Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 85821 to 85840 «428842894290429142924293429442954296Next ›Last » Fentanyl is public enemy No 1, say police The US is in the grip of a drug problem unlike any that has gone before. A pharmaceutical industry that flooded communities with highly addictive pain pills in the 1990s played a critical role. But ask police or social workers to name the current public enemy No 1 and they will say: fentanyl. The Times - Subscription at source 21/10/2017 Analysis, Feature National Police Technology Council launches set of ICT principles The national ICT strategic principles include cloud first, enabling data sharing and interoperability standards, and ensuring any tech decision made benefits the organisation as a whole Computer Weekly 20/10/2017 News Officers ‘not in pursuit’ are cleared of moped death Four police officers have been found not guilty of gross misconduct over the death of Henry Hicks who crashed his moped attempting to evade arrest. Police Professional 20/10/2017 News Director General for new Independent Office for Police Conduct announced In January 2018, the IPCC will become the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) and the Home Office announced that Michael Lockwood, currently the Chief Executive of Harrow Council, has been appointed Director General of the IOPC. Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) 20/10/2017 News The PCC’s and South Yorkshire Police’s Partnerships and Collaboration Arrangements High level overview of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s and South Yorkshire Police’s partnerships and collaboration. South Yorkshire OPCC 20/10/2017 Report South Yorkshire Hate Crime Report This was followed by a further 62% increase in 2016/17. South Yorkshire OPCC 20/10/2017 Report 101 Update – South Yorkshire Currently, people are routinely waiting too long to have their calls answered and on some days South Yorkshire Police are experiencing unacceptable levels of abandonment. South Yorkshire OPCC 20/10/2017 Report South Yorkshire PCC Statutory Functions – Strategic Planning Timetable 2017 / 2018 South Yorkshire OPCC 20/10/2017 Report Questions From Police and Crime Panel Members to South Yorkshire PCC So called “unconvicted” people may apply for the deletion from police records of their custody image. South Yorkshire OPCC 20/10/2017 Report Home Office plans ‘legal definition’ for antique weapons A consultation has been launched to “bring clarity to the law” around antique firearms after the number of historic weapons seized in criminal circumstances doubled between 2012 and 2016. Police Professional 20/10/2017 News PCCs fear inspectorate plan could erode their position Lincolnshire representative says concept shows a lack of understanding. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/10/2017 News Is violent crime on the rise – or do the latest figures mask a different story? The unbelievable ONS statistics scream of an alarming crime surge, but they only reflect reporting activity. These misleading figures should be banned The Guardian 20/10/2017 Feature, Opinion Joined-up justice: Enhancing the customer journey through our criminal justice system Allan Fairley, MD, Accenture Police Services explores the issues surrounding the lack of joined up data in the criminal justice system. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/10/2017 Opinion North Yorkshire remains the safest place in England New national crime figures out today have confirmed that North Yorkshire has the lowest crime rate in England. Minster FM 20/10/2017 News PSNI probe underlines importance of policing structures Confirmation that the Police Ombudsman has launched an investigation into three of the most senior officers in the PSNI - including the chief constable - will undoubtedly raise issues of public concern. The Irish News 20/10/2017 News PCC calls for government to help police in dealing with travellers David Munro says issue of unauthorised encampments places strain on forces Police Oracle 20/10/2017 News Crime rise: Council tax will rise to meet costs of West Midlands Police salaries as bosses break pay cap The police section of council tax bills will rise by four per cent in the West Midlands as the region is hit with its worst crime wave in a decade, it was today revealed. Express & Star 20/10/2017 News Pioneering police operation targeting uninsured drivers a success Of the 2,500 letters sent to owners of uninsured cars there has been a compliance rate of 80 per cent. Police have also so far seized 113 vehicles where the owner failed to comply. On the Wight 20/10/2017 News Police to net an extra £12 million from speed awareness courses Police forces have been accused of deliberately targeting motorists to raise revenue, after it emerged they are to receive an extra £12 million a year from speed awareness courses. The Telegraph 20/10/2017 News Police are ‘using drivers as cash cows’ as speed awareness course fees rise by more than a quarter Police forces are being accused of using motorists as ‘cash cows’ after their fees for speed awareness courses jumped by more than 25 per cent. Mail Online 20/10/2017 News «428842894290429142924293429442954296Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events