Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 86161 to 86180 «430543064307430843094310431143124313Next ›Last » Forward planning: An insider’s guide to ensuring your inspection goes smoothly Mark Cooper, a former HMIC programme director and OPCC Chief Executive, offers an indispensable insight and guide on how to ensure your force inspection goes as smoothly as possible. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/10/2017 Opinion Would arming all police officers make Britain any safer from terrorism? Although the UK is often revered for being one of the few nations in the world where police maintain law and order without carrying guns as standard, the ongoing terrorism threat has reopened the debate on whether arming all officers would make Britain any safer. Reuters 2/10/2017 Analysis, Feature Roger Hirst takes on role as country’s first Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. Mr Hirst, who was elected to become Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex in May 2016, took on his new role as the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex on the 1st of October. Your Thurrock 2/10/2017 News Chief Constable responds to Fed demand letter CC described the pay rise as a 'double edged sword'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/10/2017 News Period pain: Custody suites do not respect women’s dignity Sherry Ralph, Chief Operating Officer for the Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA) looks at how some custody suites are failing to cater for women experiencing their period and suggests ways to overcome this. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/10/2017 Opinion Scotland’s top cop Phil Gormley hit with FOURTH bullying probe from senior staff member The Chief Constable is expected to be suspended from his duties but will continue to collect his £212,000 salary while the complaints against him are investigated. Daily Record 2/10/2017 News South Yorkshire Police may have to choose between ‘officer numbers and public safety’ Police chiefs in South Yorkshire may have to choose between officer numbers and public safety, according to the organisation which represents rank and file bobbies. The Star (Yorkshire) 2/10/2017 News NSPCC teams with partners in North East Lincolnshire for ground-breaking new partnership A ground-breaking partnership in North East Lincolnshire is bringing people together to support families and help them reach their full potential. Grimsby Live 2/10/2017 News Anti-paramilitary taskforce launched Three agencies to be based on sites together. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/10/2017 News Police launch campaign to stop slavery after 120 cases in the Thames Valley in two years Thames Valley Police has launched the Hidden Harm campaign to raise awareness of the crime Get Reading 2/10/2017 News Hate crime victims not going to the police City residents who are the victims of hate crimes are not reporting it according to a new survey. Evening Times (Glasgow) 2/10/2017 News The Restorative Dorset service was launched last week and is being funded by the Dorset Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. A new service has been launched in Dorset to allow victims to ‘have a voice’ and help build strong communities. Dorset Echo 2/10/2017 News Las Vegas shooting: More than 20 dead and 100 injured, police say Off-duty police officers among the dead after gunman opens fire on crowds at country music festival The Independent 2/10/2017 News DNA in the dock: how flawed techniques send innocent people to prison Many juries believe crime-scene DNA evidence is watertight – but this is far from the case. As forensic technology gets ever more sophisticated, experts are only just realising how difficult interpreting the evidence can be The Guardian 2/10/2017 Analysis, Feature 2,600 police jobs at risk due to pay rise burden on forces – Labour More than 2,600 police jobs are at risk because the Government is insisting individual forces fund the 1% pay rise announced for officers, according to Labour. Mail Online 1/10/2017 News Norfolk could be set for more crime-fighting drones after early successes in police trial More drones could soon be patrolling the skies above Norfolk following the early success of a trial which has shown the sky’s the limit when it comes to the crime-fighting technology. Eastern Daily Press 1/10/2017 News Britain is developing a weed café culture under the radar Enterprising youths are providing an in-demand product that governments around the globe are regulating and taxing The Independent 1/10/2017 News Exclusive: Wiltshire’s Chief Con faces calls for inquiry over why he shared confidential report into Sir Edward Heath Wiltshire’s chief constable is facing calls for an inquiry by the police watchdog over why he showed a confidential report into Sir Edward Heath to a Conservative MP in a constituency 120 miles away. The Telegraph 1/10/2017 News Police chief has been pilloried… simply for doing his duty: MP John Glen defends the man who launched the Heath sex abuse inquiry If Sir Edward Heath were still alive today, I would be his local MP. His famous former home, Arundells, lies in the very heart of my Salisbury constituency. So I was as appalled as anyone else at the manner in which the inquiry into sex abuse allegations against him began in 2015. For a Wiltshire Police officer to stand outside Arundells to appeal for witnesses was insensitive. Mail Online 1/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Police Scotland warn nearly 1,000 women of partner’s abusive past under Clare’s Law More than 900 people in Scotland have been warned by police of their partner’s abusive past in the last two years under Clare’s Law. The Herald (Scotland) 1/10/2017 News «430543064307430843094310431143124313Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events