Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98736 total results. Showing results 86261 to 86280 «431043114312431343144315431643174318Next ›Last » Chief Constable – Vacancy Dame Vera Baird DBE QC, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria, is appointing a new Chief Constable. ​Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced senior police officers ready for this exciting but demanding position. Salary £165,279 pa. ​5 year fixed term appointment. Closing date for applications: 15 October 2017 Northumbria OPCC 25/9/2017 Jobs Met Commissioner warns of ‘hard choices’ Commissioner: "If we continue with this level of threat - this is not sustainable for my force." Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/9/2017 News Shocking increase in people jailed or cautioned for knife possession 'The courts are not having the deterrent effect we need' Leicestershire Live 25/9/2017 News Cash for trackers so police can pinpoint exactly where criminals are Buddi Trackers are fitted to offenders across Hull so police can pinpoint their location at any time Hull Live 25/9/2017 News Armed Bedfordshire police officers equipped with body worn video cameras to increase transparency Police officers toting weapons across the county will now be fitted with body worn video cameras to help corroborate evidence in relation to incidents attended by firearms officers. Bedfordshire on Sunday 25/9/2017 News All frontline police officers will be kitted out with body cameras PCC Keith Hunter has agreed to fund the equipment following a successful trial Hull Live 25/9/2017 News Acid now top weapon of choice for UK gangs, says former gang member Jermaine Lawlor said thugs favoured the corrosive substance because it could be thrown from a distance and cover a wide target area that caused ‘maximum damage’ The Independent 25/9/2017 News ‘Remorse’ of police chief over abuse appeal at Sir Ted Heath’s home: Head of the Wiltshire force admits making a mistake in launching inquiry outside former PM’s property The police chief in charge of the Sir Edward Heath sexual abuse investigation is facing growing pressure to publicly apologise for launching the inquiry outside the dead prime minister’s house Mail Online 25/9/2017 News West Midlands ‘to lose one in ten anti-terror cops’ amid funding cuts Funding for counter-terrorism policing, which currently comes to £700 million a year, is set to be slashed by 7.2% in the next three years Coventry Live 25/9/2017 News Police pay rise ‘will lead to 12 officers being cut’ – as North East forces are stretched further Sedgefield MP Phil Wilson warns the Home Secretary that forces cannot afford the planned police pay rise Chronicle Live (North East) 25/9/2017 News Police chief warns ‘cynical’ pay rise could cost police jobs Lord Willy Bach said rises would have to come from already strained police budgets The Hinckley Times 25/9/2017 News Police shut 28,000 websites selling counterfeits British consumers are warned "there's more at stake when it's a fake" in a new police awareness campaign about counterfeit goods. Sky News 25/9/2017 News Police chief admits ‘We can’t keep people safe any more’ as he says cuts mean he doesn’t have enough officers to answer 999 calls A chief constable has hit out at spending cuts to the police force's budget admitting 'we cannot keep people safe anymore'. Mail Online 25/9/2017 News Sadiq Khan says police in London have stopped seven attacks by terrorists in just six months London Mayor Sadiq Khan has said police in London have stopped seven attacks by terrorists in just six months. Mail Online 25/9/2017 News More British drivers fined for offences on EU roads The number of British drivers pursued by foreign prosecutors for offences committed abroad has soared almost 12-fold in three years, according to research. The Times - Subscription at source 25/9/2017 News Police chief admits: ‘We don’t have enough officers to keep the public safe’ A police chief has admitted "we cannot keep people safe anymore", and attacked spending cuts he claims have left him with too few officers to respond to 999 calls. The Telegraph 25/9/2017 News Study to examine use of ‘not proven’ verdict A "groundbreaking" study into how juries come to decisions - including their use of the not proven verdict - is to be carried out in Scotland. BBC 24/9/2017 News Telford Wrekin Consultation Response – West Mercia Fire Governance The Scrutiny recommendation is not to support your proposal to take on governance of local fire services in Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Worcestershire West Mercia OPCC 24/9/2017 Report Shropshire Council Consultation Response – West Mercia Fire Governance Proposal Shropshire Council does not support the proposals in the business case. West Mercia OPCC 24/9/2017 Report Consultation Response From Herefordshire Council Re: Proposals On Fire Governance The projected financial savings estimated by the PCC of £4M per year through improved efficiencies appear to be somewhat misleading in their presentation West Mercia OPCC 24/9/2017 Report «431043114312431343144315431643174318Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events