Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 86081 to 86100 «430143024303430443054306430743084309Next ›Last » Edward Heath sex enquiry rocked by new doubts Wiltshire police’s investigation into child sex abuse allegations against Sir Edward Heath was in turmoil this weekend amid growing evidence that the £1.5m inquiry was deeply flawed. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 8/10/2017 News How technology is allowing police to predict where and when crime will happen Report finds that British police have wealth of data but 'lack capability to use it' The Independent 7/10/2017 News Periodic Update by North Wales PCC The report provided details of performance against the previous Police and Crime Plan North Wales OPCC 7/10/2017 Report Monthly review of Police and Crime Panels: Addressing the challenges of artificial intelligence The latest of a monthly series in which CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra looks at the use of artificial intelligence, and Durham Constabulary's development of the Harm Assessment Risk Tool (HART). Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/10/2017 Analysis Beyond Bitcoin: How blockchain can benefit policing and public services Blockchain and other 'distributed ledger' technologies are best known as the basis of virtual currency Bitcoin, but could they be the solution to data-sharing issues in policing and criminal justice? Rick Muir of the Police Foundation explores the implications. Policing Insight 7/10/2017 Opinion Police wanted list of Private Eye readers Police asked Private Eye to hand over the names of its subscribers in three counties after a joke cut out from its pages was sent to a force employee. The Times - Subscription at source 7/10/2017 News PIRC identifies ‘clear inconsistencies’ in ACR grading system The Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) says lessons must be learned after a man’s body was found inside his van three days after a force was alerted by the public. Police Professional 6/10/2017 News Anger over obscure questions and errors on inspectors’ exam Sergeants have raised concerns about the relevancy of “infuriating” questions on the College of Policing inspectors’ exam. Police Professional 6/10/2017 News Olaseni Lewis: Officers cleared of misconduct in restraint death case Six police officers have been cleared of wrongdoing in a landmark case that changed the way assistance is given to staff in mental health settings. Police Professional 6/10/2017 News Big Data and Policing: An assessment of law enforcement requirements, expectations and priorities This paper explores the potential applications of big data technology to UK policing. RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) 6/10/2017 Report North Wales Police and Crime Panel Expenses Translation Costs 6,303.22 North Wales OPCC 6/10/2017 Report Volunteer expansion is not a sustainable solution to beat cuts, says Fed New recruitment drive about to launch. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/10/2017 News PCC submits decision on fire governance Voting outcome from all sectors, including the public, shows a mixed response. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/10/2017 News Police ‘abuse position for sex as a matter of routine’: Officer is accused of exploiting victims and witnesses every three days Police officers are being accused of sexually exploiting crime victims and witnesses every three days, figures show. Mail Online 6/10/2017 News Metropolitan Police ‘not doing enough’ to prevent officers abusing their authority for sexual purposes The Met Police’s plans to tackle the problem of staff misusing their position of trust did not reflect the national strategy Get West London 6/10/2017 News Federation has ‘positive’ meeting with Conservatives The Policing Minister Nick Hurd said he wanted to understand more about demand and capacity within the service ahead of the spending review Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/10/2017 News Police to use iPads in the field The East Area Command Unit (EACU) will be one of the first London police forces to use iPads and iPhones to record information from crime scenes. Romford Recorder 6/10/2017 News West Yorkshire police chief Mark Gilmore ‘asked staff to be wife’s taxi’ A former police chief asked colleagues to pick up his wife from the airport, according to court documents alleging that he abused his position. The Times - Subscription at source 6/10/2017 News The Guardian view on Operation Conifer: protecting the citizen Edward Heath’s friends feel a dead man has been traduced. But he was a powerful figure and the right to hold power to account matters The Guardian 6/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Edward Heath inquiry: a farcical waste of money needed to tackle real threats Operation Conifer must rank as one of the most farcical police investigations of all time — an accolade for which there is stiff competition. Wiltshire police have spent £1.5 million investigating a man who has been dead since 2005 and cannot be arrested, charged or prosecuted. The Times - Subscription at source 6/10/2017 Feature, Opinion «430143024303430443054306430743084309Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events