Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 85941 to 85960 «429442954296429742984299430043014302Next ›Last » ‘How many 68-year-old terrorists have you seen on the streets?’ Restrictions to pension access for CNC members could pose a threat to national security. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2017 News New deputy police and crime commissioner will work unpaid Bedfordshire's PCC said she cannot justify the cost of a paid deputy 'event though almost every other PCC in the country had one'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2017 News New law to protect emergency workers from assault set to get Government backing Follows rise in attacks on police, firefighters and paramedics. Huffington Post 16/10/2017 News Police officers use PlayStation game in order to improve driving games Police officers have been receiving extra lessons in high-speed car chases – by playing a VIDEO GAME. PlayStation has partnered up with Lincolnshire Police in order to provide extra tuition to specialist drivers using Gran Turismo Sport. TLE (The London Economic) 16/10/2017 News Pocket-sized gadget revolutionising forces’ victim protection drive The device could also help reduce demand pressures on officers and 999 call handlers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2017 News How do we stop officers getting into trouble on social media? PC dismissed for Facebook comment chief said was derogatory to Muslims. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2017 News John Apter: Paedophile hunters should not undermine police work “It would be devastating if police work was undermined.” That is the stern message from John Apter, chief of the Hampshire Police Federation, over how paedophile hunters risk undermining officials investigations. Daily Echo (Southern) 16/10/2017 News Avon and Somerset Police officially recognise gender hate crime The move by Avon and Somerset Police sees them become only the third force in the country to acknowledge the crime, with the change aiming to increase victims’ confidence to report incidents. Gazette (Gloucestershire) 16/10/2017 News Low-level crimes to go uninvestigated in Met police spending cuts Senior officer says need to save £400m means crimes of low value or with slim chance of prosecution will be dropped The Guardian 16/10/2017 News Met Police fail to investigate thousands of crimes: Force will ignore burglaries, thefts and some assaults unless a suspect is identified Britain's largest police force will no longer investigate thousands of burglaries, thefts and some assaults, it has been revealed. Mail Online 16/10/2017 News CRIME WAIVE Top cops’ decision to stop probing thousands of crimes in bid to save £400million has been branded a crooks’ charter It is expected that 150,000 fewer offences will be investigated as critics say that the Met is failing taxpayers and could force the public to become vigilantes The Sun 16/10/2017 News Shocking scale of child sexual exploitation in Derbyshire is revealed More people are aware of the crime after high profile cases here in Derby as well as Rotherham and Rochdale Derbyshire Live 15/10/2017 News Chief steps up call for funding Lincolnshire’s Chief Constable Bill Skelly has stepped up his efforts to secure additional funding for the force from central Government. Horncastle News 15/10/2017 News Government’s new online hate crime hub given just £200,000 MPs and campaigners criticise Amber Rudd for allocating modest amount, taken from existing budgets, to escalating problem The Guardian 15/10/2017 News Schedule 7 of Terrorism Act gives the state unparalleled snooping powers Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act belongs in a police state, not a democracy says Corey Stoughton, Advocacy Director for Liberty The Herald (Scotland) 15/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Police officers wages to be protected from cuts, ministers promise Experts are expected to advise the Government that there is still more money that can be trimmed from the policing budget. But senior insiders said that no cash would be taken out of the salaries of police staff. Express 15/10/2017 News Harmonising and consolidating police IT systems: The European experience The experience of terrorist attacks in the US and in Germany shows us how important it is for police and security agencies to share systems. But what can we learn from those countries that have begun the process of harmonising police ICT? In this Long Read,Hans-Jürg Käser of the Swiss Canton of Berne explores what European countries have done towards consolidating police systems and what can be learned. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/10/2017 Analysis PETER HITCHENS: ‘Run! Hide! Tell!’ Try saying that to Churchill and Nelson How miserable that the motto we are now being advised to adopt, when under terrorist attack, is the ghastly police advice of 'Run! Hide! Tell!' Mail Online 15/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Forensics scandal now hits TEN THOUSAND cases: Rogue scientists may have tampered with blood tests in suspect cases Rogue scientists may have tampered with forensic evidence in more than 10,000 cases – raising fears that innocent people could languish in jail for up to another five years after being falsely convicted for serious crimes, including rape and murder. Mail Online 15/10/2017 News Disabled children hate crime reports increasing Reported hate crimes against disabled children are rising, a BBC investigation has discovered. BBC 15/10/2017 News «429442954296429742984299430043014302Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events