additional savings” in the coming years but this should not necessarily lead to a fall in the number of officers, the Home Secretary has said. i News 17/9/2017 News Britain’s anti-terror units face £50 million CUTS despite five attacks in under a year The anti-terrorism budget could be cut by £50million at a time when the country faces a “severe” threat level. Express 17/9/2017 News Police accused of turning blind eye to ecstasy-related crime after drop in convictions Police have been accused of turning a blind eye to ecstasy-related crime after figures from the country's biggest police force revealed the number of convictions is dropping. The Telegraph 17/9/2017 News South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel Draft Annual Report 2016/17 South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report Hillsborough – South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel’s Recommendation 16-09-16 The Police and Crime Panel found that the Chief Constable’s decision to publish the second statement was a catastrophic error of judgment for two reasons South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report Crompton v PCC South Yorkshire Judgment Approved by the court for handing down. South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report Press Summary on Court Judgement – South Yorkshire Chief Constable Requires the Police and Crime Commissioner to recognise and respect the professional judgment of the Chief Constable South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report The Times Law Report on Decision to Suspend Chief Constable Decision to suspend South Yorks chief constable was perverse. South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report Police Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire – Judicial Review On the 9th June 2017 the High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division quashed the four decisions of the PCC leading to David Crompton being required to resign thereby upholding the ex Chief Constable’s application. South Yorkshire OPCC 17/9/2017 Report Reform’s ‘Bobbies on the net’: A Digital response The recent Reform report, 'Bobbies on the Net,' was controversial on many points, especially its recommendation that police without digital skills should be sacked. Blue Lights Digital analyse the report from a digital perspective, and find that many of its 'revolutionary' conclusions are already under way. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/9/2017 News Wiltshire And Swindon Police And Crime Commissioner Dynamic Risk Register 2017-2021 Wiltshire OPCC 16/9/2017 Report Performance Report Quarter One – Wiltshire This document provides the performance information for quarter one against my Police and Crime Plan 2017-20. Wiltshire OPCC 16/9/2017 Report Progress Against Surrey Police And Crime Plan Also attached is progress against the key performance aims set out in the plan. Surrey OPCC 16/9/2017 Report Surrey Police Group Financial Report For Month 4 Financial Year 2017/18 The financial position of the Surrey Police Group looks sound, but will require careful monitoring as the year progresses Surrey OPCC 16/9/2017 Report Police and Crime Committee Work Programme The Committee’s meeting on 5 October 2017 will explore gun crime in London, and thematic meeting on 1 November 2017 will be used for a discussion on women offenders in London. London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 16/9/2017 Report MOPAC Activity Report Including financial performance report for period two 2017/18 London Assembly Police and Crime Committee 16/9/2017 Report «431843194320432143224323432443254326Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events