Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 86321 to 86340 «431343144315431643174318431943204321Next ›Last » Police inquiry into Sir Edward Heath bankrolled by Home Office, it emerges The controversial police investigation into Sir Edward Heath is being bankrolled by the Home Office after Amber Rudd signed off on a £1.1 million bailout. The Telegraph 21/9/2017 News Gwent Police are set to move to a new headquarters in 2019 AFTER more than forty years in the same site, Gwent Police is set to move to a new ‘purpose-built’ headquarters. South Wales Argus 21/9/2017 News Gwent Police to move to new headquarters in 2019 Gwent Police is moving to a new headquarters as part of a review aiming to ensure all police buildings deliver a citizen-focused service, it has been announced. Caerphilly Observer 21/9/2017 News PCC progress on fire governance: Running out of steam In the third of a series of special articles examining the progress of Police and Crime Commissioners as they assume joint governance over police and fire services in their areas, Catherine Levin reports on a process losing momentum in the face of obstacles both political and practical. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/9/2017 Analysis, Feature Mayor: Police numbers falling ‘dangerously’ low Taking questions from London Assembly members on Wednesday, the Mayor urged the Chancellor to pledge more money for the Met in the autumn Budget, following the terrorist attacks in Westminster, Manchester, London Bridge, Finsbury Park and Parsons Green. 21/9/2017 News Welfare must be ‘paramount consideration’ after mental health custody death Forces should only restrain people suffering mental health crises as a ‘last resort’, an investigation has found. Police Professional 21/9/2017 News Rehabilitation and early intervention project to stop stalkers Charity has been granted funds from the Home Office. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/9/2017 News Knife crime is spreading to older generations, say police Police officers in the West Midlands have seized more than 25 blades a day over the past three months as the region’s knife crime problem extends beyond inner cities and to older generations. The Times - Subscription at source 21/9/2017 News Cumbria – National Child Protection Inspection post-inspection review Protecting children is one of the most important tasks the police undertake. Only the police can investigate suspected crimes, arrest perpetrators and monitor sex offenders. Police officers have the power to take a child who is in danger into a place of safety, or to seek an order to restrict an offender’s contact with children. The police service also has a significant role working with other agencies to ensure the child’s protection and well-being, longer term. This inspection reviewed the progress made in Cumbria Police since the publication of HMICFRS’s Cumbria – National Child Protection Inspection in 2017. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2017 Report Cumbria Constabulary child protection a ‘significantly improved picture’ HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) is encouraged by the progress Cumbria Constabulary has made in improving how it protects children, and is assured of the continuing commitment of the constabulary to making further improvements. As part of a rolling programme of child protection inspections of all police forces in England and Wales, HMICFRS assessed Cumbria Constabulary in 2016. This inspection found that, despite a clear commitment to protecting children, there were some areas for improvement. In particular, the constabulary was not as involved as it should have been in the initial partnership assessment and prioritisation of risks to vulnerable children. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2017 News Cleveland – National child protection inspection Protecting children is one of the most important tasks the police undertake. Only the police can investigate suspected crimes, arrest perpetrators and monitor sex offenders. Police officers have the power to take a child who is in danger into a place of safety, or to seek an order to restrict an offender’s contact with children. The police service also has a significant role working with other agencies to ensure the child’s protection and well-being, longer term. This inspection examined child protection in Cleveland Police in May 2017. It is part of a rolling programme of inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. [PDF] HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2017 Report Room for improvement in Cleveland Police child protection, but progress is encouraging HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has found that while some improvements have been made to how Cleveland Police protects children, it needs to take further action (in some areas as a matter of urgency) to strengthen its safeguarding practice in order to protect adequately those children most at risk. HMICFRS has today published the report of inspection carried out in May 2017 of the child protection work undertaken by Cleveland Police. These inspections are part of a rolling programme of child protection inspections of all police forces in England and Wales. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2017 News Independent child protection review highlights some concern at Cleveland Police whilst praising innovative approach An independent review of Cleveland Police's child protection services has delivered a mixed review. Darlington & Stockton Times 21/9/2017 News ‘Cuts’ mean burglaries are not priority: Chief constable warns his force is at ‘breaking point’ and thefts are now getting ‘a lighter approach’ One of Britain’s top police officers yesterday warned that cuts will result in burglaries and vehicle thefts getting a ‘lighter approach’. Mail Online 21/9/2017 News Fire service moves headquarters to share with force It is hoped the move will save millions of pounds and create opportunities for closer working between the two blue light services. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/9/2017 News Crime reports up by 10,000 in Lancashire The number of crimes reported to Lancashire Police increased by more than 10 per cent last year, figures show. Lancashire Telegraph 21/9/2017 News ‘NI police could be barred from new Troubles unit – but not Gardai’ Current or ex-PSNI and RUC officers could be effectively barred from serving in the new planned police unit aimed at cracking old Troubles cases, an MLA has said. News Letter (Northern Ireland) 21/9/2017 News Gloucestershire Police staff to receive pay increase in line with uniformed officers says Police and Crime Commissioner Martin Sur Gloucestershire Police staff will receive an equivalent pay award to uniformed officers, police and crime commissioner Martin Surl has said. Cotswold Journal 21/9/2017 News Racism label should not deter British police from FGM fight, says officer Safeguarding girls from genital mutilation and avoiding complacency must remain priority, says Operation Limelight leader The Guardian 21/9/2017 Feature, Opinion Police review risk assessment form ‘that unfairly targets grime, garage and RnB shows’ Scotland Yard is to review a controversial risk assessment form for live music events in response to concerns that it unfairly targets grime, garage and RnB acts. The Standard 21/9/2017 News «431343144315431643174318431943204321Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events